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The Kuati Conclave


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The <Kuati Conclave> is assembling on Carrick Station now.



What you need bring with you.

~ at least one Republic character of at least level 40

~ a desire to have fun

~ a desire to play well with others

~ a desire to play to the best of your ability and a desire to push your limitations to play even better

~ a friendly and mature attitude

~ a respect for the 3-7 players that you are sharing a group with


What we will expect from you

~ patience with any noobish player we might recruit

~ honesty

~ fairness toward your fellow player

~ manners ~ we will not tolerate unprovoked abusive behavior toward anyone by any guild member, at any time

~ for you to expect the same from us.


What we don't require.

~ You won't need ventrilo or teamspeak

~ You won't need to be geared - it's fun to fix that :D

~ You won't need to be a 7334 gamer - in fact we prefer it if you're not

~ You won't need rocket boots

~ You won't need to own a gaming mouse

~ You won't need to be "on call" to play

~ You won't need to have "expert knowledge" or "mastery" of any content

~ You won't need to "space bar" through all the cut scenes

~ You won't need to skip bosses



Feel free to PM me your ingame name through the forums, or by ingame email or /whisper to: Telagtun

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