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Quitting in middle of WZ and consequences


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Players are now....relatively "outed" for using MacroGoblin or whatever. If top tiers are using it, so are pugs/premades.

I should be able to leave when I want and not have to play with cheaters if I don't want to.

Can we be done here now?

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Players are now....relatively "outed" for using MacroGoblin or whatever. If top tiers are using it, so are pugs/premades.

I should be able to leave when I want and not have to play with cheaters if I don't want to.

Can we be done here now?


Sure you can leave, but you deserve a deserter buff.

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Sure you can leave, but you deserve a deserter buff.



Seriously, that was awesome! I actually laughed out loud brother. +1 ;)



Really though Caeliux, In light of all the macrogoblins running about, this is now a dead topic. Provide a goblin free zone and I will gladly commence disagreeing with you again. :)

Edited by WickedImage
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Really though Caeliux, In light of all the macrogoblins running about, this is now a dead topic. Provide a goblin free zone and I will gladly commence disagreeing with you again. :)


I have known about this since beta man, this is actually old news to me.


But quitting during a match still needs punishment, people need to stop leaving for whatever reason.


(again real life matters, even then plan before you enter, if you don't you ruin others peoples time)


I know its hard to understand, its just the right thing to do. :)

Edited by Caeliux
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It's not hard to understand. I simply don't agree with you. But that is what seems to be the hard part for "you" to understand. I just don't agree with you. Your reasons "for" are no more valid than mine are "against".

But I will quit a few WZ's in your name tonight and be sure that you get all the credit in general chat. Thanks for spear heading the effort. ;)

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Hi all, i've just finished to read all... the 30 pages lol :D


Anyway, my point of view from all the replies i've seen on this thread: it looks like all those players wanting to penalize the players leaving a warzone... well. welcome in SWTOR! A truely warm welcome.


But... wanting to penalize players leaving warzone, it's clearly showing to all the pvp community that you are new and have lack of knowledge in this game, no offence.

Because you are not aware about the cheaters a few months ago: planting bombs in Voidstar in stealth. Capturing a node in Civil War in stealth. Defining start positon anywhere in Hutball

You were clearly not aware of that.

If you were, this thread wouldn't go that far.

Those cheaters a few months ago, got reported and periodicaly banned.


I am not going (like many other players who got all advanced classes) stay in a warzone where someone is cheatting to win.

And all the players who know the game mechanics will follow me.


People have the right to leave a warzone for any whatever reasons:

-unbalanced team, recruit geared team vs warhero geared team

-no communication at all in the ops chat.

-noobish mistakes (but new players have to learn somewhere right?)


-unexpected real life commitments so people have to leave.


How are you supposed to win and complete the weekly with the reasons i stated above?


Again for all those wanting to penalize the players leaving a warzone or for the child who started this thread (no offence but you are): MAKE your premade or go back in WoW to play with bots there. Sorry.

Players in WoW are penalized because they leave a battleground full of bots.

And they are penalized because they wanted to play and have fun with HUMANS players not with bots.


Instead of coming with childish ideas to penalize players, come back with solid arguments and share great ideas like it has been mentioned in the early pages of this thread to encourage players to stay in warzone:

-weekly warzone 9 wins or 18 matches

-giving valor buff if you keep requeing even if you lose a warzone.



These are some of the great ideas to keep people staying in warzone :)

Edited by Annuk
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Hi all, i've just finished to read all... the 30 pages lol :D


You poor soul. :)


But... wanting to penalize players leaving warzone, it's clearly showing to all the pvp community that you are new and have lack of knowledge in this game, no offence.


Having rules isn't a lack of knowledge, rules provide growth and provide structure.

People have the right to leave a warzone for any whatever reasons:

-unbalanced team, recruit geared team vs warhero geared team

-no communication at all in the ops chat.

-noobish mistakes (but new players have to learn somewhere right?)


-unexpected real life commitments so people have to leave.

I understand, but when someone quits other people suffer over it.


Only thing that can fix it are rules.


How are you supposed to win and complete the weekly with the reasons i stated above?


By sucking it up and not being egotistical.


Or like my daddy used to say buckle down and grow some hair, its going to be a long ride.


