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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Selecting need for loot


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I have been reading this from this beginning and contributing for about 20 pages, and what do you know, this morning I goofed and mis-needed. 15 months and 9th toon and still just click a little too fast sometimes


Running Mandalorian Raiders on my new 26 Sentinel. Group was 2 Sentinel DPS, Gaurdian tank and Sage healer. First drop is a nice blue pair of boots with straight across upgrades for me, so I need. The Guardian says "heavy armor?". I look at the item an lo and behold it is heavy armor and of course I use medium. D'oh. I explain my lame mistake and ask if they want them. The do not know about the 2 hour trade window, but when I explain they say yes and I hand them over. No flaming rage, no drama.


When the last boss drops a very nice saberstaff drops. The Sage did not need on it, so the Guardian asked if the could need. We all said no problem and his companion got a shiny new bauble. Since it was the last boss he could have easily just needed it and left but did not.

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