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New Body-types and Hair/Beard styles


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For Male-characters, we need a Body-type that is more muscular than Body 2, but leaner and more athletic than Body 3. He should be almost as tall, and have arms and legs almost as thick as Body 3, but have the thinner torso and more slender face more akin to Body 2.


It might not *sound* like a game-changer, but I assure you, people would be ***VERY*** excited by that idea!!!


As well, I believe new Hair and Beard styles are in order. First off, Long-hair is a *MUST*. It's absolutely inexcusable for an modern MMO to not have Long-hair options. Even if they aren't animated, the most important element is that they look good when standing. Also, give us more hair-colors; you've got a nice selection of Browns, but you've got like one Blonde option, and no realistic shade of Red.


As for Beards, I'd actually like to see some *shorter* styles. For one, there just straight-up isn't a good Goatee in the game. Secondly, not even full-beard needs to make you look like a lumberjack; have some shorter, more neatly-cropped styles, as well.


Also, one more thing; we ***NEED*** to have control over the color of our eyebrows!!! No offense, but I don't know how you guys could ship the game with *ONLY* dull-brown eyebrows. There need to be a few alternatives added, and those should be free. I know, you're in this to make money, but for as detailed as your character-creation is, those eyebrows speak ill of the quality of the entire system. I'm not asking for an entire set of recolors for existing complexions, but just add a new complexion for each hair-color, so that your eyebrows match. I would recommend those eyebrows not be "thick" or "flawed", and instead made simple, medium-thin, as those will appeal to the most people for the least amount of work.

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Agreed on practically everything, I don't care about the eye brows honestly.


Question: Whats limiting them from putting in a "barber" type NPC like LoTRO, Rift or even *gasp* the game that shall not be named?

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I'd be genuinely surprised if appearance-customization was truly an issue to implement. It's such a go-to for the free-to-play model, I imagine they could either make a lot of money off of F2P players, or encourage a lot more Subscriptions.


By adding new options to the equation, it all the more tempting, and much more satisfying for those of us who are unhappy with the gap between "skinny guy" and "roid-head" body-types.

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Your description of a body type 2.5 sounds insane. Same freakishly large arms with a smaller head and torso? The arms in Type 3 are already inhumanly over sized.


Something I learned in an art class way back in 6th grade, the proper width of ones shoulders should be approximately three times the width of your face, or basically each individual shoulder is the same width as your face is. Type 3 is practically 4-5 times the face width as it is and you want to make it worse? lolololol.


Personally I do want a type 2.5, but not the way you described it. Just more realistically tall and muscly instead of the goof ball that is the current type 3.




Far more importantly though I want the retarded chest convex on males to be dealt with. (It never will, were stuck with it.) Why they designed every male character model in the game to have a huge busting chest in the shape of a tilted triangle is beyond my understanding. Its tolerable on the smaller builds but on type 3 is looks downright hilariousbad. If you don't know what I'm talking about look at a type 3 male in profile view, look at the bulging chest. Once you see it you can never unsee it.

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Your description of a body type 2.5 sounds insane. Same freakishly large arms with a smaller head and torso? The arms in Type 3 are already inhumanly over sized.


Something I learned in an art class way back in 6th grade, the proper width of ones shoulders should be approximately three times the width of your face, or basically each individual shoulder is the same width as your face is. Type 3 is practically 4-5 times the face width as it is and you want to make it worse? lolololol.


Personally I do want a type 2.5, but not the way you described it. Just more realistically tall and muscly instead of the goof ball that is the current type 3.




Far more importantly though I want the retarded chest convex on males to be dealt with. (It never will, were stuck with it.) Why they designed every male character model in the game to have a huge busting chest in the shape of a tilted triangle is beyond my understanding. Its tolerable on the smaller builds but on type 3 is looks downright hilariousbad. If you don't know what I'm talking about look at a type 3 male in profile view, look at the bulging chest. Once you see it you can never unsee it.


This is all pretty spot on. I don't really care about them adding a new body type though or see it happening, but I spose thats what it should be. And seriously. Once you see it, you can never unsee it.

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I'm not saying to literally copy-paste those aspects together; merely using them as a point of reference. Body 2's arms are far too skinny for their torso for an "athletic build", but like you say, Body 3's torso just looks ridiculous; the chest needs to be "flat", closer to Body 2's chest.


Perhaps a better, simply example is; just make a Body-stype similar to the guys shown in the "Deceived" trailer, one with more realistic, masculine proportions. More muscular than Body 2, but less bulky than Body 3.

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  • 4 months later...
Absolutely this game needs more long hair choices. Theres currently no long hair choices I'd like to choose for myself (and I ALWAYS give my character long hair in these games,unless theres **** choices then uuusually bald) which is very dissapointing, but theres PLENTY of ****in corn row options?! Whats with that? And how on earth did the emo swoop over 1 eye option get voted in? YUCK.
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  • 2 months later...
I'd still like to see more options implemented. Namely the new body-type, but some beard-styles would be great, cool; specifically, I would *REALLY* like a few variations of Goatee, from being at the tip of the chin-only, to having a "trianble" shaped goatee.
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