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You'd be amazed how many people don't know their class and try to do end game content. I had a 10 days span a few months ago where 3 different pug snipers didn't know they have an inplace cover option in addition to the roll into cover. All 3 took a face full of cleave from Stormcaller bacause they rolling in front of the turret. I should write a book with all the facepalm events I've seen.


But I do agree, while by 50 you might not know how to be the #1 DPS/Healer/Tank for that class on your server, you should be able to complete all solo content and perform well enough in all group setting for what gear level you do have.


Lmao, people never cease to amaze me. Why you wouldn't look through your abilities to find if theres a way to crouch without rolling is beyond me. You'd think after rolling in the 30 plus mobs I'm sure they did on the way they'd try and find a fix. Then again, I've been in multiple runs where people didn't know they had a cc, and a watchman sentinel who said they didn't need overload saber. The overload saber one was the best by far.

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Wishthere was away of turning it off want to go Through the zone and learn my class messed up my weekend


I hate MMO forums. I hate them so much.


Devs don't do something? People whine.


Devs do do something? People whine.


...and these forums are honestly worse than most!


Does it ever end?

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