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The Empire's Last Strike


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Hi guys! :D This is my first piece of fan fiction featuring the Karmarna Legacy, on the Red Eclipse server. One quick note is that not all of my characters are level 50, but for this story, they are. Please feel free to give me a little constructive criticism, hope you enjoy!



Prisoner Break

15 Days After the Battle of Dromund Kaas (ABDK)


Major Rolof Karmarna stood on the bridge of the Valor-class cruiser Infamous. On the Infamous, Rolof was helping to transport the traitor, Haron Tavus, out to a very remote prison named A-77, which had been rebuilt after it was destroyed by the Empire. In the back was the Jedi Knight A’teesho Karmarna, Rolof’s nephew, who was escorting the prisoner. But the one thing troubling Rolof was the fact that first of all he was in-experienced in commanding troops and destroyers, but also the fact that he had no notion in where his BT-7 Thunderclap starship (or The Red Blade for short) was. This was his main problem, as The Red Blade was at the time of its hijacking, carrying the secret attack plans for Havoc Squad, and the Republic itself. Rolof glanced around the bridge and saw two of his superiors-General Garza and Supreme Commander Malcom- being lead into by his trusted friend and colleague Captain Aric Jorgan. Jorgan saluted and left Rolof alone with Garza and Malcom. “What’s our next move General?” Asked Rolof.

“ Well Major,” Garza said. “We shall be heading from Coruscant, to A-77 in about 3 minutes. We expect no resistance." Rolof saluted, and then walked down to meet with Havoc Squad and Tavus, as the Infamous prepeared to make the jump into Hyperspace.


He opened the door to the mission deck, and saw the 6 other members of Havoc squad (the Cathar, Captain Aric Jorgan; the Human, Lieutenant Elara Dorne (Rolof’s future wife); the Weequay Sergeant Tanno Vik; the Gand Lieutenant Yuun; the battle droid M1-4X and the assassin droid HK-51) waiting for him by the airlock that was connected to a Wanderer-class crusier. Rolof smiled as he thought about the fact that every member of Havoc squad was a different species, Rolof being a Zabrak. As he approached the squad all saluted him and stood at attention. “At ease Havoc,” they did as they were told. “General Garza says that we aren’t expecting any resistance, but even so, I want Yuun at the scanners. If there is an ambush, I want to know about it. HK and Vik, go up to the hangars, make sure the fighters are ready. Jorgan go with 4X and Dorne, guard the prisoner, and make sure the cannons are working at full fire power. If it is an ambush, then I want all forces where the Supreme Commander and the General put you. I will join you in such an emergency. Any questions?” Havoc stayed silent. “I’ll take that as a no. Now let’s go, go, go!”


With all of Havoc in position, Rolof felt much safer as the Infamous came out of Hyperspace. He looked out of the bridge. Just an empty asteroid field. But, just as Rolof started to look away, he saw a huge 10 battleship Imperial fleet come out of Hyperspace, just outside the asteroids. Quick as a flash, the Infamous’ alarms sounded, and there was chaos on the bridge. Rolof ran up to where the Supreme Commander and General Garza where standing and watched as the Thranta-class cruiser that was docked with the Prison, release and start to engage. The fighters were shooting out of the hangars and the Imperials were doing the same. Within seconds of appearing, the Empire’s forces were already firing through the asteroids. “Major!” Rolof heard Supreme Commander Jace Malcom shout over the hubbub. “Get down to the hangar and lead our pilots!” Rolof was stunned.

“I haven’t had enough…” He started to say but General Garza cut him off.

“Ask Sergeant Vik, he should know.” And with that the two Commanding officers started to inform the ships’ captain.


Rolof hopped into the Liberator-class starfighter, and hit some controls. It buzzed into life, as he saw Sergeant Vik and Lieutenant Yuun run over to other Liberators. They flew out in formation and instantly saw a small group of Imperial bombers fly near them “Yuun, Tanno, follow me.” Rolof said over the comm.

“Gotcha Major!” Tanno replied.

“Yuun follows” Yuun exclaimed. The three Havoc members spun around. Three bombers were on a direct course with the prison. Seeing this Rolof, Yuun and Tanno shoved their joysticks forward, but they couldn’t speed up!

“Blast!” Shouted Rolof. “These things won’t go any…” He suddenly saw 2 Defender-class light Corvettes and a XS light freighter appear out of nowhere.

“What in the name of a Jawa’s grave?!” Cursed Tanno. He two had seen the sight. The three ships fired on the bombers, destroying them.

