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Seriously, we (PvP'ers) need new content FAST!


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Takes that long when they have to come up with a back-story and plausible scenario for every warzone. They havent grasped that the majority of PvP'ers are looking to play the game....and not story telling. Hell, I havent even watched the Novare intro yet. Who cares why we're fighting, it's only going to be interesting the first time anyway....assuming that you even care about it that time.


And enough with the stupid gametypes (read: AHG). People should be able to jump in and instantly know what to do. I'd bet money on that some people have played AHG 50 times but still havent grasped what they're supposed to do. That would explain why people are running orbs after an enemy double cap. But hey, if they're really fast and can score ...oh I dunno......3000 orbs....it might be a tie.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Also, give us something more to do than just Warzones over and over. I love Warzones but if Warzones are going to be your only PvP in this game then you really need to give us more of it, make it 3v3 or 4v4 on smaller maps. Make more Huttball-maps, Hutball is probably the best and most dynamic tactical PvP-map I've ever seen in a game. Huttball is brilliant, why dont you do more with that idea?


And if they add more huttball maps, then I really need a filter to these maps, because I hate huttball unless I'm playing with a sage/sorcerer or assassin/shadow.


Instead, a bigger node-capping maps that would provide more different tactics would be great. I really miss the maps in Battlefront 2, though that big maps would maybe provide too much no man's land for this game. But something like Utapau-map in there would be cool, or something like the cloud city-map in Battlefront 1. (in a smaller scale, of course.)


But I'm happy with wzs as they are. There's a few maps I don't like with certain characters (Huttball and Ancient Hypergate, really) but since I like most of them, that's okay.

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