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50 assassin lf guild


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Transcéndent <www.transcendentgamers.com> has three 8-man Operation teams running events 2/week for each team, with two teams @ EC NiM 3/4. If your goal is to enjoy the end game content, let's chat soon in game. My main is Xeenguard. We offer 5-Tab guild bank, Mumble, event calendar w/ ~ 5 events each week.



Transcéndent is an active medium sized community formed with the goal of improving your gaming experience. We strive to provide a supportive and fun gaming environment, organized weekly events, and clear guild policy to prevent drama and elitism. Our roster is dominantly comprised of professionals, parents, couples, mature members active multiple times a week in game and within Mumble. The community frequently enjoys non-discriminatory humor that occasionally borders risqué. We cleanse our roster every 6 weeks to insure it is dominated by "Active" members that are enjoying the end game content together.


Our ideal applicants are mature, respectful, intelligent, and skilled players that understand the importance of balance between gaming and life. Transcéndent strikes this unique balance between a casual gaming and progression guild. Half the week there is PvP, dailys, comms runs. As scheduled Operations events arrive, mains switch to mission-mode with laser-like focus as half our Operations Teams are progression driven and require players whom are engaged in learning their class very well to help the team succeed against the elite end game content.



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Welcome back to SWTOR, <Anima et Morte> is a friendly and helpful guild that caters to many different aspects of the game including progression OPS, PVP, datacron hunts, etc.


The majority of our core members are active most days of the week, both morning and evening; including officers. There is always someone available to run every aspect that SWTOR has to offer, from Leveling, Flash Points, PVP, to Hard Modes and Operations, or to answer questions about gearing up, or just about anything else.


Currently we are looking for all classes, and levels. However, are placing a serious emphasis on recruiting fully geared Healers, and DPS interested in working with our progression team or new 50's willing to learn from the start how to run the OPs with a member of our progression team on weekend afternoon raids.


If interested please feel free to browse our web site at Animaetmorte.guildportal.com or contact one of our Officers

Kiirlas, or Falenx or reply here on this thread so we may get in touch with you. Again welcome back!

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