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Dual Spec


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Yep, I am at this point entirely baffled that this is not in. It was stated that it would be in shortly after release, and then a few months later it was stated that it was going to be pushed back, and other things prioritized.


What baffles me is that--how hard can it be at this point? Since then, we've gotten field respec and free respec. The only thing that remains is just the pain in the butt of switching specs, which I'm able to speed-click through in about 15 seconds, yet my sense of annoyance every time I have to do it has not lessened one bit.


--We have multiple UI profiles that can be stored locally, yet for some reason we can't have 2 spec profiles also stored locally.


--We've seen them make changes to the UI where they're just slapping buttons on in spare places to provide new functions, yet for some reason they can't slap a couple of new buttons onto the skill tree pane.


--With 2.0 we've seen them entirely redraw the skill tree pane, yet for some reason it couldn't be changed further to add buttons or tabs for dual or more specs.


I honestly don't get it.

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