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My Jedi has a problem!


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It started back on Coruscant. Stopping in the cantinas, and stepping in out of the noxious smells of Taris now and then for some atmosphere filtered air. After Nar Shaddaa and everything that would've happened there, and then Tatooine where it was so DRY, who could blame anyone.


But after Alderaan and Uphredes, "I really need a drink" became "binge drinking shots for like an hour then stumbling around the ship in a haze looking for the captain's quarters, before finally curling up next to the cargo bay to sleep it off." Then waking up the next day still a little loaded.


He has fallen... To the drunk side. Curse you, delicious + presence! Apparently Jedi need those inhibitions!


(This post not meant to be taken seriously at all)

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