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Final Wave Sent!


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It was not "you" as in you, but "you" as in anybody who was in a similar date situation. I was choosing arbitrary dates.


Wasn't really hypothesizing, just saying it would be a super bummer to know that I just may be the very next guy in line when they cut off the access.


Yes, Tullowit, I understood what you were trying to get at! :)

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now I understand the "waves" concept. but seriously, why didn't they send them all out since the beta, with an "appointment time" so that you could know when your time starts.


i've seen quite a few people that scheduled time off work to be here on day one.

i've seen that quite a few more didn't even use their invite till hours after.


for anyone that hasn't figured it out yet, the "waves" have the advantage of keeping the start zones from being bogged down, not the server itself. keep in mind that a game like this transmits the information of nearby people to each client. so if the entirerty of a server's population is in one zone. boom goes the server.


all in all, making people wait by the "phone" (email) to get the call to arms is rather anoying, and short sighted.


but it is "Star Wars" so i guess if we will sit in the cold and rain to get the first tickets to the midnight showing of a movie, then who really needs to worry about customer service. which has been seriously lacking all along. imho.



You see,thats why i didn't plan to take days cause it wasn't promised you'd get early access,http://www.swtor.com/preorder/faq

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You see,thats why i didn't plan to take days cause it wasn't promised you'd get early access,http://www.swtor.com/preorder/faq


does faq underlined like that look like *** to anyone else? I saw it and thought we were all being trolled ._.

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not eveyr comment i make is in regards to yu, that one was aimed at a previous post that didnt belong to you


Go further back in the thread. A poster said that in the store where they purchased the game it said on a sign, "Pre-order now. Play December 15th." This indicatees that if you preordered at that moment you were garaunteed to play the 15th.

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i've seen quite a few people that scheduled time off work to be here on day one.

i've seen that quite a few more didn't even use their invite till hours after.





anyone who did this, with no actual guarantee that they would have access, deserves to be fired. I have seen this over and over again today......no where, and I MEAN NO WHERE has it been stated you would gain access on day one.....it has and still says UP TO.........UP TO



out of all of the complaints today....this one pixxes me off the most

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anyone who did this, with no actual guarantee that they would have access, deserves to be fired. I have seen this over and over again today......no where, and I MEAN NO WHERE has it been stated you would gain access on day one.....it has and still says UP TO.........UP TO



out of all of the complaints today....this one pixxes me off the most


oh thank you god, thevoice of reason

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The best buy chat isn't accepting actual questions, they're culling anything we'd want to know about.


They didn't ask my question about the early access with this statement:


"You cannot submit this question as it contains inappoporate language or personal information"


My question was "So all things considered, how's that staggered launch working out for you guys"


So yeah, no real questions are being taken tonight. There was nothing wrong about my question other then they didnt want to answer it.

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I think if we take customer opinions into account and not just how many times servers went down or someone decided an area was too crowded etc., this launch isn't smooth.


Someone forgot to include the happiness of customers in their calculations and thats what matters.


Other games may have had more game instability but customers by and large thought the process as designed and implemented by the developer was fair. That isn't going to be the case here.

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Then if the estimate changes people rage. People are going to QQ regardless.


At least they will have an estimate, and if they have to move it we will know it was for a good reason, and we will know that it's not long before we get in. Any information at all helps, instead of this dog **** we've been fed.

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So give a long estimate, then over deliver. They could easily work back from the 19th, then send out a we are ahead you can go in now message. The simple fact is they know everyone is in on the 20th which is a hard and fast deadline, if they want to ramp they know how many preorders they have had redeemed.


People rage if you don't communicate or under deliver on your promises. They call you a miracle worker and cheer if you over deliver.


As it stand I have no idea if i can start the 15th or the 19th or somewhere in between, simply no idea. This is bad customer relations or what not to do at launch.


evidently not, clearly there are those, that if promised the 15th, and then find out hey you can start a day early, but they have to work...well now they are pissed cuz bioware lied to them, and they couldnt plan acordingly...ooohthe tradgedy of it all

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Well, i for one, do feel bad for people that got their hopes up while waiting for their early access time, and then did not get it exactly when they expected. I also feel bad for people who attempted to plan their vacation time around when their early access will be granted.


Yes it is a game that is eagerly anticipated by millions of people and bioware probably could have been a little bit more clear about when people were getting in, even if it were a general estimate of how many people they want in per day. I feel their reasons for not doing that are really rather solid.


For one thing they don't like to say something that is supposed to be certain until it is absolutely certain (because i think that everyone can agree that even if they make a statement about what they would LIKE to do most people are going to take it as fact that they are going to do it no matter what). I don't blame them for this. The gamer community can definitely be a ravenous pack of wolves when they think they are correct... even if they misread information and in fact are not correct.


Secondly, i am fairly certain they felt that if you intend to play with a friend using a certain class that you would simply wait for that friend before you play your class. For example, if you wanted to play with timmy, and both of you are going to be a JK, if you get in first you could roll a trooper until timmy gets his invite.


I for one took the 15th off this month. I did this before i knew that they were starting EA on the 13th, and i figured that i probably would not get in on the day that i took off. Why would i do this? If, on the off chance that i DID get in on the 15th, great i have more time to play! otherwise i'll simply have a nice relaxing day of watching other people play for a bit, read the forums, and just relax.


I do think that people invest too much into games in general... and that WAAAAAAAAAAAY too many people have a huge entitlement attitude about a lot of things in life, and that people should just learn how to let things go. Do i honestly care if that offended some people? eh, i suppose i don't like to offend people but it's my opinion and i feel it's true.


I also kind of am enjoying getting to read all of the RAWR spam from people who are all angry at the world and BW right now because it reminds me of how lucky i am that there is more to life than just a game... (with that being said... to any of you who actually read all of this i do apologize if, for whatever reason, this game IS actually the primary bulk of your social life. If that is the case, for whatever reason, i meant no disrespect and my comments are mainly intended for people who have better things they could be doing and instead aim to just complain about something they don't NEED to complain about)


TLDR? too bad? happy holiday season? grab a cookie and some milk? maybe find a llama to pet? possibly a dog to snuggle? No? how about a nice fistful of angry monkeys? that sound good? no? okay then... go back to your QQ and don't mind me...

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The best buy chat isn't accepting actual questions, they're culling anything we'd want to know about.


They didn't ask my question about the early access with this statement:


"You cannot submit this question as it contains inappoporate language or personal information"


My question was "So all things considered, how's that staggered launch working out for you guys"


So yeah, no real questions are being taken tonight. There was nothing wrong about my question other then they didnt want to answer it.


Seriously... how can you complian about a launch roughly 14 hours into it. Would you prefer that everybody here logs in now with you, crashes the whole system and puts everything a month behind schedule? Overloading the server day or week 1 - now that would be reason to say "bad launch"

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evidently not, clearly there are those, that if promised the 15th, and then find out hey you can start a day early, but they have to work...well now they are pissed cuz bioware lied to them, and they couldnt plan acordingly...ooohthe tradgedy of it all


It is the un fairness of it not the tragedy that matters the most.

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I Sir am no Troll, I asure you. And fact that no one read the faq's scares me alot.


Oh no, I don't think you're a troll. I was just pointing out that q looks really similar to g XD it confused me a sec and I was like "Oh god, it's gettin bad out there." I'm sure EVERYONE here read the fa... I can't even finish that -_- anyone complaining without reading the FAQ is complaining for the wrong reasons...

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