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how will this running swtor? pc questions


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A system like that would have no trouble with SWTOR.


If I were you I would probably look at getting half that much memory and spend the extra funds on a different CPU. Since you are going the AMD route for your motherboard and graphics card, you might look at some variant of the Phenom II Black Edition (should be able to get a quad-core at 3.8 GHz for a reasonable price).


16 GB of RAM will provide almost no benefit over 8 GB of RAM, but the extra CPU speed may sometimes be helpful. Its also easier to upgrade RAM down the line than it is to upgrade the CPU (particularly if its been long enough that architectures have changed).


Just make sure the Motherboard is compatible.




Edit: Invest in the power supply as well. High end CPUs and GPUs can suck down a lot of power. You will also want to make sure whatever case you get has plenty of ventilation (I'm not much for expensive cases, just make sure it has enough space for a monster video card like that, and is well ventilated).

Edited by Ereshal
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