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Focus 2.0


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So due to the whining and complaining about "Smash", I know that Focus Spec is nerfed in 2.0. I have read all the patch notes for changes but I want to hear from someone on this. How is Focus in 2.0 on the PTS? Is it still a high damage spec? All I see here are people talking about Watchman and Combat
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Well, i haven't experienced it yet, but from what the talents give, it has been very nerfed, its not charge -> smash anymore, it is likely going to be multiple keys now, so all those 'I WIN' button players will need to actually learn to play the class.
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I like it, and this is coming from someone who's preferred Watchman and Combat almost exclusively for the past several patches.


Focus on live feels like a one-trick pony. Build singularity stacks, leap, smash. But also, it feels incredibly boring when smash is on cooldown. Aside from Zealous Leap and Master Strike, it doesn't have much else going for it. Slash is ok damage, but it generally doesn't have the focus for that.


In 2.0, however, focus isn't much of an issue. Twin saber throw is a new focus builder (2 focus) and can be used in melee range. And is AoE (sort of - hits anything in it's path), which synergizes well with the skill tree. It also gets free Blade Storm which is nice free damage (much like Master Strike). Lastly, while you can no longer build Singularity stack from Force Stasis, nor is your smash damage +30% (down to +15%, but *all* abilities get that bonus), I found I could still build stacks easily enough, and when smash was on CD I was too busy using Zealous, Master Strike, Blade Storm, Slash, and Dispatch anyways.


PS - highest crits on PTS with any spec has been in Focus due to the +15% crit bonus, as well as the +9% dmg bonus after a smash, leading to 9.5+k Dispatches with Inspiration running.

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I just started playing SWTOR, but am no stranger to RPGs in general. I picked Sentinel for my first build, and have been enjoying the class so far. When applying my points, everything so far has gone into Focus except 3 (I'm on level 29 now). The 3 went into increasing offhand saber damage. But, I'm hitting a dead end for me in that skill tree.


Now, I know it's tradition to max out a particular branch in a tree to get the best synergistic effect... I picked Focus over the other trees because it offered be more options I feel I'd be able to use. I don't necessarily meticulously min/max when I build... I think it's tedious to play, and potentially dangerous if by yourself, to produce a build which is only good at doing one particular sequence of moves. So I tend to make builds that let me do the best I can while tackling just about anything I come along to - versatility. That being said... after devoting... what... 16 points or so into Focus, I only feel I could really benefit putting one more in, to finish out the benefits to Leap.


I've been looking at certain talent branches under the Watchmen tree that would synergize well, I think with some of my choices from Focus. Mainly boons to Leap abilities, and adding fire damage and associated criticals to the mix.


Would I be making a mistake in foregoing the more linear path and creating a Focus/Watchmen hybrid instead? I really don't want to sit there running the same series of attacks over and over... and I'm not really building for PvP.

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Sentinels do not lend well to hybrids. You do need to follow a singular tree with a few points in 1 or 2 others trees at best. As for which tree is best TBH all three are viable with their own strengths and weakenesses.
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If that ends up being the case, I think I'll probably go hybrid anyway. I don't think it'd be much fun to spam the same 3 abilities every time I face an enemy. I understand why people min/max... I do. But it's not like I'll be playing PvP, nor do I care if I fall 2% of peak DPS, or whatever. If it doesn't work out, I can always respec.


Unfortunately, it looks like they designed right to formula... make each tree completely uninteresting and boring on its own, but more effective than mix and match just by a little.

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If that ends up being the case, I think I'll probably go hybrid anyway. I don't think it'd be much fun to spam the same 3 abilities every time I face an enemy. I understand why people min/max... I do. But it's not like I'll be playing PvP, nor do I care if I fall 2% of peak DPS, or whatever. If it doesn't work out, I can always respec.


i would consider it more like 10% of a difference +, its one of the few advanced classes where the top skill is actually extremely valuable.


If you are worried about 3 buttons i wouldn't worry. Sents are one of the more complex classes to play on the whole. You might really like 2.0 combat tree. there are a lot of different possible combinations since its not a true rotation class, its more of a priority system.

Edited by Ramaral
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