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Starship Analysis: E-Wing fighter


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"I say let the Imperials keep coming, because every time a new admiral crawls out of the Outer Rim or some Imperial goon finds a lost superweapon, Rogue Squadron gets a new starfighter. Seems like a good deal to me."

―General Wedge Antilles


This analysis is on the E-Wing fighter. It was a fighter developed with 2 things in mind, to supplant the X-Wing fighter[which it did not do] and make use of the R7-astromech designed specifically for it. The fighter was shaped around two aerofoils and carried two laser cannons while a third cannon over the top of the fighter.


Another key feature was the astromech was in an enclosed space directly behind the pilot, protecting the droid from incoming fire. The fighter had an amazing blend of speed, firepower. It also carried 1 torpedo launcher that carried an amazing load of 16 torpedos. This made it an excelling fighter bomber capable of doing more damage than an X-wing to a capital ship.


The reason this fighter did not supplant the X-Wing was because of the many problems with the laser cannons misfiring in combat and there were also major issues with the R-7 Astromechs. Even still, this fighter was tough as nails, fast, maneuverable and packed a punch. It was fast enough to counter the TIE Interceptor, had better armor and shields than most fighters of the day including the vaunted X-wing.


The E-Wing came into front line service during Thrawn's attempt to defeat the Republic and through out the attacks by the reborn Emperor Palpatine. It was still in service, though not in as many numbers as the X-Wings during the Vong War. There were actually elite squadrons using this fighter including the Blackmoon Squadron that grew to fame defending Borlieas in the days after Courscant fell during the Vong war. Even during the second civil war against Caedus this fighter still saw action.


Had this fighter not been plagued by mechanical issues during it's early years, this fighter might of replaced the X-Wing as the main fighter of the fleet.

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Yeah, the E-Wing's problems with the laser canons was eventually fixed though.


The larger reason why the E-Wing didn't replace the X-Wing was the fact the X-Wing Starfighter was upgraded, there were several versions of the T-65, and if I remember correctly the later versions had better performance than the earlier models.

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Yeah, the E-Wing's problems with the laser canons was eventually fixed though.


The larger reason why the E-Wing didn't replace the X-Wing was the fact the X-Wing Starfighter was upgraded, there were several versions of the T-65, and if I remember correctly the later versions had better performance than the earlier models.


Precisely. By the time the Vong war was in full swing the new XJ models were coming out. The XJ-3 and later the XJ-5 were the best ever made, save for the Stealth X that the Jedi ordered for their specific use. Still, the E was a pretty good fighter. Hard to replace the X, though.


Yes, I am biased towards the X-Wing, sue me :D lol.

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Yes these were other factors that i did not put in my original analysis, good catch guys :cool:


But you have to admit, even with the upgrades, still can't beat an E-Wing for superior firepower against capital ships.


Instead of trying to replace the X-wing, should of replaced the B & Y-wing with the E-wing.


For me it would be a toss up which fighter i would want to fly.

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The reason this fighter did not supplant the X-Wing was because of the many problems with the laser cannons misfiring in combat and there were also major issues with the R-7 Astromechs. Even still, this fighter was tough as nails, fast, maneuverable and packed a punch. It was fast enough to counter the TIE Interceptor, had better armor and shields than most fighters of the day including the vaunted X-wing.


Also because of an imperial plot to saboutage the Republic by turning the interface between any R7 droid and it's fighter into a bomb, please note the Interface (and the corresponding computer) was the bomb. This was discovered when Luke insisted they restore his X-wing to it's original state, so he wouldn't have to replace R2. While the plot was negated, it would have made officials nervous about the R7 droids, even though the droids themselves were blameless. Can't remember which book this happened in, but I do remember it was R7 droids.

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crap, i totally forgot about that! thankyou for bringing that up. it was in the Thrawn trilogy, i don't know if it was Heir to the Empire or Dark forces Rising.


I think Heir to the empire, but it's been so long since i read those books, totally forgot. TY!

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The E-Wing was superior to the X-Wing, and even outperformed the later models of the vaunted T-65.


The initial problems were mostly related to working out the kinks in programming with the R7 and the synthetic tibanna gas used for the cannons. Once those were resolved, you had a faster, more powerful, more durable fighter with better targeting capabilities and a more powerful astromech unit.


There were a few reasons that the X-Wing kept getting dragged out with a new upgrade every book, however. For starters, I don't think any of the EU authors were willing to widely distribute a model of droid that made R2 totally obsolete (he was, but fans are way too sentimental). Furthermore, I don't think Del Ray was willing to publish a book that didn't prominently feature scenes with X-Wings being flown.


