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In the Carnage spec tree, there is a skill called Gore that I'm not sure is necessary for me to take. I seem to be ok in pvp and just fine and dandy in Pve. Could someone explain why I should put this skill in my arsenal of attacks? What is the situation I would really need this for? Thanks.
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Gore is *the* core skill for Carnage, and the spec sucks horribly without it. You will wind up with ~half your damage packed into Gore's window of effect because it is just that good.


In PVP, don't expect to get many successful Gore > Ravage combos, because anyone with a brain will be watching for it and hit you with a stun or knockback. If your resolve is full, Gore > Ravage away.


That said, there's very little anyone can do to prevent a Gore > auto-crit Force Scream, or Vicious Slash/Massacre spam, and on the rare occasion you do slip in a Ravage whilst Gore is active, it will hit like a truck full of wrecking balls made of smaller trucks.


Understand that all competent players know just how dangerous Gore is and will be watching for it. In lowbie PVP it's not as big of a deal, but in 50 you need to learn to be sneaky or attack a focus target with others so they are less able to prevent you from doing damage. Be opportunistic in your skill selection and try to avoid situations where people can just focus on dealing with you individually.


Carnage has some of the best burst in the game, but some of the most easily countered burst in the game. The difference between a good and bad player of Carnage is how smart they are about avoiding being countered.

Edited by Omophorus
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