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Grouping with friends


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Hi! I'm an experienced MMO-player and I played some SWTOR at launch but haven't played since. Next week I'm starting again with two friends who both are experience MMO-players and we need some advice on classes. We will always be playing together and we are wondering about what classes goes best together, we will play the republic? We will go with one tank, one healer and one dps to make the ques for flashpoints as short as possible but what classes goes best together?
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You can't go wrong with 3 ranged.

Vanguard for a tank

Sage for a healer

Slinger for a dps


or 3 mele

Shadow for tank

scoundrel or commando for healer (reccomend scoundrel, as 2 stealth cc = heroics 4 are a blast and you can skip a lot of stuff if you want)

knight (either guardian or sentinel) dps


try not mixing ranged and mele, as tank will go nuts.

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You can't go wrong with 3 ranged.

Vanguard for a tank

Sage for a healer

Slinger for a dps


or 3 mele

Shadow for tank

scoundrel or commando for healer (reccomend scoundrel, as 2 stealth cc = heroics 4 are a blast and you can skip a lot of stuff if you want)

knight (either guardian or sentinel) dps


try not mixing ranged and mele, as tank will go nuts.


I'm not sure if you've ever played Vanguard, but it's not a ranged tank. Many of your skills only have a range of 10m and some of your most used (Stock Strike, Riot Strike) have a range of only 4m.

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I'm not sure if you've ever played Vanguard, but it's not a ranged tank. Many of your skills only have a range of 10m and some of your most used (Stock Strike, Riot Strike) have a range of only 4m.


I did, but you can easy start rotations from 30 meters and if that single mob goes for the healer, you can actually do some damage to it instead of having to run there. (I'm thinking 30 m bomb thing, full auto, on ground aoe thing - I have PT tank, so not sure of rep mirror names and in the end basic attack).

even if you can't maintain aggro while using default attack, you can atleast shoot at it while you run (or use skills listed above).

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So how about guardian as a tank? If we dissregard the ranged attack with low dps as you are talking about, is guardian not as good as shadow and vanguard? I think I will heal as a sage, I have healed as a sorc before and I loved it! I'm guessing that sage and sorc are pretty mutch the same skills but with different names?
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So how about guardian as a tank? If we dissregard the ranged attack with low dps as you are talking about, is guardian not as good as shadow and vanguard? I think I will heal as a sage, I have healed as a sorc before and I loved it! I'm guessing that sage and sorc are pretty mutch the same skills but with different names?


yes, Sage and Sorc are mirrors.

Guardians are good end game tanks, but they are harder to handle during leveling and end game is their shine, while Shadows and Vanguards level better.

As you said for leveling not for end game, that's why I suggested what I did.

But by all means, Guardians are superb tanks, specially if you have capable person with patience for low level time.

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Well me and the tank are both experienced mmo-players as tank/ healer together and have played a lot of mmos together so if guardian excells at end-game then I think we will go with sage and guardian.

How about dps? The dps-guy is a experienced gamer but haven't got so mutch experience in mmos. He will play trooper or smuggler. How mutch does the dps-classes (commando/gunslinger) differ from the other advanced-classes (vanguard/scoundrel)? Can a vanguard/scoundrel almost keep up the dps of a pure dps-class or is it a big difference?

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--high damage-<10 meters range, so tank will be happy-fast and easy to play-good for pvp


-no 60 sec mezz-no threat drop



-good damage-easy rotation-60 sec mezz,can clean tech effect


-not so good for pvp, doesnt do 'superb' damage-turret class



-good for pvp-60 sec mezz out of combat on organics + 60 sec mezz on robots, can cleanse tech


-better for pvp then pve, there is a reason you don't see them for dps in end game pve.



-exelent dps-good control mechanics, good for pvp,threat dump, 60 sec mezz on robots


-no healing,only dps-turret class (dirty fighting is mobile to some point), no 60 sec mezz for organics.



60 sec mezz is quite important for heroics 4 if you intend to 3man it (with 1 companion I guess), but 1 mezz from sage (you) should be enough.


