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a valentines day themed post: love and the light side


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so, i like the jedi and sith codes (the sith one more) , but i am wondering how they match up with the original trilogy (yes i saw the new prequels but only once i consider the first 3 films to be the true star wars)


in swtor, for example, you get light side points for one of the lamest moments ever, ratting out the 'lovers' and dark side points for letting them go


jedi are passionless guardians, sure, sith are ruled by emotion..


but does this match the original movies?


in the first 3... the empire was cold, unforgiving, evil


the jedi cannot love


but is this accurate? there were many different kinds of love in the films. luke was very attached to his family, and granted he was a new jedi, but clearly developed love for his friends. the relationship of solo - leia did not involve a jedi so it can be set aside for now.


further, in his final fight with vader, luke is telling him that he can feel the good in him. as luke is being killed, vader picks up the emperor and epicly throws him into the hole thing, the he dies. why did he do this? because luke was his son and he loved him. earlier , he had wanted luke to turn to the dark side so he could overthrow the emperor, right as he cuts lukes hand off.. the cold, calculating, dark side.





secondly, i think the lightsabre play is a bit off. the lightsaber fight choreography and vader fighting of the original trilogy was done by bob anderson who also worked on the princess bride, the guns of navarone, and more besides being an olympic fencer and ww2 veteran. if you watch obi wan fight darth vader, and luke fight vader in empire strikes back, you can see the lightsabers are treated like they are real swords - and not fencing swords like anderson competed with, but heavy swords, like they are broadswords or something. their strikes are hard, heavy, and deliberate. some of the animations, like guardian sundering strike, the lightsaber is twirled around like it is nothing. in my opinion, i prefer the lightsaber combat of the original films.



i like this game a lot, just throwing out 2 ideas that have been on my mind

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I don't really understand what you are asking in your post but it is worth remembering that the first 3 Star Wars films are 'the future' of what we now play, therefore they are not completely comparable. To further this point, Luke Skywalker goes on after the first 3 films and reforms the jedi order to allow relationships and love so what you are talking about is a far flung future, after reform.

At this point in time however attaching yourself to someone romantically is not allowed by the jedi.

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so, i like the jedi and sith codes (the sith one more) , but i am wondering how they match up with the original trilogy (yes i saw the new prequels but only once i consider the first 3 films to be the true star wars)


in swtor, for example, you get light side points for one of the lamest moments ever, ratting out the 'lovers' and dark side points for letting them go


jedi are passionless guardians, sure, sith are ruled by emotion..


but does this match the original movies?


in the first 3... the empire was cold, unforgiving, evil


the jedi cannot love


but is this accurate? there were many different kinds of love in the films. luke was very attached to his family, and granted he was a new jedi, but clearly developed love for his friends. the relationship of solo - leia did not involve a jedi so it can be set aside for now.


further, in his final fight with vader, luke is telling him that he can feel the good in him. as luke is being killed, vader picks up the emperor and epicly throws him into the hole thing, the he dies. why did he do this? because luke was his son and he loved him. earlier , he had wanted luke to turn to the dark side so he could overthrow the emperor, right as he cuts lukes hand off.. the cold, calculating, dark side.





secondly, i think the lightsabre play is a bit off. the lightsaber fight choreography and vader fighting of the original trilogy was done by bob anderson who also worked on the princess bride, the guns of navarone, and more besides being an olympic fencer and ww2 veteran. if you watch obi wan fight darth vader, and luke fight vader in empire strikes back, you can see the lightsabers are treated like they are real swords - and not fencing swords like anderson competed with, but heavy swords, like they are broadswords or something. their strikes are hard, heavy, and deliberate. some of the animations, like guardian sundering strike, the lightsaber is twirled around like it is nothing. in my opinion, i prefer the lightsaber combat of the original films.



i like this game a lot, just throwing out 2 ideas that have been on my mind


the Jedi aren't ruled by emotion, but that does not mean they are emotionless. They set aside their personal feelings for the good of the Republic and jedi way. They understand that attachment to people, can lead to anger, hate, jealousy and fear. Try being in a relationship without those emotions, and you can understand why they didn't really want or need to bond with people.


The sith are ruled by passion. Passion blinds you to good choices and thoughts, it's a lot like alcohol. But because passion blinds them, they fall into hate, anger fear and jealousy.


As for vader cutting off lukes hand, he was undoubtly pissed off. First he finds out his son is his son, Obi-wan lied to his son, the family he thought was lost to him stood in front of him. Rage is blind, rage just makes you want to strike out at the nearest target.


As for the empire being cold and calculating and evil. Well good and evil are only a matter of perspective. Which side of the line you are on.


If a man kills one man he is a murderer, if he kills 10,000 people he is a dictator, if he kills everyone he is a god.

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