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Free server transfers until.... Is fair!


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The underlying reason is that you chose to create characters on different servers.. Which is entirely your doing..


Time for a timeline...

First they created multiple servers because of high population expectation




Queue times were way too long. People had to roll on other servers.


"We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play."

...Oh well, sucks if you had toons in that server or if your friends are somewhere else.


As we all know now, the populations started to drop in servers.



"Server populations for the game have been dropping since late January."

Remember for those of us who did not quit, some of our toons are still spread out.


They also added Legacy around this time which really increased the desire for characrer transfers.



So they decide to allow transfers but now they want to control where we go. Something they were not able to do at launch.


"We understand that some of you may be looking to consolidate characters from a variety of origin servers onto one server, and others may be anxious to move to a specific server to be with friends. With the restrictions of this initial service, that may not be possible. We still believe that you will enjoy playing on a higher population server and hope you'll take advantage of the service..."


Guess we have to wait even more. No problem, we decided to wait. The bright side is there will be a second transfer after the first one.



http://www.swtor.com/transfer Now check out the "High population servers and consolidation matrix." It will not be completely possible to get all your toons in one server. For some people it is, but for others it will not be. We have been waiting all this time and we are still waiting.


While all of this had been going on we are still losing subscriptions. The people that predicted this game going free to play were correct.




Oh yeah... we are still waiting on character transfers



It is now 2013 and we get this great info here:


"As of the writing of this letter, we are in focused, internal testing on character copies for PTS. You should expect to see this come within the first part of this year. It will provide free character copies to PTS at any time (with possible restrictions dependent upon our testing needs at any given time). This will also lay the foundation for our new live character transfer system that will be coming later this year."


The PTS is up and running and worked well when I tested the transfer. Those of us who have been here since launch have not forgotten, and we still want our characters in one place.

Edited by SentinelDranoel
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Like others have stated. The legacy system was NOT added after launch. It was there from the beginning.

What was added was the benefits for the legacy system. But the core of the system (the experience) was there on day 1!

They were very clear about the fact that this was a server legacy and not going to be across servers.

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And that ability is coming. Just maybe not at the speed you and others would like. But would you rather have it FAST or have it RIGHT? As is true so often in software development, you can't have both.


The devs posted a while ago what their roadmap to player-initiated server transfers looked like.


The step RIGHT BEFORE the service going live was enabling players to choose to transfer characters to PTS.


I don't disagree with anything in this post. I've just always felt that the server population issue was such a blunder for the game that transfers should have been a higher priority. Even consolidation seemed to take forever. It's good that we can all enjoy the game with other people again; it just would have been nice if Bioware had fully rounded the bases with server transfers instead of stopping at third.


Edit: SentinelDranoel's post is a much more awesome and detailed version of my ramblings.


Guess what you can do RIGHT NOW...? Go on, guess!


Oh, I know this one! The answer is: Take to the forums and whine.


(I know, I cheated. That's the answer to everything.)

Edited by LarryRow
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I thought the same when I used the PTS copy system the other day--that the feature was far too polished to be used only for PTS copies.


It worked really well for the two of mine that went over, except they arrived with 0 credits. That's ugly.


For others, however, it didn't work out so well, and there are or were anguish-filled threads on the PTS forum describing the difficulties.


I guess it's a good thing they tested it on PTS before unleashing it upon Live. ;)

Edited by DarthTHC
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I thought the same when I used the PTS copy system the other day--that the feature was far too polished to be used only for PTS copies.


We are talking about different things here. The PTS is COPYING the character. There are more things to take into account when transferring a character.

They have to sever and be able to handle any ties your character still has to the old server.

For example:

Legacy - What do they do about the experience you gained for that character.




the list goes on


When they are copying a character, especially to a PTS they can just ignore most of these things. But there are design problems with how the legacy system works for allowing server transfers that they need to figure out. And I doubt they will find a solution that is fair and will make everyone happy.

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Time for a timeline...

First they created multiple servers because of high population expectation




Queue times were way too long. People had to roll on other servers.


"We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play."

...Oh well, sucks if you had toons in that server or if your friends are somewhere else.