(all information provided are my opinion, and every one is entitled to have one :p )

Edited by Atramar
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Hi again! :) Just one last question, how is leveling in flashpoints vs leveling with quests? Is it faster to level in flashpoints? I guess ques wont be a problem since we only need one dps and can probably complete most flashpoints with just a dps-companion.
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can't give that answer, I'm a loner leveler, so only planets, heroics 2 and space missions. you will prodobly find planets boring while doing 3 people, with exception of heroics 4,

but you are correct, flash points should be easy with 3 people who know what they are doing and dps companion (but he will die alot he he)

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I have leveled one character with a mix of missions, FPs and space, and another one just with missions. I recently rolled a Vanguard tank and tried a different leveling route: only class missions, FPs and heroics. I am finding this MUCH faster - but then, I spent about a million credits in Legacy perks for XP boosts. Still, I think you guys will do great trying this, specially if you always have time to play together. Besides, doing solo content in group is a little boring, and doing group content with close friends is a blast. :)
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Hi again! :) Just one last question, how is leveling in flashpoints vs leveling with quests? Is it faster to level in flashpoints? I guess ques wont be a problem since we only need one dps and can probably complete most flashpoints with just a dps-companion.

For a dedicated group of three that always runs together, with balanced specs, I'd say this could work out really well. I suspect you might even find it really fun, despite doing the same instances over and over several times.


I have leveled two characters on nothing but FPs, taking breaks only to run the class quests at 16, 25, 40, and 48 to get my ship and companions. It works well if you buy the maxed legacy XP perks for FPs and use XP boosts. Also remember to always pick up the dailies on fleet. I'd say it's the same or better speed as leveling on quests, as long as you aren't stuck waiting for groups most of the time. This works really nicely as a healer or tank spec, but would be unbearable for someone doing it on a solo DPS character. After running the planets once, I actually prefer it to doing the regular PvE, because I find it a lot less boring. Doing FPs only also really cuts down on the stupid running around on planets, which adds up to a lot of time not spent killing things.


If you're going to be running in your group of three at all times, you should have instant group finder pops, since you would only be waiting for one DPS at most. If you don't want to wait at all, then you can also just run them non-stop using one person's companion to fill out the group. For leveling, you may want to use a healing companion and let the Sage go DPS instead of heal spec, at least until you hit 40. The healing companions are quite good if you keep them well geared. The DPS are ok, but some of them have annoying startup delays in fights, so they might not get their first hit in until after a mob dies if you're killing stuff too fast. The tank companions don't have the powers or the damage potential to hold aggro in group instances.


You might also consider mixing in running some lowbie warzones as a team. Even if you "don't like PvP" you would still stomp 90% of the hopeless bads in 1-49 PUG PvP, if you queue up as a three-man premade all the time. If you get really bored with the FPs, it could be a nice way to change things up.

Edited by Heezdedjim
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I have leveled two characters on nothing but FPs, taking breaks only to run the class quests at 16, 25, 40, and 48 to get my ship and companions.


So the only quests that you actually benefit from is class quests at 16, 25, 40 and 48? And the one million credits for legacy will be a problem since we have zero credits when we start ^^ But it sounds like we will be able to mostly do FPs and that is what we like most so that's good =)


*Edit* We will definitely run som warzones for fun!

Edited by jfriberg
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So the only quests that you actually benefit from is class quests at 16, 25, 40 and 48? And the one million credits for legacy will be a problem since we have zero credits when we start ^^ But it sounds like we will be able to mostly do FPs and that is what we like most so that's good =)


*Edit* We will definitely run som warzones for fun!

Keep in mind you can buy the legacy perks with Cartel Coins, which if you have a little bit of cash is a pretty good deal actually. The various levels of perks are the same price rather than ramping up, as they do in credit terms, and overall they're quite a bit cheaper in terms of how much time it probably takes you to earn the required amount of $ in real life, vs. the time needed to grind up the required price in credits by playing the game.


You will have to do all your class quests in order to progress; I just meant that I take breaks only at those levels and catch up with whatever class quests I have up to that point. The reason I do it at those points is that 16 is where you get the ship, and the other levels are where you get the bump in number of companions you can send out on missions at a time. So at 25 you can send out 3, which makes it worth getting the third one, etc. Before that point, you have the ship droid and whatever your first one is, so more than two is only useful if you can pick up a new one that does something you need in combat. You may have a couple companions waiting for you to pick up by 40, but unless it's the healer he or she probably won't add much new for combat.

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So the only quests that you actually benefit from is class quests at 16, 25, 40 and 48? And the one million credits for legacy will be a problem since we have zero credits when we start ^^ But it sounds like we will be able to mostly do FPs and that is what we like most so that's good =)


*Edit* We will definitely run som warzones for fun!


You cant skip any of the class quests. That poster was just catching up on his class quest at those levels.

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