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Animâ Inferno(imp) - LF PT/Sin Tank for 16-man TFB HM Progression


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In game I go by Sòulcatcher, I am the GM of the guild Animâ Inferno. Currently we are an 8-man guild about to start EC NiM progression looking to expand with a second team for 16-man TFB HM. The entirety of the guild consists of lvl 50's in full Dreadgaurd(63's). We are aspiring to be a server leading progression guild if not the top progression guild and ranked worldwide. We use Teamspeak for in-game chat, and have a guild website if you wish to look over our mission statement and forums for specifics for recruitment. We do have requirements so please send an in-game tell or mail to either myself or Vp-s to be inspected and questioned. If you pass the initial step, you will be placed within a guild trial raid to test your skill and raid awarness.


Again we are looking for a Powertech Tank and/or an Assassin Tank


Here is the link for the guild website, please do not submit an application until you have been pre-approved in-game http://www.theinferno.guildlaunch.com


We look forward to hearing from you all :)

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EDIT: I forgot to mention our raid schedule. Our progression starts typically on Wednesday at 9:00pm est. and we finish up on Friday at the same time. If we do not finish friday, we will most likely bleed over into saturday again at the same time.

You can all check our calander on the guild website via the original post for the current week's schedule. We always update it every monday.

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