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Currency Converter


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Can you please create a Currency Converter.


People with lots of commendations could exchange them for rarer comms (e.g. Black Hole comms) and

have an additional reason to play again (dailies e.g.) to earn less interesting comms (daily comms)

to exchange them for more interesting comms (e.g. Black Hole comms) and spend them!


Thank you.



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While I would not mind this, I can understand the reluctance. Commendations are part of the progression process. Ideally once you have no need for a given commendation you move up to the next.


That being said, there is a flaw in the system as designed...going for the new commendation typically generates older commendations, specifically Tionese, Columi, and Daily comms when you run a HM FP for Black Hole comms.


That being said, there is a corrective system already in place. Use those lesser comms to buy gear, wait two hours of played time, sell the items to a vendor for credits, then go to the GTM and buy armorings, mods, and enhancements to improve your gear.

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