Instead of coming with childish ideas to penalize players, come back with solid arguments and share great ideas like it has been mentioned in the early pages of this thread to encourage players to stay in warzone:

-weekly warzone 9 wins or 18 matches

-giving valor buff if you keep requeing even if you lose a warzone.


These are some of the great ideas to keep people staying in warzone :)


I agree with you on adding incentives for backfill players, or those that stayed the whole match.


But people will argue even with that method and say bads shouldn't get nothing.


I am a firm believer in rules, I know its not cut out for no one but there really isn't another option to fix this problem.

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10 minute penalty is a must.

Kick afk players after 1.5 mins if not moving fixes idle players.

No medals for healing yourself.

Remove defender medals other than the initial one.

Backfill disabled after 2/3rds of wining requirements are met, (Score, time, progress).


Bioware may inquire at my listed email address for payment options related to the above consulting and its associated fees.


I disagree with not getting medals for healing yourself, Thats like saying you should only get credit for an AoE attack from your initial target. While I do play a Sage and Op healer I understand where you are coming from with abilities like consumption. However, when I see a sage doing it I call them out so team will not vote MVP to that player.


Additionally, If you take out defender medals why would anyone guard a node? If my team only has one node in Alderaan do you think I am gonna sit on it the whole match and only get 1 medal? I think not, the other team can have it.

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Having rules isn't a lack of knowledge, rules provide growth and provide structure..


You either didn't read the first paragraph or you're denying like an ostrich what's going wrong in warzone



Only thing that can fix it are rules.I understand, but when someone quits other people suffer over it.

Only thing that can fix it are rules..


Suffering from what? From losing? Do you want to make a lose lasts forever? Quote carefully, you are just taking the sentences that suits you to keep trolling, sorry :(

The only thing that will make suffer the rest of the team, it's wasting time in a losing warzone where you can atleast lose fast and join a new one straight after.

You have either a strong team to challenge with during the warzone, no matter what results,

Or if your team is weak, you're smart enough to use brain and make your team win.

You don't have both. No point wasting time and make your team being farmed with low medals recieved during the warzone.



By sucking it up and not being egotistical.


The only selfish people i see here are those forcing players to stay in a warzone where someone is using hacks.

People want to play a fair warzone with no cheaters and you want to give them a deserter debuff for leaving.

People want to complete the weekly warzone, nothing selfish, they leave and try to find a better pug until their friends come online to do the weekly together.



Do you come from a no man's land that you really want rules in pvp? You're mistaken game's content where there should be rules

Ask to put some rules in PvE about loots when joining a flashpoint or an OPS from groupfinder, people need on everything for their companions and dont give a chance for others to gear up

You can say: they can join a guild to gear up.

I would repeat the same answer about warzone

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Suffering from what? From losing? Do you want to make a lose lasts forever? Quote carefully, you are just taking the sentences that suits you to keep trolling, sorry :(

The only thing that will make suffer the rest of the team, it's wasting time in a losing warzone where you can atleast lose fast and join a new one straight after. You have either a strong team to challenge with during the warzone, no matter what results, Or if your team is weak, you're smart enough to use brain and make your team win.

You don't have both. No point wasting time and make your team being farmed with low medals recieved during the warzone.


Blah blah blah blah, I quit warzones, blah blah blah.



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If it looks like a troll and types like a troll..


It's amusing how many people came with good reasons why there is and likely will never be a debuff and how ignorant you are to all of them. Tuck tail already.

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Blah blah blah blah, I quit warzones, blah blah blah.




You know, it is responses like this that make you lose any and all credibility in your argument and they make you come off as egotistical and elitist.


Once again, you are demonstrating the exact same qualities that you claim to hate in quitters.

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Blah blah blah blah, I quit warzones, blah blah blah.





Caeliux learn to quote properly :)

blah blah blah.. Caeliux is like: if you see someone cheating in warzone, stay in, don't leave. Don't report that cheater. Let your team suffer from it, cheaters don't exist.

But again it is Caeliux denying there have been cheaters in the past and nowadays in warzone.

It is Caeliux who is an elder in SWTOR and has a large amount of experience in game.



Anyway Caeliux, i'm deeply sorry, I deeply am to know your friends left you behind in Leagues of Legend.

They found out a new amazing game: Star Wars the Old Republic.

