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Almost all EU servers are full already and it's not even launch day


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I understand teething issues with games. SWTOR is far into its infancy so, as we are right at the beginning, some things have to be lived through. Other games I have beta'd on when they went live had similar issues. Sadly SWTOR is the only one that has had the serious server population issues. Granted i believe it will be sorted but itis causing so much grievance and aggro. Main issues are below:


1) Server Queues are bad and getting worse.

2) Some people are experiencing random DC's and when they relog... back to end of however long the queue is.

3) People will reconsider their subscription due to the issues above..'Why should I play for a game I have to queue xxxxx to get in' and other related problems.


SWTOR as a whole I find is excellent BUT the experience is ruined by the above issue. I have spoken to quite a few players who are 'suspending' playing, and that includes setting up a subscription, till this is sorted.


Oh I have faith that it will be fixed but it is the angry frustration we have to get through till then. 'Then' appears to be an unspecified time which is increasingly, in my understanding and experience, going to damage Biowares reputation and game population.

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