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funny cutscene or moment for you. spoilers


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i was thinking earlier today was there any moment or cutscene that might not funny in reality. but was funny to me.


Couple come to mind for me


on Korriban you a quest in which a Twi'lek want to sabotage her master work. I chuckled when he used force lightening on her.


the entire hutta conversation with the cerzka exec. had me rolling for hours.


anyway anyone have one that not normal but was to them.

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The one I found the most humorous was the Empire planet mission nobleman on Alderaan saying "I'd rather see Alderaan blasted into space debris then handed over to the Empire."


Little does he know...lol

Edited by Xaldynn
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Well at the moment I can think of a few very funny cutscenes.


One absolutely hilarious is female Sith Inquisitor imitating Elis Ruger. I have seen other classes do it but no one does it as good as Xanthe Elbrick. Here is a video:

(first is agent, second is inquisitor)


The other is an agent on Alderaan with a chest pain. Also very hilarious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UNShzPWowI


There is a pretty random one which I also find funny. When (after completion of a quest on Taris) the Sith Lord asks you "Have you found the Jedi?" and then Warrior replies "I destroyed them."



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The one I found the most humorous was the Empire planet mission nobleman on Alderaan saying "I'd rather see Alderaan blasted into space debris then handed over to the Empire."


Little does he know...lol


havent made it to alderaan on imperial side..but that would me laugh. also i thought of another moment on beleavis as a trooper you help secure a prisoner. he says something and can hit him, the trooper says no one asked you anythig or something to that affect. then wacks in the head with there pistol. if you have jorgan with he'll say i wondered when you would get to that

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