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Recruiting for +8GMT ops group (MOTOR)


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Server: The Harbinger - PvE US West

Faction: Republic

Guild Focus: Player Vs. Environment

Imperial Guild: Yes - MOTOR Empire

Voice Chat: Yes - TS3


Intended Operation Times:

Monday & Thursday: 1930 hrs +8GMT till 2130 hrs +8GMT


Hello everyone!

As above, MOTOR is recruiting for +8 GMT ops runs on The Harbinger. We welcome anyone who wishes to raid regularly at these hours to join us.


Just to be clear, this is a new progression group. As such, there will be learning curves, gelling and all that jazz. Depending on the people we get, there may also be a period of gearing up, teaching fights to new people etc. Hence, some patience may be needed.


There is no gear requirement or similar limitation to join but we will ask that you bring your A game to raids and do your best to pick up the content.


We currently have about 6 people ready to go and are aiming to begin in April. Do get in touch even if you have particular restrictions (eg: not able to play on Mondays, would like time 1 hr later/earlier etc) that are reasonably possible to work around and we'll see what can be done.


How to sign-up?

You may either 1) post here, 2) PM me on the forums or 3) Get in touch with Alisse in-game with a tell or an in-game mail.


More about MOTOR

MOTOR is a fairly large guild with activity on both Rep and Imp sides. Our main Rep progression teams are in on TFB HM and raid on US time-zones. We do have a regular core of PvP players if that's your thing as well.


The guild is casual out of raids and a good number of us hang in TS. Out of raids we are usually either PvPing or levelling alts in preparation for 2.0.

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