“This is Jedi Master Affilia Karmarna hailing Republic Starfighter G-81, good job Rolof!” Came a voice over Rolof’s speakers. The speaker was his adopted mother, the Twi’lek Master Affilia Karmarna A.K.A the Hero of Tython. Practitioner of the Sentinel path of the Jedi Order.

“MUM!?” Exclaimed Rolof. He was utterly shocked. “What are you doing here?”

“Saving your neck of course.” Said another voice, the one of his adopted sister, human Gunslinger Rilalium Karmarna.

“You didn’t expect us to just let you die Major.” Came the voice of Lieutenant Felix Iresso. “Master Karmarna is in his room using the little battle meditation trick.” Master Karmarna was again Rolof’s adopted brother (father of A’teesho). His proper name was Master Chaleus Karmarna, a human member on the Jedi council and twin to Rilalium.


- - -


Sith lords Darth Nox (formerly Sinther) and the Second Emperor’s Wrath, Darth Vilanius stood on the bridge of the Harrower-class dreadnaught Red Fist. Darth Nox looked around and saw his apprentice Xalek approaching him. “Master,” Xalek said in a calm manner. “We are almost within firing range of the Republic fleet. Should we begin assault?”

“Yes my apprentice.” Nox said commandingly. Xalek bowed and left.

“My lord,” said Vilanius. “Shall I get Vette ready on the bridge of my ship. Do you want me to make sure that Andronikos is ready on your ship?”

“Yes please Vilanius.” The Emperor’s Wrath bowed and set off. Nox then turned to the captain of the ship, Moff Vinkempt. “Moff,” He said.

“Yes, Darth Nox, sir?” The Moff spluttered.

“Launch all squadrons on my mark.” Nox gestured towards the command panel.

“Yes, my lord.” Came Moff Vinkempt’s reply. Darth Nox walked down the stairs behind him, ready to free Commander Tavus.


Darths Vilanius and Nox stood by their ships’ holoterminals, ready for attack. “-Master-“ Said the Dashade Assassin Khem Val. “*Mr. Revel has the ship in formation with Darth Vilanius’. What are your orders?*” Nox thought for a second.

“Bring us around to the Republic command ship, and dock in one of their hangars.” Nox decleared to his team and Vilanius’ team.


As Nox’s and Vilanius’ ships landed, the strike teams ran out of the back of their ships into heavy Republic fire. Nox instinctively drew out his lightsaber and deflected the bolts. He gave the command and Ashara Zavros and Khem Val ran down the landing ramp, and stepped into the fray while Sither and Xalek sent lightning down at their attackers. After about a minute’s fighting, the Republic’s forces where in disarray, but mainly were slightly twitching corpses.


- - -


Rolof pulled his ship back towards the Imperial Harrower-class Dreadnaught, Red Fist. “Rolof, we shall go back and…” Affilia started but was cut short by the captain of the Infamous, Admiral Sinck.

“Sirs,” he said. “We need you back here at once. We are under attack by Darth Nox and other Sith. You’re our only hope for survival.” The message cut out with an explosion. “Rolof and Chaleus, follow me back.” Commanded Affilia. The three ships turned back. “Rilalium stay back with these troopers, and take on their command ship.” Rolof looked up and saw two Fury-class Interceptors fly out of one of the hangars.

“Follow them!” Shouted Rolof. The small squad took off towards the ships.


- - -


Nox ran down the hallways of the Republic cruiser, cutting down Jedi and troopers as he ran. “Umm... master. Jedi master!” Ashara shouted and the attack team looked back. They were being followed by the Jedi, Master Chaleus Karmarna, Major Karmarna (Leader of Havoc squad) and Master Affilia Karmarna. They attacked with force, their companions attacking Nox’s and Vilanius’. Nox engaged with Master Chaleus. He swung a blow at Chaleus’ head, and was almost caught off guard by another one of Chaleus’ quick strikes. He jumped back and quckly froze Chalues with a jet of lightning. As Nox turned he saw the rest of Havoc squad coming at them. Vilanius pulled down the ceiling with the force, and they were stuck there. He skilfully blocked Affilia’s blows, but two blades where better than one. Affilia tried to jump over Vilanius, but Vilanius caught her in force choke. Nox was suddenly knocked back by a wave of force, produced by Chaleus. Nox blocked the next few blows, almost hitting Chaleus himself. Nox struck back with duel blows to Chaleus’ waist and then jumped over his head and stabbed at him. Chaleus jumped out of the way, just in time.


