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What annoys me is that people don't understand why they are doing it like this. It's not a stability test, they are try to grow servers and their populations organically... i genuinely a major part of it is because they are looking at the long haul and populating server that will last!!!


Come on people vent your frustrations after reading all the info and find out what is going on! complaining about the way they are handling the process is fair enough, even if i disagree... but get your facts straight and don't assume that because you've played mmo's you understand the absolute best way to do thing, there is no best way, but i genuinely believe BW are doing this with the best intentions.


I agree... in WoW, blizzard closed/merged servers and that sucked at that time.


P.S. I corrected some of your grammatical typos.

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Hello Stephen Reid!




Thank you very much for this bit of information. It assures me that BioWare at least cares about customer relations. I personally do not blame BioWare for this fiasco, as it wreaks of EA tampering. So, let me being this post by saying that I respect BioWare and I love your product. No matter what happens, I will continue to wait and I will play this game for a long time to come. However, you must know how this feels for your customers; and that is the point of this thread.




You are absolutely correct in saying that Launch is not about stress testing. Early Access is a launch event as the majority of people who will play this game on December 20th have pre-ordered. As such, I believe that it is important to understand that since this is a launch event, the servers should have been prepared appropriately for a larger number of concurrent users; enough to provide for the demand. The hesitation to open the servers up to more players is a clear indication of lack of confidence, and that makes me nervous as well.




Again, you are correct Stephen; launch is not about stuffing your servers with as many people as possible. It is about making your product available to ALL of your customers. I have been through 7 different AAA MMORPG releases since 1995. I understand the pains and frustrations associated with launching an MMORPG. However, I can say with confidence that this is by far the most tortuous MMORPG launch I have ever been through.


As of this moment, 40 of my guild mates are in the game. They are leveling up and accomplishing quests. They will take down the world boss in Coruscant tonight, or early tomorrow morning; and I will not be able to join them in this. More than likely, I never will have enough guild members to take down that boss from now until SW:TOR closes its doors to customers. This has cost me a significant amount of potential enjoyment with your product because I won't be able to do it with my friends.


I understand that you may want to reward your players with early access; and I think that this is a great idea. However, the method in which you are doing this is creating the feeling of entitlement - and entitlement based treatment. You are more than welcome to reward us for making a commitment to your game; and all of us have made an equal commitment. However, you want to reward us, reward all of us, or none of us at all. Otherwise, you are going alienate your customer base.




Stephen, I don't care about other MMORPG launches. I care about SW:TOR's launch, and creating an appropriate opportunity for the game's customers to gain access to the product. You had a metric to base demand off of since July. There is is no excuse for not being ready. As such - this entire paragraph is nothing more than a lame excuse, and your customers see right through that.




Stephen, this doesn't reassure your customers in the slightest. Getting invited tomorrow, or Thursday doesn't fix this problem. In fact, that is exactly what the problem is. This entire process has been deplorable to say the least; and holding the carrot on the stick in front of us tortuous to people who have pre-ordered months in advance, including myself.




But wait a second, you said that launch and early access is NOT a stress test. Why is it that you are intentionally stress testing during a Launch event? You have had over five months to prepare, and appropriately develop your servers to accommodate the obvious massive demand for this game. Once again, this reads like a very lame excuse, and you contradict yourself from the second paragraph.




Two points on this paragraph. This event is not helping you balance your server populations. Over 90% of those who pre-ordered aren't able to access the game, and your server lists read as, "Full." I understand that the population limits on each server are limited to encourage load balancing, but this is doing nothing more than limiting population when all players are able to connect. You can achieve the same results by queuing players who are actively able to play.


This system has created an artificial queue, one that is not based on log in attempt time, but based on pre-order date. Instead of going through the frustration of waiting through a 1 - 2 hour queue, we must go through the frustration of going through a 1 - 3 day freeze on any and all access to the server. We are still in a queue, the largest and most deplorable queuing system ever deployed by any game in history. This isn't an exaggeration, its the truth.




Stephen, at what cost is coming from this expense? To be honest, you are hurting your customers more with this scheme than a traditional MMORPG launch could ever hurt them. I believe that more people will quit because of this, than what would have happened if you decided to take a more traditional approach. You have taught your customers to distrust you, and to be nervous about server stability.


Your customers expect some hiccups during a massive launch. Your customers expect queues, and would prefer them to what we have now. With queues we have the hope of playing after waiting for 1 - 2 hours. Now, we have absolutely no hope whatsoever of getting into the game for at least another 16 hours.


This success that you mention may be nice for the players who are in now. But, for the majority of your customers, this success came at too great of a cost. Please reconsider your invitation process and make this right.


For the TL;DR people...


"40 of my guild got in, I was not one of them. Allow me to completely blow my top and post drivel in response"

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word on the forum is around 960k pre-orders in US retail stores..

if there is 960k retail pre-orders in US, we can assume 2 million pre-orders from retailers rest of the world.. that makes around 3 million retail copy.

There is also digital deluxe and digital standart editions, if there is 3 million retail copy pre-ordered worldwide we can assume min 3 million digital editions pre-ordered..


When i pre-ordered i paid extra 5euro as Pre-order fee, this is unrefundable fee and paying this fee gives you the EGA code..

Aprox around 6 million pre-order world wide (6m*5eu) > that means 30 million EU = 40 million $

Not to mention with this much pre-order and potential subs any company can get bank loan etc..


