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Searching for Imperial guild (PvE, PvP)


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After a few months of guildless gaming in SWtor, I decided it's time to find me a home.


I'm 28 yrs old, I currently alternate playing between a merc healer and a sniper dps both around level 30. I have played mmo's for nearly a decade, I know my way around. Starting to get familiar with swtor (and its somewhat wonky interface) and having good fun playing with people. I have RL priorities with work and live with my girlfriend but usually am on every evening/night for a couple of hours. I love doing FP's and WZ's with some coordination and strategy.



What I am looking for in a guild is the following:


  • An active and social playerbase. (not 500 ppl, but 50 is more like it, or less even)
  • A somewhat mature playerbase (don't mind young ppl, but I do mind if they behave like idiots)
  • Members at least have the intention to learn and become better at stuff (i.e. be able to accept and/or give advice without rage)
  • Not a guild that randomly invites anyone from the starterareas (we all know how that ends)
  • A causal guild, as in: not have the time to play 24/7, hardcore playstyle is fine, hardcore schedules isnt. (no time!)
  • Roleplay is ok, I roleplay my characters somewhat according to their personalities. Slow walking and dressing up drama-play isn't my cup of tea. (again: time constraints)


I know it might sound demanding but I feel like there is a gazillion guilds around (it's a jungle out there dagnammit!) It's quite hard to find a good overview of which guilds are active and specialized in what, so I rather fish and hope for bait if I may express myself like that.


Please reply here, send me a tell or (maybe better) a mail in game (Nerai or Moirai) ,


If you would have me ofcourse ;) You might not regret!

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