- - -


Rilalium threw her ship around and into a loop, to make way for incoming starfighters. Flanked by Tanno Vik and Yuun, she flew over to the command ship and shot a Proton torpedo at one of its shield generators. Yuun and Tanno fired a smaller Proton each, but were coming around for a second time when they were shot by two fighters and crashed down into a hangar. Rilalium took out another two shield generators and shot at the bridge. Nothing happened. The Wookiee, Bowdaar, came up behind her. “-Rill-“ He said. “-The soldiers were just shot down into that hangar there. That might be the only way to destroy the cruiser, and Rolof won’t be happy with you if you let them die. Remember, he can put you in jail, Rill-“ Rilalium turned back, and landed back in the hangar. She could see the starfighters being harassed by Imerials, but the Imerials died quickly in a flurry of blades. Tanno and Yuun hopped out, and ran to greet Corso and the others by the loading ramp. When Rilalium got down, she jumped into cover, and took out many troops, that were coming out to reinforce the troops that Tanno and Yuun killed. Once they had gone, the group ran down to the main reactor. Rilalium handed Tanno a pack of charges and he started to put them down.


After that, the group were about to run up to the bridge and take out the leader when Tanno said “Go you guys, I’ll get this thing going, and taken care of.” Rilalium nodded and Yuun saluted Tanno, then followed. Once at the bridge Akaavi Spar and Bowdaar ran to the doors and flanked the officers. Rilalium, Corso Riggs, Risha, Guss Tuno and Yuun walked up to the plump Moff Vinkempt. Some guards attempted risistance, but where put down by a member of the team. Yuun got his techblade out and got into a stance for combat.

“What you do it for man?” Asked Rilalium. “Pay? Fame? Glory? Or because your muma wanted you to?” Corso laughed, and Yuun said,

“Yuun loves jokes.”

“Who said I was joking?” Enquired Rilalium. Risha snorted. “Now what is your business here Mr. Impy?”

“Well,” The Moff said superiorly. “We are here to collect a Commander Harron Tavus.” The group moved forwards.

“If you want to live,” Rilalium mocked. “You will give us two things. 1: You all surrender; and 2: You give us a lot of credits!” Corso nodded and they all attacked the Moff from multiple directions. Vinkempt dived under Yuun and ran. He opened the door and was followed by Akaavi and Bowdaar who were hot on his heels. He started to get to a distance away and was taken down by Tanno, who grabbed his vibroblade and jabbed it through his heart. The Moff died quickly.

“Let’s get out of here before this place blows.” He said. The group ran back to the XS freighter. As they were running up the ramp, Yuun got shot in the leg by more Imperials. Rilalium and Corso returned fire.

“Are you all right Yuun? Can you walk?” Asked Risha.

“Yuun is alright.” Yuun said.

“I’ll get you to the medcentre. There should be a Kolto cloth in the cupboard.” Risha said. Yuun nodded and hobbled inside. Rilalium jumped into her command seat and flew out of the cruiser. Tanno pressed the button on his remote control, and the ship blew up.


- - -


Rolof stood behind the Jedi and Sith trying to get a clear shot at them. But they kept moving, and Rolof couldn’t get a nice clear view of a Sith. Just as Rolof had a clear view of Darth Nox, Chaleus just got in the way. “Sir,” a voice said in his ear. “This is Leftenant Dorne. I have been alerted by Knight A’teesho that he is being attacked by a group of Imperial Cipher Agents. How should we proceed?”

“Get down there, I’m on my way!” Rolof turned on his heel as the Jedi and Sith continued fighting.


Affilia looked back to see why Rolof ran off but looked back Vilanius when he shot a blow towards Affilia’s head, but it was deflected, and she pushed the Jedi and her companions back, and called for Nox’s group to join her, and assist in the rescue.


- - -


A’teesho sensed a hidden presence behind him. He turned and saw a sort of protocol droid unlocking Tavus’ cell. A’teesho lifted it up and saw 5 Imperials in attack position in front of him. He called to T7-02 and M1-4X and they attacked. A’teesho rolled behind cover and called for reinforcements. The group was being lead by a suspected defector to the Republic, Cipher Nine or Ramanun. Ramanun threw down a stun grenade and everybody was knocked back. A’teesho woke up to see the kindly face of Lieutenant Elara Dorne. “There you go, master Jedi.” She said. “That’s it. Nice and slowly now.” She helped A’teesho up and Dorne put a bandage around his head. As A’teesho looked around, and saw all of the Imperial Agents had been locked up, and were waking up.

“Get the other one, now!” He heard Captain Aric Jorgan call.


