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Sage Healer LF Guild


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I'm a new level 50 sage healer that's looking for a guild. I play mostly Friday-Sunday due to school/a job. Not new to the healing class in MMOs. I would like a guild that could help me improve my armor and understand ops for a new level 50 in SWTOR. I do learn quickly. Interested mostly in end game PVE, not PVP. My in-game name is Aerilas if you have any questions.


-Aerilas :)

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First of all, feel free to message me in-game on either of my toons in my signature block, or my new alt, Somera (Sentinel). A Sage Healer is my main, and I have been playing since launch. I have cleared MOST (but not quite all) the operations content in the game. I'd be happy to discuss any healing stuff with you regardless of whether you join my guild or not. Anyway, on to the recruitment message:


If you are still looking, try Tranquility


We are a mature, LGBT-friendly guild. We have 2 ops groups, both of which have cleared TFB HM. We are a very active guild, with an operation of one sort or another going on every night. Contact myself or one of the officers in-game: Charlz, Aridian, Gobien, Tehito, BigBlockhead, Tyrien.

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Ohana is currently recruiting healers for our end game progression. We'd love to have you if your are interested. Currently we raid three nights a week, but one of those nights is Sunday, which looks like it works with your schedule.


If you have more questions feel free to message me in game, my character's name is S'now. This is our website if you'd like to look around more

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