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Lowbie PvP [Expertise or Critical] ??


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For lowbie PvP (under 50), which is most beneficial for Assassins? Expertise or Critical?


I have been told to stack Critical (not Expertise) because Critical doesn't get buffed naturally to lvl 49. Is this nonsense? Any thoughts?


My Build is similar to the 23/1/17 one.

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If you're running a spec like 23/1/17, then you're not focusing on doing damage anyway (thats a very utility-heavy spec.) Moreover, the only real crit-heavy spec is full Deception. If you aren't running that, go with Expertise pre-50. At 50, I'd run Power Crystals no matter what build (unless full tank.) Edited by AnusReaper
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I had this same question and asked it on the PvP forums. I was told crit wasnt that good and to use power or expertise. I went with expertise in my saber to test it out 41 exp adds like 1.64 or 1.8 I can't recall off hand expertise providing the dmg reduction and dmg versus players.

*Edit: it's 1.64 dmg to players and 1.62 reduction


Not sure which is better but if power is preferred at 50 now might be more useful to buy it now of you have the additional credits.


**please excuse any misinformation I just returned to the game from last July so I know I might be off in some assumptions :)

Edited by Avicii
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I got my gear augmented and made sure I ran with 30%,75% surge and then stack power as much as I can. With 2 expertise crystals. I got 4k crits on most mauls with buff. I could kill any class with ease. This was the most fun I had with any class in low lvl pvp running with those stats. I was always on top of the list with damage, kills an objectives. Don't forget to use your taunts very important.
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If you're running a spec like 23/1/17, then you're not focusing on doing damage anyway (thats a very utility-heavy spec.) Moreover, the only real crit-heavy spec is full Deception. If you aren't running that, go with Expertise pre-50. At 50, I'd run Power Crystals no matter what build (unless full tank.)


For Pre-50 would it make more sense to go full deception? I would definitely like to be pumping out more damage than I am right now (pretty much full darkness atm based on level).

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My sin is 41, geared to the T, and I run full deception. I might switch to a decep/madness hybrid (waka) but as of right now, things get melted. 3.8k Mauls 2.6k shocks, 2.8k dispatch. I use a crit and a power crystal. I also have my matrix cube and datacrons.


It rapes.

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I had this same question and asked it on the PvP forums. I was told crit wasnt that good and to use power or expertise. I went with expertise in my saber to test it out 41 exp adds like 1.64 or 1.8 I can't recall off hand expertise providing the dmg reduction and dmg versus players.

*Edit: it's 1.64 dmg to players and 1.62 reduction


Not sure which is better but if power is preferred at 50 now might be more useful to buy it now of you have the additional credits.


**please excuse any misinformation I just returned to the game from last July so I know I might be off in some assumptions :)


Like with all other rating stats, how much you need for a certain percentage goes up as you level up so it doesn't saty constant. Running it trough my spreadsheet, 2 expertise crystals at level 20 (it doesn't start scaling until then, so this applies for level 1-19 too) will give you:

Damage increase 4,9179514617

Damage reduction 4,6874261203

Healing bonus 2,6550152143


At level 35:

Damage increase 2,8724415977

Damage reduction 2,7922362424

Healing bonus 1,5472053304


And at level 50:

Damage increase 2,0284822093

Damage reduction 1,9881528818

Healing bonus 1,0916151816



(also worth mentioning: contrary to popular belief, the damage increase being higher than the damage reduction does not mean that 2 players each adding 100 expertise will do more damage to each other - assuming equal expertise, the damage increase and reduction cancel each other out perfectly since the damage reduction is applied to the boosted damage rather than base damage - for example, if you have 100% damage bonus and I have 50% damage reduction you'll do double the damage, but I'll cut it in half again so it's back at its normal level. A DPS and healer doing the same will mean the healer has an easier time surviving though since the damage reduction cancel out the damage increase, but the healer also get his healing boosted a bit more. )

Edited by steave
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Like with all other rating stats, how much you need for a certain percentage goes up as you level up so it doesn't saty constant. Running it trough my spreadsheet, 2 expertise crystals at level 20 (it doesn't start scaling until then, so this applies for level 1-19 too) will give you:

Damage increase 4,9179514617

Damage reduction 4,6874261203

Healing bonus 2,6550152143


At level 35:

Damage increase 2,8724415977

Damage reduction 2,7922362424

Healing bonus 1,5472053304


And at level 50:

Damage increase 2,0284822093

Damage reduction 1,9881528818

Healing bonus 1,0916151816



(also worth mentioning: contrary to popular belief, the damage increase being higher than the damage reduction does not mean that 2 players each adding 100 expertise will do more damage to each other - assuming equal expertise, the damage increase and reduction cancel each other out perfectly since the damage reduction is applied to the boosted damage rather than base damage - for example, if you have 100% damage bonus and I have 50% damage reduction you'll do double the damage, but I'll cut it in half again so it's back at its normal level. A DPS and healer doing the same will mean the healer has an easier time surviving though since the damage reduction cancel out the damage increase, but the healer also get his healing boosted a bit more. )



Awesome thank you very much

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Like with all other rating stats, how much you need for a certain percentage goes up as you level up so it doesn't saty constant. Running it trough my spreadsheet, 2 expertise crystals at level 20 (it doesn't start scaling until then, so this applies for level 1-19 too) will give you:

Damage increase 4,9179514617

Damage reduction 4,6874261203

Healing bonus 2,6550152143


At level 35:

Damage increase 2,8724415977

Damage reduction 2,7922362424

Healing bonus 1,5472053304


And at level 50:

Damage increase 2,0284822093

Damage reduction 1,9881528818

Healing bonus 1,0916151816



(also worth mentioning: contrary to popular belief, the damage increase being higher than the damage reduction does not mean that 2 players each adding 100 expertise will do more damage to each other - assuming equal expertise, the damage increase and reduction cancel each other out perfectly since the damage reduction is applied to the boosted damage rather than base damage - for example, if you have 100% damage bonus and I have 50% damage reduction you'll do double the damage, but I'll cut it in half again so it's back at its normal level. A DPS and healer doing the same will mean the healer has an easier time surviving though since the damage reduction cancel out the damage increase, but the healer also get his healing boosted a bit more. )


So are those crystals better spent on Critical or Power? Or is this analysis saying that Expertise is more valuable? (Deception build)

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So are those crystals better spent on Critical or Power? Or is this analysis saying that Expertise is more valuable? (Deception build)


I don't know, depends on your gear I guess - do you think 82 power will boost your damage done more than the percentages listed at the specific levels?. Expertise will definitely give you more survivability though, while power will let you level faster if you do any PVE too.

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