- - -


The Republic strike team ran out to one of the hangars where 4 Imperial ships had landed. Rolof went through them. That must be the two Siths’ ships, he thought looking at the two Fury’s and a Prototype Phantom ship and No! “It’s the Red Blade” He cried. “Get it!” The team ran towards it, but it started to take off.

“Rilalium,” Affilia said into her holocomm. The holo of Rilalium flying her ship appeared.

“What is it? I’m flying hear!” Rilalium asked.

“Look at hangar bay 4. Take out those Sith!” Affilia commanded. “You can try and get the Red Blade to land, then take it from the enemy. It isn’t able to make the jump to hyperspace, so get it back!”

“Fine. FOR THE REPUBLIC!!!!!!” She shouted, as the holo disappeared. Rolof ran off to try and shoot down the Sith.


- - -


Rilalium tore back towards hangar bay 4 and the ships. After taking out some starfighters she took a shot at the Phantom, but it turned invisible, and the Sith were all alone. Rilalium took her ship behind and shot, but the shot bounced off the ship’s hull. “Get to those gun people!” She screamed. Corso and Risha ran up. Rilalium spun the XS freighter around to try and get to the Sith, but one jumped into hyperspace. She aimed the guns back at the other Sith, and fired. This shot hit the ship right by its hyperdrive, and sent it quickly into a fast spin. The pilot of the ship turned the main thrusters off, and flew over the XS freighter. Rilalium spun around, to see the ship fly into hyperspace.

“There!” Said Guss Tuno, pointing at the Red Blade. Rilalium double backed to it, and hit it square in the mounted cannons. In retreat, it flew back to the Infamous.


- - -


The Red Blade bumped over the hangar floor, and the Jedi carefully approached it. The loading ramp swung down and revealed the Imperial Agent, Cipher Nine (Ramanun). “Your name, NOW!” said Rolof.

“Agent Ramanun A.K.A: Cipher Nine. I’m here to defect.” The Rattataki spoke in a pronounced Imperial accent. The Karmarnas looked at each other. “Please, I have your information and a lot more. Please let me go to your superiors.” Ramanun begged.

“We shall take you to Garza. And see what to do.” Chaleus concluded. Rolof looked up and saw Rilalium come down, and step out of her ship, followed by Corso, Bowdaar, Risha, Akaavi, Guss, Tanno and a limping Yuun.

“Welcome back Rill. Hey, Yuun are you all right?” Rolof asked.

“Yuun needs medcentre, but all others are well.” Yuun said. Rolof nodded and the small platoon walked back to Garza, while the Empire hastily retreated.

Edited by SamsterHam
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Hi! This is Part 2 of my story. Please leave a comment if you like it! ;) P.S: for the play-able places here, I did do the very same stuff that the characters do in the story so please feel free to copy what Rolof and co do during this chapter. Enjoy.


Chapter 1:


Tatooine, 17 days ABDK


Rolof knelt down on the cliff edge beside the Imperial town of Mos Anek, on Tatooine. The Zabrak looked around at his Cathar friend, Aric Jorgan, whos thin fur stood on end because of sweltering heat. The big battle droid, M1-4X was on the otherside of the cliff, looking to see if they had been spotted. Elara Dorne had her short ginger hair in a bun and was busy fixing a part of HK-51, so he would be to snipe in just a minute. When she had finished, Rolof nodded to the other members of Havoc Squad, and they started to slide down the cliff edge towards the town. Aric attached a paracute to his back and jumped. Rolof, on the other hand, saw that there was no paracutes left (as Elara had needed two for 4X. So he crept over to the side and started to slide along the cliff edge. At about half-way down, Rolof saw that he was traveling too fast. He looked around and couldn't see anything useful, so he did the only thing he. He dug his horns into the rock and, with great pain, he slowed down, and some of his horns were slightly shorter thanks to Elara. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have any hair to cover it up, but he didn't really care, as long as he survived the assult. They would serve as battle scars, he thought, and he stratened up.


He lightly hit Aric around the sholder, and they quickly took the element of suprise and attacked the guards. Aric engaged with blaster on full, but Rolof ripped on of his Plasma Grenades off of his belt and threw it at a guard. The guard was nocked back at died quickly after Rolof hit him with his gun on auto. He turned to look at the other, but heard Aric fall to the ground in pain. Rolof ran over to him, and guarded his body from the guard as he called for a medical probe. The probe came wizzing down from the hill, and Rolof saw HK start sniping at the town, all quiet-like. It cleared Aric up, and flew back, while the two troopers masacured the last guard.


