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[VIDEO] Commando Healing Vid (Pot5)


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Well I change my talent tree builds around pretty regularly. Like I stated in that video. However I never get Treated Wond Dressing. 4% Damage reduction is very meh to me. Just my personal opnion. Same with Bacta Residue. It costs 2pts to get and only gives a 3% healing bonus. Its unlikely that you will heal each of those targets that you put residue on, so its pointless unless someone else is going to heal them and get the 3% heal bonus out of it. And there are so many things going on in combat that 3% heal bonus on one person isn't spectacular anyway. Especially not for 2 pts. USUALLY when I get Bacta Residue, I only put one point in it.


Yeah, I guess one shouldn't get too hung up on Treated Wound Dressing. I'm somewhat incline to agree with you about Bacta Residue. I too switch back and forth taking the two points off and putting them in First Responder and then back. What keeps me talenting it is that its versatile in the respect that it doubles as a slow also making it a great get away skill. Put the edge of the circle on you and you can effectively heal yourself on the run while slowing your enemy. Plus, the 3%, while like you said though it's not much of a difference it does last 15 seconds to the affected targets. Don't also forget that you throw a Kolto Bomb every 6-12 seconds, renewing it each time. What I'm getting at is that 3% healing increase over the course of an entire WZ can really bring up your numbers.


You could easily say well lose the alacrity talent box and then you can pick that up. And I have in the past. For that particular video however I happen to like them. It helps me get my Adv Med Probe down to 1.2 and my Med probe down to 1.6 or 1.7. I like the faster heals than just stacking power and having full 1.5 and 2.0 length heals.


I would actually do the same thing, I'd talent First Responder and Weapon Calibrations also; I just haven't stacked enough alacrity though to take full advantage of the talents, something I'm working on.


As for Iron Sights. I only get 6 points in the middle tree and having 2 pts in advanced tech will give you more of a bonus and return than having full Iron sights (an additional 6% aim). Again I could move the alacrity box into it, and then get full 6% aim. But I'm not a big main stat stacker. I not most people are. Sorry im not.


I respect that, I saw your aim was a little low as well as your endurance but you don't care for that and it seems to benefit you much more than it hurts. I too think I might take the same route and play smarter so I can heal more.


Yes that would be true, however there are times when a tank or dps needs the TP and I'm not taking fire. So despite being talented into it, its very easy to put on someone else and get more healing done, and if need be switch it back to myself. An example is a huttball carrier. I'm not going to respec my talent trees for every warzone just to change a 2pt box around.


Not all of your talent tree builds are going to be used at all times. And TP is very easy to switch back and forth depending on how heavy the action is or is not.


Very debatable, TP is...of questionable desire. I never put points in Frontline Medic as I usually get "tunnel visioned" in the form of healing so I rarely DPS unless I see an opportunity for Mortar Volly (like what you had shown) or if my team doesn't need healing and needs help finishing off a couple stragglers before switch objectives I'll throw a Plasma Grenade followed up by a High Impact Bolt (potentially our deadliest combo) and then HS them to charred little fragments.


I like you're style. I'm going to adopt your lack of stacking main stats, I think that makes the overall build more exciting and dynamic.

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Look at my edit in red on pg.2.


That can't be the only reason he was implying though. While YES it totally bones you when someone interrupts your Adv Med Probe when you use supercharged gas. However, I then switch to MP MP (or a Kolto Bomb) and back to AMP, etc etc.


I use Supercharged gas and AMP spamming to bring people from death to full health extremely fast. My AMP are often 1.2 second heals where the MPs are 1.6 at best, usually 1.7. Thats 1/2 a second difference PER USE. And when someone is being focused, seconds count.


When you have a heal/cast faster than the GCD, it only resets the GCD for that one cast/heal you are spamming. If my AMP is 1.2 and i switch to use MP, I believe there is now a .3sec GCD delay. But if you don't have as much alacrity as I do, then yes i suppose thats a fine tactic.

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