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Question: The Emperor and Darth Bane


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I've read about 80% of the star wars novels. I have been reading the Darth Revan book again recently. I have a question that maybe others can help me out with. Does anyone else see the similarities as the thought Bomb that Darth Bane tricked Darth Kaan into using and The Dark Ritual the the emperor performed to become powerful.? If you read more about the force nexus that was created and the vally of the Jedi. It seems to be very similar if not the same thing the emperor used. Does anyone else know or think that I may be correct in my theory about this?


Both required alot of Strong Sith to create. ( 100 in the Darth Bane books and an unknown amount of sith lords in the Emperors dark ritual)


The emperor was able consume all the force and bring it into himself some how. Now Darth Bane did not do this. However there was a dark lord that later found the Valley of the Jedi and was feeding on the force nexus that was created by the thought bomb. He was said to be almost invincible. However, kyle katarn was able to break his connection and defeat him. He then freed all 100 sith and 100 Jedi.


So in closing I know that they are not exactly the same but their does seem to be alot of similarities.



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Banes thought bomb I believe is slightly different as his ritual trapped the sprits over the sith and Jedi forever in this thought bomb, their bodies would remain but very disfigured their bodies are dead but they spirt remains trapped forever in the thought bomb, the emperors bomb is not clearly explained so I would assume the he killed everything

On the planet , plants, wildlife , and the physical and spiritual bodies of those sith

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Banes thought bomb I believe is slightly different as his ritual trapped the sprits over the sith and Jedi forever in this thought bomb, their bodies would remain but very disfigured their bodies are dead but they spirt remains trapped forever in the thought bomb, the emperors bomb is not clearly explained so I would assume the he killed everything

On the planet , plants, wildlife , and the physical and spiritual bodies of those sith


Well I agree that your right about the ritual trapping their spirits. I dont remember anything about their bodies being disfigured. Also Darth Banes thought bomb changed the planet too.

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Similarities yes, but they are still two distinctly different rituals.


The ritual employed by the emperor consumed everything including the force but left the Emperor unharmed.


Where as the Thought Bomb ritual provided by Bane, only consumed Force-sensitives within the blast radius, but also devoured all that were apart of the ritual. It also left the Force itself alone.

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