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Interest check; Mandalorian Clan Remnant (Empire RP Guild)


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So I’ve been on the Progenitor for a good few months now, and been involved in a good few guilds across both factions but have yet to find something to be passionate about and dedicate my roleplaying hours to.


I’ve, in all my years of Star Wars fandom, enjoyed the Mandalorian culture and I am surprised to see little representation of said faction in roleplay on this server and would certainly like to rectify this!


The concept I have in mind is a decimated and weathered Mandalorian clan (Clan Zellion) who answered the call of Mandalore the lesser and met their destruction in conflict with Republic forces.

The few remaining members of this clan will have pledged their allegiance to the new Mandalore and seek to recover, restore and rebuild their clan and personal culture.

These few rag-tag survivors of the clan will seek out work in the galaxy as to gather the credits required to fund their restoration project, how they make these credits will be the primary IC goal, second only to healing their broken culture.


That is the basic IC concept and it would be fantastic to have a small group of like minded, creative individuals who are knowledgeable of Star Wars (specifically Mandalorian) lore.


I have lead roleplaying guilds successfully on a couple of other games and particularly enjoy forging deeply character driven guild storylines, in which the guild story and personal member stories are constantly progressed and added to.


I love input from others and if people are onboard with this concept I’d love to hear from you!


Feel free to contact me in game on my character Kayvun.




Edited by darthkora
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