And they left you behind playing alone in pug in LoL. poor soul :)

They were smarter than you there... no offence Caeliux :(


Soon or later we are going to see Caeliux's characters cheating in warzone and we'll be forced to stay in that warzone when it's not Caeliux playing and WE ALL HAVE TO SUFFER FROM WHAT HE'S ASKING.

Because he didn't read properly my reply :(


Caeliux, i'm not here in this thread to feed trollers like you and with your pathetic wishes of getting rules.

But i can feed you with horsemeat if you want.

Horsemeat is good, it's not bad for your health.

Caeliux, if people deserve a debuff for leaving a warzone because you don't communicate with your team, because you are not using recruit gear, or because you are so troll. Well you deserve a trolling debuff Caeliux :(


Caeliux, READ properly my first reply in this thread and STOP trolling here :)


Caeliux, I am just an honest and fair player like you will say you are (but with your wish of deserter debuff i doubt you are), i can ask anytime and find the right arguments to make you stop trolling here or get this thread close :)

Just don't push it that way :)

People are here to share ideas, not to rage against people leaving warzone. I've stated some valluable reasons to leave a warzone.

But you Caeliux you decided to take what suits you and turn it up in a pathetic arguement:

<< Me Caeliux, me pay for the game lol make rules plx kk thx bb rules ftw! >>

Seriously Caeliux,

Wake up buddy. We are not safe from hackers.

If you red my first reply you would know that.

But , Caeliux, you are new and you feel frustrated because someone older or has more experience and knowledge than you in this game tells you what happened in the past of SWTOR.


Caeliux, you didn't read my reply. you are denying cheaters existed before or some are trying to cheat in warzones!!!

Elder SWTOR players will confirm what i've said.

And you Caeliux want to penalize all the pvp community to stay in warzone where there could be a cheater in warzone.

Again Caeliux, We are never safe from hackers. You lack of knowledge in this game i don't care if you are guild master of... something lol


Bioware is designing the game to not repeat the same mistakes as in WoW, LoL or any other MMO

Bioware is doing a great amazing job and they are doing all their best to support any player's requests in game or in the forum.


Caeliux. Do you really think Bioware doesn't know what's going wrong in PvP from other games?

Caeliux. Do you really think they are going to repeat the same mistakes as them?


Caeliux by the way.... blah blah blah keep trolling with your rules.

Remember bioware will never repeat the same mistakes as in the previous games you've been playing.

They are making this game fair and turning up better than any other MMO. Just wait and we'll see who was wrong or right :)


Caeliux... blah blah blah... do you want your horsemeat burger? With catsup or mus"tard"?

Edited by Annuk
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But quitting during a match still needs punishment, people need to stop leaving for whatever reason.


Caeliux. We are not safe from hackers. We don't want to be stucked with your characters botting in warzones.


If you had more awarness and more knowledge about what's going wrong in PvP from any games.

You: Caeliux, wouldn't come with such deserter debuff ideas.


Caeliux. i red all pages and i've noticed you take what suits you and you don't have right arguments to make benefit to all PvP'ers.

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Caeliux learn to quote properly :)

blah blah blah.. Caeliux is like: if you see someone cheating in warzone, stay in, don't leave. Don't report that cheater. Let your team suffer from it, cheaters don't exist.

But again it is Caeliux denying there have been cheaters in the past and nowadays in warzone.

It is Caeliux who is an elder in SWTOR and has a large amount of experience in game.



Anyway Caeliux, i'm deeply sorry, I deeply am to know your friends left you behind in Leagues of Legend.

They found out a new amazing game: Star Wars the Old Republic.

And they left you behind playing alone in pug in LoL. poor soul :)

They were smarter than you there... no offence Caeliux :(


Soon or later we are going to see Caeliux's characters cheating in warzone and we'll be forced to stay in that warzone when it's not Caeliux playing and WE ALL HAVE TO SUFFER FROM WHAT HE'S ASKING.

Because he didn't read properly my reply :(


Caeliux, i'm not here in this thread to feed trollers like you and with your pathetic wishes of getting rules.

But i can feed you with horsemeat if you want.

Horsemeat is good, it's not bad for your health.

