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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Controlling Companion AI


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It would be nice to be able to control what companions do by setting their behavior. Nothing too complex is necessary, but a few things would be nice.


For example, for DPS companions, it would be nice to set them to always go for the enemy with the lowest hit points. Tank companions should always go for the one with the highest hit points. Healers should probably act like dps when not healing in order to draw the least aggro. But you guys know what I mean, it's in Dragon Age: Origins (which I'm pretty sure you copied from Final Fantasy 12, but hey, whatever).


Companion AI settings, make it happen. Thanks.


P.S. I am quite aware you can control what your companion does with keybinds. I always bind their first slot to F so I can direct them what to attack, but when they constantly do the wrong thing this becomes tedious.

Edited by TheNevet
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also 'don't use aoe next to mezzed opponent, you stupid'

which I find funny, since when on my bubble stun sage, all enemies got hard stun, lizzard doesnt attack, but when I mezz one, grean head muppet uses his aoe...

(yes, I do unclick aoe when going heroics 2+ alone, but usualy for the first pack I forget :p )

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