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Advice on beating snipers.


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Obviously, they are our hard counter. I remember pooping on snipers with my Commando and Guardian in the earlier days. I can still beat them on those classes but Snipers have come a long way. I despise that when I see a Sniper on my Sentinel, it's like a huge "easy kill" beacon over my head. Snipers don't even have to be that good to beat a Sent. But when they are good, they can really embarrass you.


The only time I stood a chance against one was when I was Focus speced. If it is 1v1, just force camo and run. It may not seem brave, but its smart. In Warzones you don't do any good to your team dead, waiting in the queue to run back. With this in mind, when I see a Sniper in a say, 3v3 contest for a node, I'll stay out of range or LOS the sniper while fighting another class I match up better with (pretty much all of them) until one of my teammates engage him. Then I can pile my DPS on him, if I get targeted, I force camo forcing him to retarget. Trust me, when I'm LOSing them, or staying just barely out of range, or blowing my cooldowns if they do get a snipe on me, it really really bothers them. It cause them to view you as an annoyance rather than an easy kill. People like to kill annoying things, hence they chase you, or focus you not realizing that scoundrel is setting up to punch them in the back of the head.

Edited by AGSThomas
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