Caeliux, if people deserve a debuff for leaving a warzone because you don't communicate with your team, because you are not using recruit gear, or because you are so troll. Well you deserve a trolling debuff Caeliux :(


Caeliux, READ properly my first reply in this thread and STOP trolling here :)


Caeliux, I am just an honest and fair player like you will say you are (but with your wish of deserter debuff i doubt you are), i can ask anytime and find the right arguments to make you stop trolling here or get this thread close :)

Just don't push it that way :)

People are here to share ideas, not to rage against people leaving warzone. I've stated some valluable reasons to leave a warzone.

But you Caeliux you decided to take what suits you and turn it up in a pathetic arguement:

<< Me Caeliux, me pay for the game lol make rules plx kk thx bb rules ftw! >>

Seriously Caeliux,

Wake up buddy. We are not safe from hackers.

If you red my first reply you would know that.

But you are new and you feel frustrated because someone older or has more experience and knowledge than you in this game tells you what happened in the past of SWTOR.


Caeliux, you didn't read my reply. you are denying cheaters existed before or some are trying to cheat in warzones!!!

Elder SWTOR players will confirm what i've said.

And you Caeliux want to penalize all the pvp community to stay in warzone where there could be a cheater in warzone.

Again Caeliux, We are never safe from hackers. You lack of knowledge in this game i don't care if you are guild master of... something lol


Bioware is designing the game to not repeat the same mistakes as in WoW, LoL or any other MMO

Bioware is doing a great amazing job and they are doing all their best to support any player's requests in game or in the forum.


Caeliux. Do you really think Bioware doesn't know what's going wrong in PvP from other games?

Caeliux. Do you really think they are going to repeat the same mistakes as them?


Caeliux by the way.... blah blah blah keep trolling with your rules.

Remember bioware will never repeat the same mistakes as in the previous games you've been playing.

They are making this game turning up better than any other MMO. Just wait and we'll see who was wrong or right :)


Caeliux... blah blah blah... do you want your horsemeat burger? With catsup or mus"tard"?




I am Caeliux.


I think people need punishment for leaving warzones and rage quitting.


Have a good day.

Edited by Caeliux
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I am Caeliux.


I think people need punishment for leaving warzones and rage quitting.


Have a good day.


<<Hello, my name is Caeliux rofl.

Before i delete or edited what i wrote lol. read page 31 where i say you deserve a deserter debuff because you left a warzone when you notice someone cheating there>>


<<I am Caeliux cheaters never existed in SWTOR>>

<<Stay or i'll report in the forum to give you a deserter debuff>>


blah blah blah... Caeliux


Do you want catsup in you horsemeat burger? Have a nice meal Caeliux lol :)

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<<Hello, my name is Caeliux rofl.

Before i delete or edited what i wrote lol. read page 31 where i say you deserve a deserter debuff because you left a warzone when you notice someone cheating there>>


<<I am Caeliux cheaters never existed in SWTOR>>

<<Stay or i'll report in the forum to give you a deserter debuff>>


blah blah blah... Caeliux


Do you want catsup in you horsemeat burger? Have a nice meal Caeliux lol :)


I know its hard to grasp being a sportsman and sticking it out no matter what.


It's hard for people to have a spine or have pride in themselves.


I blame parents.

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Sure you can leave, but you deserve a deserter buff.


<<Hello I am Caeliux, just here to troll in the PvP forum because i am guildmaster of an unknown guild denying cheaters in the past. I am Caeliux denying we are safe from hackers in games. You have all Advanced Casses.

You notice something impossible that could be hacking in warzone. Just stay in the warzone because that hacker character it's Caeliux denying the différents that happened in warzoe in the past>>


blah blah blah i am Caeliux guild master... of some trolling guild?

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I know its hard to grasp being a sportsman and sticking it out no matter what.


It's hard for people to have a spine or have pride in themselves.


I blame parents.


Caeliux, as i wrote you are just taking what suits you to keep trolling?

But again as guildmaster it's not the attitude you must show in the forum :)

How do you want you horsemeat burger? Son?

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I know its hard to grasp being a sportsman and sticking it out no matter what.


It's hard for people to have a spine or have pride in themselves.


I blame parents.


Caeliux you are SO obsessed with tules :) Tell us more about you chilhood, have you been beaten from any of your parents that you want rules that suits more for hackers than for human players?

Really boy.

Caeliux. You dont have a single clue what's going wrong in games. Maybe because you are cheating.


Caeliux, son, answer to your daddy: do you want catsup in your troll horsemeat burger son?

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