Rolof crept inside with Aric a his heels. He heard gunfire from the other side of Mos Anek. Rolof chared his gun and hit hit the nearby patrol droid, Aric took out a scout probe, and they both fired on the remaining patrol droid, and it shut down. The shots from HK-51 were overwelming the citizens, and killing officers. Rolof and Aric saw their chance, and dived through the chaos, and into the command building were the Mayor was talking to Imperial Intelligence officers, and the team that was loyal to Ramanun. "You're all under arrest for crimes against the Republic!" Rolof shouted. The gang put their hands up, and looked around. Elara flew in through the window, and jumped back through it. Aric sealed the entrances, as Rolof and himself stepped outside. Rolof ran over to a power carbine and attached a homing beacon, for the bombers to come to. Rolof's comm beeped and he actevated it. The holo of Tanno Vik appeared.

"Sir," Tanno said. "We can't keep up much longer, Yuun's leg is giving him trouble, we need to get back. Dorne is here with us, and 4X is covering us." Rolof suddenly realised that Elara and 4X couldn't cover Aric's and his escape. But it did not trouble him. He was a soldier, and soldiers faught until the bitter end.

"OK Jorgan," He said. "We won't be able to escape, but let's keep these Imps here until the bombers get here!"

"Yes sir. FOR THE REPUBLIC!!!!!" Aric shouted, and Rolof followed in his wake, but they were quickly set apon by Sith, droids and troopers. Aric was the frst to fall and then, just as he saw the bombers approach, Rolof went down. The bombers hit, and wiped out all life but the Imerial agents.


- - -


Naboo 17 days ABDK


"We will give enough protection to save all life on this world, and the system," The young dirty-blonde haired and bearded Chaleus said to try and urge on the Gungan, Boss Kex, to join the Republic, and give them access to the large ammount of tibbana gas, under the surface of the planet. "What more do you want?" The skinny gungun shook his head.

"You'sa being wrong. We'sa no want'a to join you'sa. We'sa have other plans for you'sa!" Chaleus and his good friend Felix Iresso turned and saw Darth Hepna standing with her friend, Vette, both with weapons drawn. Chaleus ignited his lightsaber just as Hepna jumped at him. Chaleus, rolled sideways, and Felix engaged Vette. Hepna swung her lightsaber at Felix, but Chaleus blocked, and then jumped over her head, and tried to jab her betwen the ribs. She blocked it and pushed him back. Chaleus slowed his skid by shoving his lightsber into the ground. Hepna flew at him. Her purple blade alive. Chaleus blocked it with his blue one and drew up a piece of rock from under the sea bed, and used he force to throw it. Hepna was nocked back, and Chaleus looked over at Felix and Vette. Felix was getting hit quite a bit, so Chaleus healed him using the force. All of a sudden, there was a loud bang, and the bounty hunter Cabievio Karmarna sent rockets flying at Hepna and Vette. Hepna walked up to him, full of rage, and confronted him. When she got close Cabievio smiled and said,

"Get away from my son, my lord!!!" And he puched her extreemly hard in the face, making her bleed. She looked shocked, and then her and Vette ran off, and back to their Fury. "Hi Chall!" Said Cabievio. "What'r ya doing here?"

"Republic business. You?" Chaleus asked.

"You. I'm here because of you. Can I speak privately please?" Cabievio asked.

"Sure dad." Chaleus replied. "What's the matter?"

"It's your mother," Cabievio said sadly. "I heard rumers that she went to the masters retreat on Tython, but never returned!"

"We should go now!" Chaleus said, shocked.

"OK." Cabievio breathed. "My ship."

"Sorry, two questions, firstly where's my ship? Secondly, I thought you and mum had to split up." Chaleus asked.

"Well, one: it's just around the corner because they picked me up from mine as Mako landed ours on the orbital station, and I said I would call her what and where I will be going next, two: I know we're split up, but I still have feelings for her. I can't let her die. Besides I've moved on. I'm with Mako now." Cabievio explained. Chaleus nodded and followed Cabievio, Felix trailing behind.


- - -


Tython 17 days ABDK


Chaleus, Cabievio, Mako, Gault Rennow, Felix Iresso and Nadia Grell ran up to a room in the Masters retreat, looking for Affilia. Nadia ra up ahead and looked in. "Master," She said. "C2-N2 is the only thing in here, and he's recharging." Chaleus and Cabievio ran in, an activated C2. Sparks erupted from him.

"Misstress Affilia n... oh. Hello," The droid said. "Master Chaleus, master Cabievio. Where is misstress Affilia?"

