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Help with pvp!


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So I have a 49 Mara and I suck at pop. I'm used to topping the boards with my PT (which is fairly faceroll + taunt helps) - but I just get rolled with Mara and I don't feel I put out dps well. I've tried both carnage and lolsmash - I searched around the board but couldn't find good tutorials or anything. Any advice? We are good in pop right? I'm looking to learn to become good, but it's hard to know what I'm doing wrong.
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If a class has a knock back don't open with leap. Run up Battering Assault>Use your snare(crush, rupture, crippling slash)>build rage while waiting for KB> get KB'ed> leap > drop damage into them?



For carnage you want to gore>ravage>scream (try to be full resolved for this) or gore>massacre x3>scream. Basically build rage> dump rage to blow people up. Use your rage to root as needed, massacre spam, and screams.


Smash, build four stacks of shock wave, leap to a group, smash. <easy.

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Cool, I've been landing on about that, but ill try to really make it a pvp norm for myself. I guess on PT it's easier to skirt along the sidelines and blow things up without getting targeted. I watched the pvp carnage vid floating around the first/second page and that helped too. Thanks for the advice.
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