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Character customization options


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Hi, I'd like to suggest that there be an increase in the character customization options. I have several ideas that I would like to put across and hopefully see in game:


Stance/Running/walk animations while weilding weapons - I couldn't help but notice the difference between the jedi/sith classes and thought it might be an easy opportunity to help increase the individual feel of those characters because i'd like my jedi guardian to feel different to the 2 standing next to me. There are lots of different ways for this that we have already seen in other games (The Force Unleashed, Jedi knight 2, etc) But I also think that in the KOTOR games there were different animations for the different lightsaber techniques used too. Perhaps what i'm getting at is the option right at the begining to select a fighting/running stance or even make them available through the cartel market for existing toons. The same could be said for the other classes as there are more ways than one to carry a gun. :eek:


Healing animations - Further to what is written above, maybe add alternate healing animations for when healing one's self? Even if it's just new ones for advanced classes or maybe lightside/darkside? (It seems a bit odd to see my light side sith channeling rage or my dark jedi meditating peacefully)


Hair options - How come there are so few decent options to choose? I'm sure there must be a stat kept somewhere about which styles get used the most/least? I tend to see lots of the same styles going around all the time and some that I dont think i have ever seen in game which makes me think that the majority of players would agree with this.


p.s where are the padawan tails on the jedi until you reach the advanced class?


Hair under hoods/head gear - I have noticed that all hair disappears when the hood goes on. I know my hair doesn't when I put a beenie/helmet on. Just a little thing but those that appriciate the imersion may like it. Perhaps a piece can be added for those that have longer hair that wear those items?


Thats all I can think of for now :cool:

Edited by Reverodacosta
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