As we all know now, the populations started to drop in servers.



"Server populations for the game have been dropping since late January."

Remember for those of us who did not quit, some of our toons are still spread out.


They also added Legacy around this time which really increased the desire for characrer transfers.



So they decide to allow transfers but now they want to control where we go. Something they were not able to do at launch.


"We understand that some of you may be looking to consolidate characters from a variety of origin servers onto one server, and others may be anxious to move to a specific server to be with friends. With the restrictions of this initial service, that may not be possible. We still believe that you will enjoy playing on a higher population server and hope you'll take advantage of the service..."


Guess we have to wait even more. No problem, we decided to wait. The bright side is there will be a second transfer after the first one.



http://www.swtor.com/transfer Now check out the "High population servers and consolidation matrix." It will not be completely possible to get all your toons in one server. For some people it is, but for others it will not be. We have been waiting all this time and we are still waiting.


While all of this had been going on we are still losing subscriptions. The people that predicted this game going free to play were correct.




Oh yeah... we are still waiting on character transfers



It is now 2013 and we get this great info here:


"As of the writing of this letter, we are in focused, internal testing on character copies for PTS. You should expect to see this come within the first part of this year. It will provide free character copies to PTS at any time (with possible restrictions dependent upon our testing needs at any given time). This will also lay the foundation for our new live character transfer system that will be coming later this year."


The PTS is up and running and worked well when I tested the transfer. Those of us who have been here since launch have not forgotten, and we still want our characters in one place.


Wow. A post with actual evidence and not just conjecture. +10. I wasn't buying the QQ whatsoever until I read this post. I still think this is no biggie, but at least now I understand the other side. Well done.

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Time for a timeline...

First they created multiple servers because of high population expectation




Queue times were way too long. People had to roll on other servers.


"We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play."

...Oh well, sucks if you had toons in that server or if your friends are somewhere else.


As we all know now, the populations started to drop in servers.



"Server populations for the game have been dropping since late January."

Remember for those of us who did not quit, some of our toons are still spread out.


They also added Legacy around this time which really increased the desire for characrer transfers.



So they decide to allow transfers but now they want to control where we go. Something they were not able to do at launch.


"We understand that some of you may be looking to consolidate characters from a variety of origin servers onto one server, and others may be anxious to move to a specific server to be with friends. With the restrictions of this initial service, that may not be possible. We still believe that you will enjoy playing on a higher population server and hope you'll take advantage of the service..."


Guess we have to wait even more. No problem, we decided to wait. The bright side is there will be a second transfer after the first one.



http://www.swtor.com/transfer Now check out the "High population servers and consolidation matrix." It will not be completely possible to get all your toons in one server. For some people it is, but for others it will not be. We have been waiting all this time and we are still waiting.


While all of this had been going on we are still losing subscriptions. The people that predicted this game going free to play were correct.




Oh yeah... we are still waiting on character transfers



It is now 2013 and we get this great info here:


"As of the writing of this letter, we are in focused, internal testing on character copies for PTS. You should expect to see this come within the first part of this year. It will provide free character copies to PTS at any time (with possible restrictions dependent upon our testing needs at any given time). This will also lay the foundation for our new live character transfer system that will be coming later this year."


The PTS is up and running and worked well when I tested the transfer. Those of us who have been here since launch have not forgotten, and we still want our characters in one place.


Your post does not prove that people didn't have a choice or that they were forced..


Anything less is simply meaningless.. Thanks for proving my point..


Many people never made toons on other servers.. Just because some folks did doesn't mean Bioware owes them anything..


Again, thanks for proving my point.. :)

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This is absolutely false. Many of us were forced to reroll on Fatman to play with other people because server consolidation took so long. I bet a huge chuck of the player base has 50s on more than one server as a result.


I would gladly pay to transfer my characters over to the server I play on most. The ability to do so is all I ask.


This exactly. Though I went to Jedi Covenant, not Fatman, same thing. I was on Grand Master Zym, it sucked, so I rerolled my main on JC. My alts are now stuck on Shadowlands after the consolidation with all the mats and credits I had built up before I rerolled.