"We were gunna ask you that." Cabievio said. He looked at Chaleus.

"Sith, three Sith and a monster, and a... and a pirate!" C2 sounded flustered. "I, don't know where they went. They deactivated me." Chaleus' comm bleeped.

"Cary on in a second C2." He said calmly. The holo of Satele Shan popped up.

"Master Karmarna, I have terrible news," She said.

"Yes, we know." Said Cabievio. "Affilia's not here!" Satele looked shocked.

"Oh," She gasped. She wasn't calling about mum? Chaleus thought. "It's Rolof. He's... he's... he's dead!" Everybody in the room gasped. "He died earlier on Tatooine." Cabievio stormed off.

"Sorry Master Satele," Said Chaleus. "We'll come to Cruscant right away." Chaleus and Nadia bowed to Master Satele, and the holo flickered off.

"I'm so sorry Chaleus. I really am." Nadia said calmly. Chaleus said nothing.

"Sirs," Felix interupted. "We should really inform Rilalium now. She'll want to be there. Her and Rolof always had a special bond." Chaleus nodded and the group stepped back outside. Life is cruel. Very cruel. Chaleus thought.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi! Chapter 2 here. Sorry about lateness, but I haven't had enough time at the moment. Enjoy :)


Chapter 2:

Weapons of Destuction

Coruscant, 17 Days ABDK


Chaleus and Nadia turned through the door of the ceremonial chamber in the Senate tower on Coruscant. Both clad in deep back robes with hoods. As they walked in, they saw sad faces of the whole of Rolof's family, friends and colleagues, all of whom were wearing black as well. "Family, friends, associates," Said a rather sad Master Satele Shan. "We all know our reasons for being here. I understand many of you do not wish to indulge too much in the Major's life, but I ask you not to dwell on why he is no longer with us, but embrace his passage onto the Force." Several faces nodded at this point. Chaleus looked around and saw Rilalium - his sister - who had her tear-ridden fair skinned head leant on her husband, Corso’s shoulder. "I have one last thing to say to you all, and that is to remember him as a quiet man, a great soldier and a friend who was loyal to the death." There was a soft round of applause around the room as Satele stepped away from the plinth that she had been standing behind, and rested a hand on Elara's shoulder, who was sobbing madly over Rolof's body. "Thank you master Satele, thank you," A rather stressed General Garza said. "Kind words. I know this all very sad, but I need to see Havoc squad, Sergeant Rusk and Lieutenant Iresso now please." The group of eight soldiers walked over to Garza's office as soon as the ceremony was over.


“Welcome troopers,” said Garza. “As we have now lost two of our line up in Havoc Squad…” She was cut off by Elara who burst into tears. “Excuse me, Lieutenant. What’s wrong?” Felix came over to her and patted her on the back.

“Noth… nothing General,” She said, tears rolling down her face. “I’m fine,”

“Anyway,” Garza said. “Myself and Major Karmarna have had a talk about bringing in another member for Havoc, but we couldn’t pick out of you two.” Garza pointed at Sergeant Rusk and then at Felix. “But then he found HK-51, so we didn’t have to choose.”

“Flattery: Thank you very much General. I will carry on master’s work for him.” HK said, and saluted.

“But now,” Garza proclaimed. “As we have sadly lost the first members of the reformed Havoc Squad, we can accept you as our newest members.” She saluted Rusk and Felix, who saluted back. “And one more thing. I would like the two of you to stay with your Jedi friends.”

“Sir, yes sir!” The two soldiers shouted.

“Dismissed!” Garza shouted, and the new Havoc Squad left the room.


- - -


Republic Shuttle, Tython System, 18 days ABDK


Rolof pocked his head above the chairs going to Tython. It was empty except. As they reached the Republic Blockade, he heard the captain speak to the Admiral of the fleet. As Rolof looked in closer, he saw the other passenger drop his hand to his hip, and his blaster, but Rolof was quicker. He swung his assault cannon over his shoulder and rolled on the floor as to dodge the shot. But as he came - after seeing the passenger drop to the ground - he saw a group of Sith climb over the other chairs. Fear crept up Rolof’s spine as he stood up. The Sith, clad in robes and masks, unleashed the power of their lightsabers. Rolof loaded an Explosive round into his gun, and fired it, knocking several of the Sith onto their fronts, dead on the floor.


- - -

Harrower-Class Dreadnaught Wildfire, Imperial Controlled Space, 18 Days ABDK


Darth Nox was sitting in his meditation sphere, thinking over the battle he had with the Jedi and Republic just three days before. He could sense something reaching out to him, something to do with the Jedi, something odd. His eyes flickered. He got up and walked to the deserted bridge and engaged the hyperdrive to Tython. He knew he had to get just past the blockade.