Now, it does make some sense for the X-Wing to be upgraded and used long after its prime. From a logistical standpoint, there are tons of spare parts, the crews and pilots know the machines well, and there are a plethory of older airframes which can be retrofitted for a fraction of the cost of buying a new fighter.


However, I think we should see the E-Wing take over most of the multi-role/escort missions previously performed by the X-Wing, at least within the well funded Navy of the Galactic Alliance. Third parties would likely continue to use recycled X-Wings, since they're affordable and reliable.

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The E-Wing was superior to the X-Wing, and even outperformed the later models of the vaunted T-65.


The initial problems were mostly related to working out the kinks in programming with the R7 and the synthetic tibanna gas used for the cannons. Once those were resolved, you had a faster, more powerful, more durable fighter with better targeting capabilities and a more powerful astromech unit.


There were a few reasons that the X-Wing kept getting dragged out with a new upgrade every book, however. For starters, I don't think any of the EU authors were willing to widely distribute a model of droid that made R2 totally obsolete (he was, but fans are way too sentimental). Furthermore, I don't think Del Ray was willing to publish a book that didn't prominently feature scenes with X-Wings being flown.


Now, it does make some sense for the X-Wing to be upgraded and used long after its prime. From a logistical standpoint, there are tons of spare parts, the crews and pilots know the machines well, and there are a plethory of older airframes which can be retrofitted for a fraction of the cost of buying a new fighter.


However, I think we should see the E-Wing take over most of the multi-role/escort missions previously performed by the X-Wing, at least within the well funded Navy of the Galactic Alliance. Third parties would likely continue to use recycled X-Wings, since they're affordable and reliable.


Won't happen. The X-wing has had so many upgrades, it will continue to be the fighter of choice for a LONG time to come. You'll probably see the E-wing in the Fighter/bomber role, replacing the B and Y-wings.


Sorry but like you said, X-wings, will never be replaced because they are too iconic.

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Won't happen. The X-wing has had so many upgrades, it will continue to be the fighter of choice for a LONG time to come. You'll probably see the E-wing in the Fighter/bomber role, replacing the B and Y-wings.


Sorry but like you said, X-wings, will never be replaced because they are too iconic.


That doesn't make any sense, why would you use a dedicated space superiority fighter exclusively as a bomber? Or even primarily?


The E-Wing is an escort fighter; it balances speed with firepower, and has much stronger armor and shielding than the old X-Wing. The upgrades to the X-Wing really just make it passable. After the Second Galactic Civil War, you're looking at an airframe that is over forty-five years old. The E-Wing is about half that age, and it really only left the prototype phase during the YV War, so it's effective combat usage has been about fifteen years at that point. If anything, the Alliance should be scaling up its efforts to phase out the X-Wing and sell off those older models to third parties.

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The E-Wing is an escort fighter; it balances speed with firepower, and has much stronger armor and shielding than the old X-Wing. The upgrades to the X-Wing really just make it passable. After the Second Galactic Civil War, you're looking at an airframe that is over forty-five years old. The E-Wing is about half that age, and it really only left the prototype phase during the YV War, so it's effective combat usage has been about fifteen years at that point. If anything, the Alliance should be scaling up its efforts to phase out the X-Wing and sell off those older models to third parties.

I was under the impression that StealthXs and XJs and the like were completely new spaceframes, not upgraded older ones, and that most, if not all, X-wings in service with the GA by CivWar II were not refurbished, modernized CivWar I relics. Of those, only the XJ3 was introduced before the Series IV E-wing, and only by a margin of a couple of years.


The segment of Mercy Kill that takes place on Kuratooine indicates that baseline T-65s have indeed been sold off to third parties, museums, and so forth, and the Wraiths' reaction to finding them seems to me to be a strong indication that the GA's military does not employ pre-XJ models anymore.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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I was under the impression that StealthXs and XJs and the like were completely new spaceframes, not upgraded older ones, and that most, if not all, X-wings in service with the GA by CivWar II were not refurbished, modernized CivWar I relics. Of those, only the XJ3 was introduced before the Series IV E-wing, and only by a margin of a couple of years.


The segment of Mercy Kill that takes place on Kuratooine indicates that baseline T-65s have indeed been sold off to third parties, museums, and so forth, and the Wraiths' reaction to finding them seems to me to be a strong indication that the GA's military does not employ pre-XJ models anymore.


Well, they may be new production runs, but they're essentially refinements of the initial design. The StealthX and accompanying variants used different materials in their design, and perform well, but they're really stretching the limits of what the T-65 build is capable of.


The X-Wing seems very similar to the F-18, which had a solid 30 year run as a dominant and versatile airframe, but there is a certain point where production methods can't continue to refine the old base model, and packing in new avionics, power systems, and weapons will only get you so far.