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Wow. A post with actual evidence and not just conjecture. +10. I wasn't buying the QQ whatsoever until I read this post. I still think this is no biggie, but at least now I understand the other side. Well done.


There is no evidence there.. It is all conjecture.. The only issue that needed to be addressed was, were people forced to create toons on other servers.. The answer is simply no.. They willingly made the choice on their own.. Many people never left the server we were originally placed on.. People went to fatman by no recommendation of Bioware.. Seems a little hypocritical to post something where Bioware recommends going to another server to avoid queue times and then in the same post talk about going to Fatman which was arguably the busiest server in the game at that time.. So much for queue times eh??


I stayed on Hyperspace Cannon until the server transfers were allowed in June/July.. All my characters are on one single server.. And still are to this day.. I feel for their situation, but they aren't owed anything.. And free transfers is not fair and legacy is simply an excuse.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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This is absolutely false. Many of us were forced to reroll on Fatman to play with other people because server consolidation took so long. I bet a huge chuck of the player base has 50s on more than one server as a result.


I would gladly pay to transfer my characters over to the server I play on most. The ability to do so is all I ask.


If it is false then why did you go to one of the busiest servers in the game at that time?? Seriously?? You made the choice to go to fatman..


I understand that you want the ability to move your characters.. I also agree that everyone should.. My issue is this idea that people feel they are owed anything free.. That they blame Bioware for their circumstances.. Nobody forced you to reroll anywhere.. You did it on your own.. The fact that you have characters on multiple servers is simply your own doing.. People were jumping servers due to queue times and rumors of population being better else where.. Welcome to life during the launch of a game.. At that time, nobody should have been to invested in any characters.. So deleting them shouldn't have been a big deal.. I am not saying anyone should have.. But it would have avoided the issue of having toons on multiple servers.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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If it is false then why did you go to one of the busiest servers in the game at that time?? Seriously?? You made the choice to go to fatman..


I understand that you want the ability to move your characters.. I also agree that everyone should.. My issue is this idea that people feel they are owed anything free.. That they blame Bioware for their circomstances.. Nobody forced you to reroll anywhere.. You did it on your own.. The fact that you have characters on multiple servers is simply your own doing.. People were jumping servers due to queue times and rumors of population being better else where.. Welcome to life during the launch of a game.. At that time, nobody should have been to invested in any characters.. So deleting them shouldn't have been a big deal.. I am not saying anyone should have.. But it would have avoided the issue of having toons on multiple servers.. :)


That's a pretty cold, cruel line of thinking.


Yes, people "chose" to re-roll to different servers. But what other options did the game give them?


1) They could stop playing, which would be bad for the game.


2) They could keep right on playing on a dead server, never getting PvP, never getting groups for flash points or heroics, never selling or buying anything on gtn... basically stuck in a low-multiplayer to single-player game.


So yeah while you can say people "chose" to move servers, they weren't really offered any viable alternatives by the game, were they?


We don't have to be d###s to these people. We should empathize with them and hope EA does something to make that mess up to them.

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Bioware created no issue.. They simply consolidated the servers and put us all on well populated servers.. It was for our own good.. :)


Bioware played no part in people having characters spread across multiple servers.. I fail to see how anyone can blame anyone but themselves.. They created the characters didn't they?? ;)


I love it when other people know what's good for me better than I do....

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There is no evidence there.. It is all conjecture.. The only issue that needed to be addressed was, were people forced to create toons on other servers.. The answer is simply no.. They willingly made the choice on their own.. Many people never left the server we were originally placed on.. People went to fatman by no recommendation of Bioware.. Seems a little hypocritical to post something where Bioware recommends going to another server to avoid queue times and then in the same post talk about going to Fatman which was arguably the busiest server in the game at that time.. So much for queue times eh??


I stayed on Hyperspace Cannon until the server transfers were allowed in June/July.. All my characters are on one single server.. And still are to this day.. I feel for their situation, but they aren't owed anything.. And free transfers is not fair and legacy is simply an excuse.. :)


You need to...