Three hours later, on the bridge of the Wildfire Darth Nox hunkered over the computer terminal as the ship was thrown out of hyperspace. The planet of Tython loomed closer now because the dreadnaught was now behind the enemy blockade. Nox turned the Wildfire around and powered up the Silencer super-weapon. Nox aimed it at the largest ship in the fleet, and it quickly disabled the fleet. Thinking that invasion was ther the remaining couple of ships flew around in chaos. 45 minutes later, after the main chaos, the Wildfire still hadn’t been spotted. Nox sent the holo recording of the battle around the Imperial and Republic Holonet’s, and very soon a major battle was happening in front of Nox in the space between the Republic and Empire. Commanded by a Jedi, the Republic slowly pushed through to the Wildfire the entire platoon of troops was running around the bridge of the Wildfire. Behind Nox, his apprentices – Xalek and Ashara Zavros – were running upto him. All of the members f the Imperial military roused a quick look around at them, seeing as a Togruta and Kaleesh had just walked into the room. Nox, being pure-blooded Sith, stared them down and they looked fearfully away. “What is it?” Nox spoke in a pronounced Imperial accent.

“My lord,” Ashara said sweetly. “If you want to go down to the surface, you’ll have to now, the Republic fleet will be on top of us soon.” Nox thought for moment before answering.

“We will wait. I want to go to the Jedi command ship. I recognise something.” Xalek and Ashara nodded and stepped back.


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Tythos river delta, Tython, 18days ABDK


Rolof was shoved out f the back of the shuttle by his last 3 Sith opponents. The shuttle carried on towards the Master’s Retreat while Rolof watched. “Right,” He said to himself after checking for any Jedi or anything else. Seeing nothing but Flesh Raider corpses, he carried on down the river. About 20 meters down he saw a pile of rocks that his HUD in his helmet couldn’t see. He walked over to it, removed his helmet, and went to pick it up. Nothing. He shot it with his blaster. Nothing. It couldn’t move. “Malachor!” Rolof cursed. But then he had a thought. He reached out his hand and he felt it touch something beyond the rock. He picked up whatever it was and surveyed it. After closely studding it, he put it back in his pouch on his belt, placed his helmet on his head, and picked up Rilalium’s stealth generator. Activating it, he ran back to the chaotic Jedi Temple. As he neared the top of the stairs, there was a massive explosion from up ahead. Rolof instinctively rolled over to take away the main blast the shook the Temple. All around him were frightened padawans and Masters shepherding their students around. Ducking around the flow of people, he found a large group of Sith, and Imperial troops trying to get into the cambers of Satele Shan. Over by the landing pad, Rolof placed all of his sticky grenades and plasma grenades around the shuttle. Knowing he only had a few seconds, he jumped behind a large crate housing a large Akk dog. Three seconds later the charges went off and reduced everything but Rolof and the Akk dog, to smithereens. Rolof knew that more Sith were on their way, he ran back to the council chambers, and forced entry.


Inside the Jedi High Council Chambers, all but two Jedi sat by holos on other worlds. Grand Master Satele Shan and Chaleus and Shol Bestros were sitting with the holo-masters. “We can’t say how long we will have. We have to evacuate the padawans to other planets!” Chaleus said.

“But we don’t have anywhere to take them Master Karmarna if we…” the holo of Gnost-Dural started to explain, but he was cut off by the arrival of Rolof.

“Greetings Master Jedi,” Rolof said, unlocking his stealth sensors while leaning against a wall on the far side of the chambers. All the holo-masters gasped in surprise. “I have taken out the Sith’s shuttle. They won’t be going anywhere soon!”

“ROLOF!?” Chaleus exclaimed. “What the Malachor are you doing here?” Walking over to Chaleus, Rolof patted Chaleus on the back.

“Well that’s easy to explain. Would you do the honours Master Satele?” Rolof enquired.

“Oh,” Said a overly shocked Grand Master Satele. “I… umm…. Maybe you should…. Err…. Fine. Myself, the Supreme Commander and the Director of SIS made the plot to fool the enemy into thinking one of our greatest heroes was dead. Yes we knew we would lose moral, but our plan was to get Rolof here, into enemy lines as a civilian, and try to break into their ranks, but we forgot that, by doing this, we had to make the Republic and Empire believe in your death. It went badly though. Now the problem is that now, Garza has got two new members of Havoc squad, and no room for all of them. The other thing was Rolof’s great soul. We forget he wouldn’t be able to go under enemy shackles or let them take over any more worlds. This is a good example of that.” She explained.

