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PvP Thought


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I was part of the beta test from beginning to end, and was a steady player from launch until November/December 2012 when I was sent overseas on business. Now I have returned to the game and still feel the PvP is a bit out of balance. It's great at the LVL 50 warzones, but from 10-59, it seems to need some love. It's great that they balance the players' numbers, but it's still imbalanced when it comes to the abilities. For example, a level 15 toon going up against a level 36 toon is not going to have enough abilities in their tool bar to be competitive. This is why many of us that were playing throughout the beta and love PvP continually told the developers that there should be level brackets. Brackets would alleviate the ability imbalance and the need for the stat buff needed for the current style of PvP play below 50. What are your thoughts on this folks?
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