Seriously, I don't understand your problem with other people getting something that enhances the game for them when it doesn't hurt you at all. So you continued to play on your dead server, running around the fleet like an idiot waiting for queue pops. Congrats. Most of us decided to take some control of the situation and make a character on a server where we could actually play the game.


As SentinelDranoel demonstrated, Bioware's clear mismanagement of the server population fiasco is a major reason for this current predicament. It is totally reasonable for people to expect free transfers as compensation. I would be willing to pay for mine, but understandably many would not. If you can't see why, I refer you again to the link above.

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Wait a minute, you are saying that free transfers should be given because YOU decided to roll characters on different servers before the implementation of the Legacy System?


I have characters on 3 servers and I have 3 Legacies. I don't see the issue.


If you were saying that you deserve them because of forced transfers, okay. But blaming them for your choice just because you didn't know there was going to be a benefit later on? Sorry, but no. I can't agree with you on that. The characters on your alt server can't be that high level if they don't already have their own Legacy. So, why not just reroll on your main server?


And BTW, the ability to Mail stuff between alts on the same server was in at launch. It was not added with the Legacy system..



Edited by Blackavaar
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Wait a minute, you are saying that free transfers should be given because YOU decided to roll characters on different servers before the implementation of the Legacy System?


I have characters on 3 servers and I have 3 Legacies. I don't see the issue.


If you were saying that you deserve them because of forced transfers, okay. But blaming them for your choice just because you didn't know there was going to be a benefit later on? Sorry, but no. I can't agree with you on that. The characters on your alt server can't be that high level if they don't already have their own Legacy. So, why not just reroll on your main server?




I suggest deleting your legacies/characters on the 3 servers and restart. :cool:

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If it is false then why did you go to one of the busiest servers in the game at that time?? Seriously?? You made the choice to go to fatman..


I understand that you want the ability to move your characters.. I also agree that everyone should.. My issue is this idea that people feel they are owed anything free.. That they blame Bioware for their circumstances.. Nobody forced you to reroll anywhere.. You did it on your own.. The fact that you have characters on multiple servers is simply your own doing.. People were jumping servers due to queue times and rumors of population being better else where.. Welcome to life during the launch of a game.. At that time, nobody should have been to invested in any characters.. So deleting them shouldn't have been a big deal.. I am not saying anyone should have.. But it would have avoided the issue of having toons on multiple servers.. :)


Dude, I am starting to see why you have an inexplicably idiotic attitude about this: your facts are wrong. By the time Fatman was the "last stand," plenty of people had multiple 50s on their origin servers. Then there was enough time to level 1 or 2 50s on fatman while Bioware was dorking around. You need to do the following:


1. Read SentinelDranoel's post again

2. Reread it.

Repeat 1 and 2 until you understand what actually happened.

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Wait a minute, you are saying that free transfers should be given because YOU decided to roll characters on different servers before the implementation of the Legacy System?


I have characters on 3 servers and I have 3 Legacies. I don't see the issue.


If you were saying that you deserve them because of forced transfers, okay. But blaming them for your choice just because you didn't know there was going to be a benefit later on? Sorry, but no. I can't agree with you on that. The characters on your alt server can't be that high level if they don't already have their own Legacy. So, why not just reroll on your main server?


And BTW, the ability to Mail stuff between alts on the same server was in at launch. It was not added with the Legacy system..




The ability to mail stuff between alts OF THE SAME FACTION on the same server was in at launch.


They didn't implement it cross-faction until they finished Legacy.

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The ability to mail stuff between alts OF THE SAME FACTION on the same server was in at launch.


They didn't implement it cross-faction until they finished Legacy.


Wrong. I was mailing credits and armor pieces to alts of different factions long before Legacy, man.



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Wrong. I was mailing credits and armor pieces to alts of different factions long before Legacy, man.




Hmm... ok could have been before legacy but it certainly wasn't at launch. I remember being frustrated by it. But I'm too lazy to go back through the patch notes to see when they put it in.

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Hmm... ok could have been before legacy but it certainly wasn't at launch. I remember being frustrated by it. But I'm too lazy to go back through the patch notes to see when they put it in.


It was added in the first patch after the head start because players were frustrated by it.

So, technically it was in at launch, just not head start.



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