“Master Satele,” Syo Bakarn said. “We should focus on the battle here inside the Temple. We can catch up if we are still alive in the Cantina.” Satele nodded.

“Chaleus,” She started, but Rolof and Chaleus were already making for the door.

“Way ahead of you Master Satele. Let’s go Rolof,” And with that, the two brothers left.


Running down the stairwell of the Temple, Rolof and Chaleus saw the massive floating coubes in the centre of the building blow up. “Sith! You’ll pay! Rolof shouted, and then ran off, his huge gun leading him around. He charged up his gun and released it at a Sith coming at them from the corner of a corridor. “Chaleus!” He shouted. Chaleus came running to his side. “Open the door to the basement. We can’t let any Sith blow anything up again. I’ll hold them off.” Chaleus nodded at him, and set to work. Nothing would get it to open, even after both of them had tried, in vain, to force it open. Chaleus ignited the blade of his Lightsaber, and stabbed at the door. After a few second of nothing but sparks, the door opened. Chaleus nudged Rolof lightly in his back, and Rolof took a few shots at the ceiling, letting some of it drop. Chaleus noticed that it was dark and wet in the basement. He could sense the Dark side too. Activating the light he saw a large pile of robes behind and container. He reached out with the force, and threw the robes aside, but in doing so, he saw a body move beneath them. Creeping over to them, Rolof nudged what looked like a head, over. Two seconds later he was spasming on the other wall. Chaleus blew back the thing. Being healed by Chaleus, Rolof threw himself at the thing and saw it was a large Kaleesh. Knowing he was stupid to jump, he ducked and weaved away from the Kaleesh Sith. Chaleus spun his lightsaber around and just missed it. He could recognise the Kaleesh, but he didn’t know how. Then it hit him, the answer and the Kaleesh. This Sith was Xalek, apprentice to Darth Nox! Using the force, Chaleus picked up the container from over by the side of Xalek, and threw it at him. As far as he was concerned, the container may as well have been sand, it just bounced off him, and he was picked up by the Sith apprentice. Xalek chucked Chaleus over to the far wall, and he was knocked out instantly. Seeing Chaleus’ demise, Rolof ran back to the Council to inform them, but not before taking out the lock on the other side. Rolof ran back up to the Jedi council to inform them.


Xalek dragged Chaleus away through the chaos, by his feet. Escorted by Andronikos and Talos Drellik (who had fixed the door so that Xalek could escape) they left the crumbling Temple, and went back to the Chains of Glory Fury-class Interceptor, which had been landed by the waterfall opposite the Jedi’s Temple. As they reached it, they saw Ashara Zavros waiting for them at the top of the loading ramp. “Ready boys?” She asked serenely.

“Yes child,” Xalek snapped, and an indignant Ashara stepped aside, watching Xalek closely. The group stepped inside and Andronikos lept for the controls. The Chains of Glory took off, and returned to the fleet battle above.


Rilalium spun the Blaze of Glory in a wide circle, and got behind the three Imperial bombers that she was chasing. Firing a missile she took two out leaving one more that she finished off with her lasers. She made a wide curve towards the Fury-class Interceptor leaving the atmosphere. It clearly hadn’t seen her for it stayed on its course. Seeing her chance, she drifted towards it. As it sped past her she pushed her throttle to full and chased it. The Fury flew over the top of a Hammerhead, straight at the Republic command ship. Rilalium shot at it but its shields deflected it. It shot towards the bridge, but Rilalium fired a proton torpedo at it. It hit the ship causing it to spin bow over stern. Rilalium flew past it, expecting it to be finished. But just when she started to make her way towards a Terminus-class destroyer, Corso shouted down at her.

“Captain,” He shouted. “Sith, starboard!”

“Got it Corso,” She said, pummelling the XS freighter into a dive. The Fury followed her, but she spun her ship into a loop-the-loop and had the advantage. She saw two Talon starfighters fly next to her, guns ablaze, but the Fury came around in a loop and shot at them. Unfortunately for the Sith, Rilalium was a little attuned to the force, and saw this coming. Taking the advantage Corso shot a line of lasers at it, and it flew back to the Imperial command ship. A few seconds later, Rilalium saw the Fury land, slightly damaged, on the Harrower-class dreadnaught Wildfire. Knowing she had lost the advantage, and the battle was won, she turned he ship around and flew to the surface, just as the Imperials upped sticks and left.

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