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Advice on how to improve HPS in PVP


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Hello my fellow Smugglers! (And also any Agents who may be spying on us :p)


I'm looking for some advice on how I can improve my HPS, particularly in PVP. I am a 90+ valor scoundrel healer, and while I perform OK... I want to do better! Currently at the end of a PVP game my HPS sits around the 750-800 mark, which typically gives about 700k total healing.


I see a lot of screenshots with scoundrel/operative healing reaching 1300+HPS... which is very impressive... but it makes me feel that I must be doing something wrong (or at least just lots of room to grow) since I'm never close to that.


I feel I use the same approach as any good sawbones scoundrel would... HoTs on multiple targets, always keep 1 stack of UH up, keep moving, crouch when casting etc. My gear is very good with min/maxed WH/EWH and a couple of PVE 27 armorings.


Gah how can I improve?!

Edited by mermsy
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  • 2 weeks later...
Honestly 700k or 700-850 hps isn't terrible, the screenshots you see of people with 1300 hps or 1m+ healing aren't an every wz kind of thing. Alot of times those numbers are put up because they are either A> Pocket healing for somebody B) they were left untouched and just got to sit there spam healing or C) the opposing team wasn't actually focusing targets and basically give the healer a big red bar to pad their numbers with cause they aren't able to actually kill people.
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700k healing in a WZ is not bad. Reaching an HPS higher that 1k is pretty feasible, unlike the poster stated above.


The key is to make sure you are in a constant state of healing. This can be more difficult if you get focused, but as a scoundrel healer you should be able to get around these issues without dropping much lower in HPS.


Basically you want to just use 3 abilites on rotation, slow-release medpac, uw heal, emergency medpac. Every two rotations your kolto pack should be used. And if you energy drops below 65 then use diagnostic scan.... Basically I usually go two rotations, drop my kolto and then use diagnostic scan. If you maintain a rotation like this you will heal for very high HPS.


As for the above poster... getting 1300 hps is not that difficult while still moving and dealing with opposing players. If I get to spam heals unnoticed then i am parsing 2.5k-3k HPS... so yeah ****

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I should also add that you should be using a program like MOX to parse your logs. MOX will track your total heals done, not just what part of a health bar was filled for your teammate like the pvp sheet displays. If you have a large discrepancy between the swtor sheet and your mox then you will know that you are over healing. Of course sometimes there is not that much available to heal if you are playing bads, but I would say that 90% of wz rounds you can get close to 1mill heals if you just mind your rotations and stick with your team.
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700k healing in a WZ is not bad. Reaching an HPS higher that 1k is pretty feasible, unlike the poster stated above.


The key is to make sure you are in a constant state of healing. This can be more difficult if you get focused, but as a scoundrel healer you should be able to get around these issues without dropping much lower in HPS.


Basically you want to just use 3 abilites on rotation, slow-release medpac, uw heal, emergency medpac. Every two rotations your kolto pack should be used. And if you energy drops below 65 then use diagnostic scan.... Basically I usually go two rotations, drop my kolto and then use diagnostic scan. If you maintain a rotation like this you will heal for very high HPS.


As for the above poster... getting 1300 hps is not that difficult while still moving and dealing with opposing players. If I get to spam heals unnoticed then i am parsing 2.5k-3k HPS... so yeah ****


I never said 1k wasn't feasible i said it's not an every WZ kind of thing, and unless you can show me a parse where your hitting 2.5k-3k i'm going to take that with a grain of salt.

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anything over 1200 you need to have some special circumstances like you and a team of good healers facing off a bunch of mediocre smashers who never kill anyone on a voidstar or novarre (for example)


How do you get that high?


Well for one you need to spam your AOE, it pumps out a huge amount of HPS compared to all your other abils. Often times in raids it will account over 1/3 of my healing done and it is on a 15 second cool down while the rest of our abilities are on globals. Burning this every 15 seconds preferably on 3+ players (Don't be afraid to get in there and be one of the recipients)


Probe, anyone you think COULD POSSIBLY MAYBE take dmg should be probed up if you are just sitting there doing nothing with energy to spare (Stealth after or not at all, you have cover). Once combat starts keep a minimum of one on yourself, two if there is any pressure. Again if you have spare time, probe. Double probing can be really effective if you keep them up, but don't over extend yourself, it isn't nearly as effective when you aren't/can't properly maintain(ing) them. Keeping up the 2 stacks increases your HPS b a lot and also becomes much more energy efficient. Also if you mess it up, always skip to the allies that are about to lose their probe. To remain as efficient as possible you have to do your best and adapt when the rotation gets broken. (I'm making this sound much easier than it is, especially when you have a few dps breathing down your neck) Trying to keep hots up on everyone is pretty much impossible so pick targets like allied healers or squishy dps like vanguards


Doing these 2 things is pretty much the key to high HPS. You will use all your heals, but the high hps comes from these 2 abils. The rest is just to be pumped into whoever is taking focus, doing your best to manage your resource and stay bout 60 energy or have probe up to get u there.


