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Now just implement X-Server RWZ and I'll marry you.


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I still dont see proper matchmaking system pugs/premades


jep a system seperating randoms from groups is needed (but will probably still need a multi-server-matchmaking system)

a simple solution would be - the moment you group you cant que in non ranked WZ´s BUT you are aswell not facing full 8man groups.

you would have 3 pools:

* ungrouped => normal WZ not facing premades

* grouped => facing other grouped teams(with 2-4 peoples) in "baby-RWZ"

* 8man RWZ

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You know we can all queue on the PTS for ranked, it's just like having cross server. But they need to fix the bolster exploit first I guess.


The bug/exploit aside, I don't only wanna play 5-6 weeks a year international RWZ but rather every evening I feel like.

As soon as it's fixed it's surely gonna be a lot of fun against so many different teams. However, I'd probably feel like a drug addicted guy on detox back on live servers :(

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