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Does WOOK own everyone?


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I've been doing 10-49 pvp for awhile now, and it's almost as if when I see 2 WOOK or WOOK Jr. people in a game, I should take a break.. (I don't, but still).


Just a bit of frustration that it just means I'm about to get superowned. Like triple-cap owned.


Who are the Empire PVP guilds?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've been doing 10-49 pvp for awhile now, and it's almost as if when I see 2 WOOK or WOOK Jr. people in a game, I should take a break.. (I don't, but still).


Just a bit of frustration that it just means I'm about to get superowned. Like triple-cap owned.


Who are the Empire PVP guilds?


No, we don't own everyone. We do use voice chat and work together though, which makes it a little more organized. We spec for support and gear for damage - basically we're in it to win it. I'm Rankles on there and I'm almost at 100 wins at 40.. the guild is serious.

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Had to check if i was in the right server


Who the **** is wook?


Lowbie only?


It's not the right server. We're on Shadowlands, have about 400+ members between two guilds. We do a lot of lowbie and 50s pvp as well as pve. Basically, if you're looking to do something, chances are a group is waiting for you. :D

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  • 4 months later...

Wook is also a guild that is falling apart. Their supposed GM is rude and kicks out random people as a matter of course for the exact same reason. All of their best players have left to form other guilds or join death smile and actually switch to the Imp side. The GM is also totally cool with allowing his members to harass and make sexually explicit comments to females on the server. When it is brought to his attention and offered screen prints, he promptly says I hope I never talk to you again and puts you on ignore.


Really, I have the screen prints to prove all of this. Don't go near wook, wook jr. They are pathetic and sad. Join the Imp side or join reputable guilds on the pub side like The Grey Order, OMG Pink and there are others that are good people. Just don't join wook unless being berated, harassed and treated like garbage is your thing.

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