Granted for actually winning games and not just trying to do your best healing numbers you will often times need a single target rotation which ****s up all your probes. But don't let that dissuade you. If you are ahead of DPS focus the only way to save them is with the big casts. Sometimes you need to cut your losses but I see way too many op/scoundrels giving up on their single target casts because they can be interrupted, and are unused. Well news flash instants aren't going to heal anyone through competent focus fire with instants and hots. And you have cover so pretty much the only people on the map who can int you at a proper distance are sages and snipers. (more than likely they are way behind the melee anyway, bust sometimes you get a slinger with balls of steel posted up in the middle of a fight)

Edited by Mookind
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There's always someone who could do with an extra slow med pack. That plus all the above. Most of the time they are one off scores where they don't get targeted at all or its a failing group of smashers so don't worry to much.
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Hello my fellow Smugglers! (And also any Agents who may be spying on us :p)


I'm looking for some advice on how I can improve my HPS, particularly in PVP. I am a 90+ valor scoundrel healer, and while I perform OK... I want to do better! Currently at the end of a PVP game my HPS sits around the 750-800 mark, which typically gives about 700k total healing.


I see a lot of screenshots with scoundrel/operative healing reaching 1300+HPS... which is very impressive... but it makes me feel that I must be doing something wrong (or at least just lots of room to grow) since I'm never close to that.


I feel I use the same approach as any good sawbones scoundrel would... HoTs on multiple targets, always keep 1 stack of UH up, keep moving, crouch when casting etc. My gear is very good with min/maxed WH/EWH and a couple of PVE 27 armorings.


Gah how can I improve?!


Cast a lot of hots, stack high surge low alacrity ( or none atm, in 2.0 this will change ), use diagnostic scan as the main heal on hotted targets only cast UW on players being burned down followed by emergency medpack, keep 1 stack of UH up at all times if possible. Playing ranked warzones will also help pad those HPS numbers as you will need to heal more.

Edited by spritepr
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Lets be honest here: 1300HPS+ games are not an everyday occurance.


You need a very special set of circumstances to occur before being able to have to oppertunity to go for this sort of game.


I can post screenshots gallore of between 1000-1300hps games from random pug wz's, but getting above that, doesn't happen often. The circumstances required for these sort of games are more prevalent in ranked warzones. Alot of times, depending on the wz itself, that can change things too. Alderaan matches will go off at hte start in mid, alot of time going above 1400hps, but then you have a patch of 4 mins where you do nothing for example, because the other team gave up.


First and foremost, and most important, the damage needs to be there for you to heal. Not every game you play will you be facing 3-4 dps on the other team who know what they are doing and fighting close enough for you to heal. Also, generally speaking, if they know what they are doing, they are focusing you. So you will need good dps and maybe a tank to peel for you. If you have a proven reputation of being a b*tch to kill, that helps too, as once you have this, sometimes they will just generaly ignore you and allow you to do your thing in non ranked wz's.


That is the most common scenario for those large games. The other scenario which can happen, although is more rare, is you have around about 15 other players in the wz with you that are genreally sh*t to average players. They are all dps, with maybe 1 healer on the other team, and they all pick individual targets to fight, so there is 8 mini 1v1's going on in the wz. With damage spread out like this, and because the players are sh*t, it's not accumulating quickly, so u can basically hot everyone and stop every single person from dying.


As to what to do inside the wz to acheive results, thats been covered, with some good advice on KC and SRMP using EMP when energy is low from hotting.


The best thing to do, is get together with good players. Generally speaking, the more good players in the warzone, the more likely the circumstances will present themselves to have those 1300hps+ games.

Edited by GHoppa
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The ceiling for healers is based off the quality of your team compared to the others. As a poster said before, you can't heal what isn't being damaged. Lot of variables will affect how you do at the end. Lot of ppl have said high hps means not getting focused, which is a load of bs. Sometimes it may be, but I've had plenty of 1400+ games where I took the 2nd most dmg behind my tank.
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I have been able to break 1300 hps. In fact I just got out of a game where I did 1334. Granted that is not normal, but I probably average around 1000. IMO anything above 900 is a good game. Some of the techniques I use are as follows:


Drop one slow-release medpac on three different people and then do a diagnostic scan. (Keep your energy high and you won't have energy problems.)


If you have a reliable tank with you, drop your kolto cloud on him pretty much every time it is up. (If your tank is doing his job he should be near peeps that need heals. This is a good way to get the most out of your aoe heals.)


If people need bigger heals perform underworld medicine followed by emergency medpack for a decent inexpensive burst.


If someone is really getting focused and you don't think that the prior technique mentioned will keep them up, perform kolto pack followed by underworld medicine. (I usually do this multiple times in succession if I still have my cool head up. Usually this will weather the opposing teams burst and hots can fix the prob afterwards. If cool head is not up I do not suggest this for it is very costly.)


If you are being focused heavily pop defense screen plus dodge at the same time. ( Only if you think you cannot weather the storm with defense screen, hots, and stuns.)


A good way to get someone off of you is to target a different opponent and crouch. This will allow you to roll to the nearest object, covering large distance very fast. (This technique takes some getting used to because you have to be quick and target an opponent, roll, and quickly re-target an ally that needs heals.)


Whenever you are not casting, constantly run around in awkward angles in and out of your allies. It makes you a much harder target. Also run behind your allies when you start getting focused.


Lastly, use your ops frames. I would have to say I probably only look up off of my ops frames every two heals. I am trying to get better about getting the whole view, but honestly if you are really trying to keep your allies up you should have a lot of attention on your ops frames.



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