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++ BIOWARE, get real moderators... ++


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Having posts removed for the most idiotic reasons is annoying. Just had a post removed because they said I posted "confidential information about yourself, such as an email or username".


I did not post anything of the sort.


There is always one horrible part of a game, and I think these forums are it. Moderators on a power trip or what?

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Having posts removed for the most idiotic reasons is annoying. Just had a post removed because they said I posted "confidential information about yourself, such as an email or username".


I did not post anything of the sort.


There is always one horrible part of a game, and I think these forums are it. Moderators on a power trip or what?


this rant can be summed up with USER ERROR.


how can you say you didn't when in fact you did otherwise why would they delete the post?

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I haven't really noticed the moderators doing a bad job, but I would like some more moderators that have free reign to post on the forums. So many people QQing and ranting that could be taken care of if a mod would just make a few quick posts.


Not to beat a long dead horse...but the SWG forums had some amazing moderators and allowed people who were big participators in the community to be "Community VIPs" and post useful stuff as if they were a mod.

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Hello everyone,


We always appreciate feedback and questions regarding moderation - it helps us know where we can improve and what we're already doing right. We want the forums to be a constructive and safe place for all of our community to participate in and your feedback is crucial to that.


We're going to close the thread now, but we highly encourage you to send us an email with your questions, concerns and comments regarding moderation and moderation policy. Our email address is: bwacommunitysupport@bioware.com.

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