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Hypercrate cartel super pack


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I bought this and have to say im disappointed...out of the 24 packs the hyper crate came with 4/5 of that was duplicates of adaptable armor...sure I got 1 color crystal and some pets and exp boosts bt the sheer amount of useless items was staggering...now im an understanding gamer knowing the dev team puts tons of effort into this...but I feel cheated out of over 50 dollars in cartel coins...even more so is that some gamers wont understand this...it could cost you if you don't make the hyper crate more effective in game instead of the cosmetic overload it was...in my opinion :( With Respect
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I got more crates than I care to admit and I got mostly crap (a few good ideas, a couple sellable, but in general I got enough "auxiliary" armor to gear the entire Fleet on a busy night). I hate how low the chance is for some of the neat items and with the number of crafts I bought, even a crappy RNG should have given me SOMETHING. They should have an algorithm to guarantee at least one decent item after X number of crates.


That whining said... I knew my chances were a gamble. This isn't new, these crates weren't any different than past ones. Sometimes you win, sometimes you waste a TON of cash.

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It's true, even purchasing a moderate number of crates, at great expense, can still leave you with a smallish chance of an amazing item. If you figure there are 5 possible amazing items, and each one has a 1% chance of dropping, then it's a 5% chance of getting one of those in a given crate. So on average, 1 out of 20 crates would have an amazing item within.


However, this doesn't mean you can expect to get 1 amazing item just because you bought 20 crates. In fact it's interesting to compute the chance of getting no amazing item even though you bought 40 crates, which is similar to when RE'ing to get a purple schematic.


I was astounded at the results, to be honest, but here is the calculation:

  • Chance of getting no awesome item in 1 crate = 19/20 = 0.95 (95%)
  • Chance of getting no awesome item in 20 crates = 0.95 ^ 20 = 0.358 (36%)
  • Chance of getting no awesome item in 40 crates = 0.95 ^ 40 = 0.128 (13%)

Absolutely amazing to me, that the term didn't degrade faster than it does... more than 1 out of 10 people end up completely upset with the results of buying 40 crates. Even after buying *60* crates:

  • Chance of getting no awesome item in 60 crates = 0.95 ^ 60 = 0.046 (5%)
  • Chance of getting no awesome item in 80 crates = 0.95 ^ 80 = 0.017 (1.7%)
  • Chance of getting no awesome item in 100 crates = 0.95 ^ 100 = 0.0059 (0.59%)

So even at 100 crates, 1 out of 200 people gets literally nothing worth cheering about... and this is a conservative calculation because the awesome items probably are less than a 1% chance.

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Same problem with, bought the 24 pack, and got the same pack 24 times. I was so freaking pissed :(


the... same pack... 24 times. reallY??


If there are 40 different possible packs, that's... an astronomically unlikely event:

  • (1/40) ^ 24 = 3.55 e-39


There isn't even a commonly known name for such an unlikely event. It's like one out of a kazillion kazillion. Well ok I looked it up and it's called duodecillion. Are you sure you got the exact same pack, 24 times??


Even if it's only 20 possible packs, it's still an astronomical impossiblity:

  • (1/20) ^ 24 = 5.96 e-32

which is 1 out of 596 nonillion times (a quadrillion times less likely than 1 out of 596 quadrillion!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I feel your pain. I ended up with 6 imperial banners, 5 ball toss, 3 of the same emote option of: intimidate, 3 sets of the same pets, 8 conservator auxliary packs which is just belt and bracers, 7 phantom auxilary packs, and 6 of some other auxilary pack. I did get get a cool complete outfit, a speeder with a skull mounted on it, and 2 crates with credit boom which gave me about 150k, but being that I paid real money to buy this stuff which is useless (no one wants to buy it on the gtn, and you cant even sell it back to npc for some sort of money) it was a waste. I understand that it's a "gamble" and all, but if you are charging people real money, there should be an option to resell it to an npc for a decent amount of in game credits at the very least. I don't understand why gold farming is so wrong, when you guys can screw people this way. Granted, the items may not be exactly in the same per crate, but when you open the crate and they are in your inventory it doesnt matter what crate it came in. The worst part is, that 24 crates x the amount of crap per crate you cant use, or at the very least sell anywhere but the gtn (again, no one wants to buy it) = a clogged bank and inventory, so you're forced to then destroy the stuff you paid money for. Like I said, I understand it's ultimately my fault for assuming that if you're paying that much money you wouldnt get that many repeats. I'll just be sure not to make the same mistake again.
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  • 2 months later...

Dear friends, I bought 2 hypercrate (7334 cartelmarket coins each) from cartelmarket hoping to find a variety of items, but instead, just gave me a lot of items repeated, repeated armor parts, etc. .

This complaint is because I do not know what to do, I feel cheated, I am very upset. I want you to propose a solution, in order to have a greater variety of items, not repeat them.

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