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Power, Critical Rating, Accuracy?? Please advise :)


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I am new to this game and am currently level 24 sith marauder. Playing the Carnage Spec and loving it. However, i have seemingly hit a wall with my rotation or dmg output as i am getting handled by npc's equivalent to my own level. To get to the point, I have read to increase accuracy to 100% but do not understand how to do so. I don't understand how power, surge, critical multiplier, etc play into the overall build of the class. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
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Those stat amounts apply to level 50s. You are incredibly unlikely to make it to them as a lowbie. For now, you should focus on general combat strategy and priority. For example, if a strong mob of your level is beating you, you may want to try interuping its cast ability if it has one, or possibly stunning it with force choke (as a level 24, you just got that).


When you get to level 50, there's a stat priority for each spec. Doesn't matter much til you hit 50 though.


As for stat priority for dps in general, just some basic tips: no absorb, no shield, no defense, and no alacrity (as of 1.7. in 2.0, you want alacrity)

Edited by idnewton
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Thanks for the tips. Everything I read is based off a lvl 50 rotation so thank you. Why the aclarity change in 2.0 could someone explain that please? Thanks again.


Alacrity used to only affect channel and casts, which marauder has none of them, save Ravage. In 2,0, alacrity now effectively reduce the GCD, resulting in more APM (ability per minute).


Its however going to be a stat I suspect "engines" will overestimate compared to what a human player with some server lag will get out of each point. I suppose accuracy will be more useful than alacrity until your acc hits 100% on normal attacks, 110% on specials. Only then really I'd consider dumping more points in it.

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I am new to this game and am currently level 24 sith marauder. Playing the Carnage Spec and loving it. However, i have seemingly hit a wall with my rotation or dmg output as i am getting handled by npc's equivalent to my own level. To get to the point, I have read to increase accuracy to 100% but do not understand how to do so. I don't understand how power, surge, critical multiplier, etc play into the overall build of the class. Please advise. Thanks in advance.


The specific thing about the Carnage spec and more or less any other Marauder build is that we reach our full potential late in the leveling process (after level 40 more or less).


At level 24 you got Force Choke, which is a fine ability that builds you rage while at the same time gives Quinn some time to heal you up. The next good ability will come from the Carnage tree and is Gore (which you can get at 30 if you don't waste points elsewhere). Gore gives you 100% armor penetration and when combined with Ravage deals massive damage. You should get Towering rage (level 4 in the tree) right after Blood Frenzy and when you get BF, you can make the Gore-Ravage-Force Scream combo within 6s which is something amazing :)


Regarding the stats, you can't do much till lvl 50. Make sure you get as many orange pieces as you can and that all the mods in them have more strength than endurance. The other stats you're looking for are Power and Surge. The critical rating is not so important and the reason for this is that when Blood Frenzy procs (30% chance from Ataru form + Ataru Mastery) when you also have Towering rage, the Force Scream you use in that 6s Blood frenzy window has 100% critical chance. Combine that guaranteed critical hit with Gore's 100% armor penetration and you'll see Force screams that do 1200-1500 damage as early as level 30-35.


Regarding your alacrity question:


Currently our Berserk skill (for Ataru form) reduces the force cost of the attacks we use for proccing ataru strikes (Vicious slash which is later replaced by Massacre) and reduces the Global countdown for these attacks by 0,5s (making the GCD 1s instead of 1.5).


With the changes to Alacrity in 2.0, it will reduce the global countdown for every class. That's why they also change the Berserk skill for Ataru and give us 30% Alacrity, which effectively does the same thing and lowers the GCD to 1 - 1.1s. So we'll already have max alacrity during our berserk phases and it doesn't make sense to invest in additional alacrity on our gear. Doing so will probably mean to sacrifice some more important stat like Power, Surge or Accuracy, which doesn't make much sense.


Of course the testing on PTS goes on and we'll have access to tons of information what stats are most useful for Carnage in 2.0. Especially when PvP is repaired and we can do some testing there too.

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I am new to this game and am currently level 24 sith marauder. Playing the Carnage Spec and loving it. However, i have seemingly hit a wall with my rotation or dmg output as i am getting handled by npc's equivalent to my own level. To get to the point, I have read to increase accuracy to 100% but do not understand how to do so. I don't understand how power, surge, critical multiplier, etc play into the overall build of the class. Please advise. Thanks in advance.


Like others have said marauder shines in the level 40 range unlike a lot of other classes like gunslinger and dps powertech which scale pretty well in pvp at lower levels. I definitely think carnage is one of the most fun specs in the game (balance shadow is my favorite spec) and just be aware of all of your utility you have as that spec. Your saber throw healing debuff can be specced into a root and the speed boost of your predations at lvl 30 up as carnage is amazing in huttball. If you have difficulty leveling, I might recommend switching to annihilation which is a dot build that has dotting self heals. Overall, though carnage is a great white damage spec that shines at level 50 single target dps, because it doesn't have dots that can be easily cleansed by all scoundrels, commandos, and specced sages which is annihilation's greatest weakness.

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