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A guide on How to Min/Max your PvP Gear - Jedi Sentinel


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Hello everybody and welcome to another video guide on the Jedi Sentinel Class. This time around I'm going to be talking about how to minimize/maximize the stats on your PvP Gear otherwise known as min/maxing. This process of modifying your PvP gear will definitely unlock you true dps potential so hopefully you enjoy!


Video Guide:


My Youtube Channel: https://youtube.com/TOOpowerful9000

Would Love to hear feedback either on the channel or here if you like or dislike the commentary!

Thanks For Watching!

Edited by blazerSERVE
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Are you still playing as a Watchman?


I can't watch as I'm at work.




No, I'm currently playing as a combat sentinel, I like the burst of the class and the timing of the different moves put together, makes it feel as fluid as a watchman sentinel rotation so that was a plus. Focus isn't really fun to play so I stuck with combat. :)

Edited by blazerSERVE
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Hi guys, i ‘d like to know your opinions or advices pls.


As a marauder and pvp player I m thinking to get war leader’s ear module and implant to get more strength+endurance stats. Do you think these extra shield , defence or absorption stats would be useless and just wasted or anyway they would be ok and still useful for marauder/sentinel characters?


thank you

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