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A look into The Unifying Force


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"The Unifying Force bind the stars and planets in space and time. Through this Force, a Jedi can sense the past and future."



While a philosophy that had fewer supporters In comparison with The Living Force, at least in the Jedi Order. The concept of the Unifying Force held to the belief that neither light nor dark sides existed, and that the Force was a single entity.The Unifying Force was viewed as a deity that neither had sides nor chose them, treating all beings equally.Visions of the future were of particular significance to Unifying Force supporters.


["Jedi refer to the ‘light side’ and the ‘dark side’, but really, these are only words, and the Force is beyond words. It is not evil, just as it isn’t good—it's simply what it is."

―Barriss Offee


Yoda was one of the most adamant proponents of heeding visions of the future though never once acknowledged any of the other views common with the Unifying Force. Followers of the Unifying Force always kept their eyes open for future possibilities. In the end, it resulted in them trying to fulfill a destiny rather than focusing on here and now, as the Living Force supporter would do. Ironically, Darth Sidious, also supported this belief for Unifying Force. He agreed that there was only one Force: the only difference worthy of note was that the Sith saw the Force as a means to an end while the Jedi saw it as an end in itself. Yoda later espoused beliefs closer to the philosophy of the Living Force when training Luke Skywalker on Dagobah.



I do have to point out that those that are able to keep their consciousness after a corporeal death are usually more deeply entrenched in the Living Force. While this does not effect the Unifying Force, to my knowledge, How do you feel about the view expressed in this Force Philosophy?


Edit: Thanks I was tired and didn't notice right away.

Edited by darthnamel
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