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Free server transfers until.... Is fair!


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It is not my fault or problem that some people are immature and filled with a false sense of entitlement. As I said before, I am completely willing to pay for my transfer, but I absolutely reject this as a reason why it can't be free.


In the end, it will be up to Bioware to decide if any free transfers will be made available, and why.. They could certianly say that subscribers will get 1 or 2 free transfers and F2P get no free transfers.. Who knows.. This is all up for speculation.. In the end, that is all it is.. Speculation..


This was never a topic about why something can't be free.. Bioware can make something free for whatever reason it wants.. This topic was about whether or not legacy and having multiple toons on various servers was a fair reason to make transfers free.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Well, if you guys are like me....the whole reason you are in the boat you are having some characters on one server and others on another is because of the timing that they implemented the legacy system. If the legacy system had been there since launch I would not need to server transfer.


Obviously now since they added the legacy system it only makes sense to have all toons on one server.


So what I am saying is that because this truly is a bioware created issue....They should allow all characters to have one free transfer until a certain date (not just one character, if that is what they are thinking) , then people can start paying for them.


Because why should I have to pay for something that I would have never done to begin with had it not been for their late implementation of the legeacy system!


This is absolutely true, and it is sad and shameful that they have not rectified the situation yet- nor addressed it at all, nor even responded to it.

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