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Well, they may be new production runs, but they're essentially refinements of the initial design. The StealthX and accompanying variants used different materials in their design, and perform well, but they're really stretching the limits of what the T-65 build is capable of.


The X-Wing seems very similar to the F-18, which had a solid 30 year run as a dominant and versatile airframe, but there is a certain point where production methods can't continue to refine the old base model, and packing in new avionics, power systems, and weapons will only get you so far.


I like the analogy you used but here's the thing. The F/A 18A and the F/A 18F superhornet, are almost completely different fighters. I mean yes the F18 super hornet uses many parts from the original, but it's actually 40% bigger, carries a much higher payload, and the airframe was made more durable.


Same thing with the T65A X-wing and then the XJ series of Xwings. It's actually more like comparing a 68 Camero, to a 2010 Camero.


Same, name almost completely different cars. Only similarity between the T65s that Luke flew and the XJ3 which was the standard fighter of the war, was that they looked the same. Inside COMPLETELY different beast.

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I like the analogy you used but here's the thing. The F/A 18A and the F/A 18F superhornet, are almost completely different fighters. I mean yes the F18 super hornet uses many parts from the original, but it's actually 40% bigger, carries a much higher payload, and the airframe was made more durable.


Same thing with the T65A X-wing and then the XJ series of Xwings. It's actually more like comparing a 68 Camero, to a 2010 Camero.


Same, name almost completely different cars. Only similarity between the T65s that Luke flew and the XJ3 which was the standard fighter of the war, was that they looked the same. Inside COMPLETELY different beast.


Of course, but there is only so far you can push the envelope on the X-Wing model. You can resize it, refine it, enhance its structural integrity, and revamp the internal systems, but eventually you will need to switch over to a new design concept. I feel that the E-Wing was abandoned rather early, and could easily be developed further.


It's design allows for more efficient power routing to the engines and weapons systems, and maneuvers faster than an X-Wing, although it's not quite nimble enough to be considered an interceptor.


I also feel that the X-Wing design has become rather tired and old, and would like to see new concepts explored in Star Wars. Perhaps the E-Wing isn't that design, but it would be nice to see something. The new films will hopefully create a new generation of visual concepts for space fighters.

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Sorry guys but really only one thing needs to be said here, X-Wing - 2 Death Star - 0. That pretty much cements the X-Wings usage as the primary snubfighter for the Alliance Edited by KorranM
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The later versions of the X-Wing looked similar to the original version of the X-Wing, but there were substancial changes, including to the actual structural frame of the X-Wing itself.


I'd say the E-Wing is probably on par with the later versions of X-Wings, that said the fact X-Wings can use various astromechs, while the E-Wing can only use R7s, and R7s can only be used on E-Wings was a serious issue.


Also while overall an E-Wing can do more damage to capital ships overall, an X-Wing could do more damage to a capital ship in a short time span, since the X-Wing had 2 torpedo launchers.


I'd say it would be more likely that the E-Wing would replace Y-Wings due to it's ability to be a bomber and can dogfight like a fighter.


Btw, as far as I know the E-Wing was not abandoned, it was still in use even past the war involving the Vong. The X-Wing was the staple fighter, however the E-Wings were not exactly being phased out either, offhand I think they had ended up replacing Y-Wings.

Edited by GarfieldJL
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it's worth noteing that spaceframes in SW last a LOT longer then air frames in real life.


The Hammerhead cruiser from KOTOR was still being used as late as the battle of Ruusuan.

space frames in SW can last a LOOONG time with upgrades and retrofits

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it's worth noteing that spaceframes in SW last a LOT longer then air frames in real life.


The Hammerhead cruiser from KOTOR was still being used as late as the battle of Ruusuan.

space frames in SW can last a LOOONG time with upgrades and retrofits


Additionally you don't have to worry about aerodynamics as much in space...


Again, E-Wings were not exactly being phased out. The later model of X-Wings apparently were capable enough to about match an E-Wing, maybe out-perform an E-Wing in some respects. However, the E-Wing's ability to attack capital ships like a Y-Wing and yet be able to take on other starfighters like X-Wings, make it fairly likely that the E-Wing would have replaced the Y-Wing (though the fact the Y-Wing used Ion Canons could make it so Y-Wings were still in service on rare occasions).


The fighters I can actually see disappearing in the Star Wars universe is the TIE/ln fighter, since the TIE Interceptor clearly outclassed it in every respect.

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it's worth noteing that spaceframes in SW last a LOT longer then air frames in real life.


The Hammerhead cruiser from KOTOR was still being used as late as the battle of Ruusuan.

space frames in SW can last a LOOONG time with upgrades and retrofits

Same design, different frame. The Republic wasn't refurbishing millennia-old capital ships, it was just using the same sort of appearance.

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