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first strictly pvp toon, crew skill


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Hey folks, after more tahn a year playing, I{m delving into pvp. Decided to Go Sent since most of my toons are Empire, well, my three 50's are all tanks (Jugg, PT, Assn). I have two Biochem's and 1 Artifice. For a pvp'ing Sent, what crew skill? And i'm pretty set on leveling Combat since I heard it was better 1v1. I will be doing WZ's, but I like builds that let me 1v1 better than others regardless of OP spec which I read is the Focus.


Any other advice is welcome. Thanks..

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The only crew skills that have any Warzone utility are Biochem and Cybertech (for grenades - and at 50, reusable ones). If you want to skip the utility, then any of the following are good as well: Synthweaving and Artifice (+ Cybertech).


With Combat you'll find that you'll basically just be "slashing away" at your targets until you get to 30-something. Fast and efficient slashing, though!

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The only crew skills that have any Warzone utility are Biochem and Cybertech (for grenades - and at 50, reusable ones). If you want to skip the utility, then any of the following are good as well: Synthweaving and Artifice (+ Cybertech).


With Combat you'll find that you'll basically just be "slashing away" at your targets until you get to 30-something. Fast and efficient slashing, though!


Can you really maintain better gear with Sytheweaving? I only ask because if I update my gear every 2 levels, I can get a new piece for every slot off the GTN. But with Sytheweaving I noticed I can only upgrade 1 or two pieces every two levels. Even if I keep my gear blue through Sytheweaving, is it still better than buying Green gear off the GTN?

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It's more cost efficient, to say the least. Blue schematics are easy to get, and green gear is basically worthless in lowbie-PvP (blue scales a lot better!). But you also have to consider the end-game situation of course. With Synthweaving you can craft your own Augment Kits and also Might Augments that are your preferred choice. :)
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It's more cost efficient, to say the least. Blue schematics are easy to get, and green gear is basically worthless in lowbie-PvP (blue scales a lot better!). But you also have to consider the end-game situation of course. With Synthweaving you can craft your own Augment Kits and also Might Augments that are your preferred choice. :)


Hmm, well, I'll try Sytheweaving then. Never thought about being able to augment my own gear, and I haven't done it yet. Since my last two toons were biochem, I'm a little burnt out on it.


Does being able to make your own grenades help a lot?

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It's a convenience more than a real "help". You can just buy (or craft) the lowest-lvl green-quality 'nades that have the knockdown effect and use them, or by 50 get to use the purple-quality reusables that have extended effects and more damage. All grenades are on the same cooldown, though, so you can't spam different ones. I use the knockdown, root and snare ones myself, depending on the situation.
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