Considering EA ownz Bioware, there shouldn't be much financial problems at bioware.. Not to mention extra 40 million $ coming from pre-orders instantly..


So a company that has all these financial power, how come the servers can not handle all the players at once? with all these money maybe a better server system could be developed?


Try reading their posts, where they explain why they're doing what they're doing.

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I bet the people supporting the early access and bashing the complainers are the ones that already got in.


Nope. I didn't enter my preorder code until 11/28, so probably won't get into the game until the last wave, and I still think all this whining is ridiculous.


They said no grace period...people complained.

They went from 3 day early access to "up to" 5 days...people complained.

They went from 5 days to 7 days early access...people complained.

I think that it made no difference how they chose to do the roll out of this game, people would complain.


I'm betting that if they were to say that they'd give everyone 6 months of free game time, someone would complain about it.


But by all means please keep it up...I'm having a blast reading all these sob stories. :)

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Assumptions and namecalling......Probably can't flag you, because you are protecting BW.


It is not namecalling if I don't specify who I'm talking about. Even defamation laws work like this. If you feel I'm talking about you - that's your problem. I might and I might not.


Personally, I don't feel the need of flaming any specific person or group, especially the group that is against this system, because some of them have actually valid points and I recognize them as such.


In other words, some of the people who are not fond of this form of early access are whiny kids, some are not. I leave it to you to guess which are which.

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word on the forum is around 960k pre-orders in US retail stores..

if there is 960k retail pre-orders in US, we can assume 2 million pre-orders from retailers rest of the world.. that makes around 3 million retail copy.

There is also digital deluxe and digital standart editions, if there is 3 million retail copy pre-ordered worldwide we can assume min 3 million digital editions pre-ordered..


When i pre-ordered i paid extra 5euro as Pre-order fee, this is unrefundable fee and paying this fee gives you the EGA code..

Aprox around 6 million pre-order world wide (6m*5eu) > that means 30 million EU = 40 million $

Not to mention with this much pre-order and potential subs any company can get bank loan etc..


Considering EA ownz Bioware, there shouldn't be much financial problems at bioware.. Not to mention extra 40 million $ coming from pre-orders instantly..


So a company that has all these financial power, how come the servers can not handle all the players at once? with all these money maybe a better server system could be developed?


Dude, if you paid a fee for pre ordering that is your fault, i paid only the price for the game. If you do not know how to shop, do not complain.

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The $5 pre-order deposit is not an extra cost, it's deducted from the amount you get charged when it's shipped. I ordered the digital deluxe version and it was $79. I gave a $5 deposit and will be charged $74 on the 20th.



word on the forum is around 960k pre-orders in US retail stores..

if there is 960k retail pre-orders in US, we can assume 2 million pre-orders from retailers rest of the world.. that makes around 3 million retail copy.

There is also digital deluxe and digital standart editions, if there is 3 million retail copy pre-ordered worldwide we can assume min 3 million digital editions pre-ordered..


When i pre-ordered i paid extra 5euro as Pre-order fee, this is unrefundable fee and paying this fee gives you the EGA code..

Aprox around 6 million pre-order world wide (6m*5eu) > that means 30 million EU = 40 million $

Not to mention with this much pre-order and potential subs any company can get bank loan etc..


Considering EA ownz Bioware, there shouldn't be much financial problems at bioware.. Not to mention extra 40 million $ coming from pre-orders instantly..


So a company that has all these financial power, how come the servers can not handle all the players at once? with all these money maybe a better server system could be developed?

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When i pre-ordered i paid extra 5euro as Pre-order fee, this is unrefundable fee and paying this fee gives you the EGA code..


No, it's a deposit towards the price of the final game and securing a copy. It is deducted from the final price. If it wasn't, you retailer ripped you off.

Edited by DrAidennwitz
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that post is pointless excuse

if oyu know lil bit of gaming you owuld understand that


not ot mention if you read my message you would understand my point


That's the problem my friend, most of the people complaining know a "lil bit of gaming" and thus assume that they know best...

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hope this is wrong, otherwise alot of players that pre-ordered from origin is gonna be pissed.




"Quoted from the SWTOR pre-order faq page."


When will I be charged the remaining balance of the Game’s cost for my pre-order?


This will vary by retailer. If you pre-ordered The Old Republic from Origin.com, you agree to the automatic purchase of your selected edition of Star Wars: The Old Republic.


If you pre-ordered a physical version of the Game, the payment card that you input into the Origin.com billing system at the time of pre-order will be used to charge the remaining cost of the Game starting at December 13th at 5:00 AM PST and your copy of the Game along with the Product Registration Code will be shipped on December 16th for delivery on or near December 20th.


If you pre-ordered a digital version of the Game, the payment card that you input into the Origin.com billing system at the time of pre-order will be used to charge the remaining cost of the Game starting on December 16th and the official Game Product Registration Code of your digital edition will be emailed to the email address associated with your pre-order starting on December 16th at 8:00AM PST.

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Colored for easy read!




Originally Posted by StephenReid

Hey everyone.


Hello Stephen Reid!




Originally Posted by StephenReid

We absolutely understand you want to get in and play the game early. It's one of the reasons we expanded our Early Game Access from a maximum of five days to a maximum of seven days. However, there are a couple of important points to realize about today's opening salvo of invites, and the procedure in general for Early Game Access and launch.

Thank you very much for this bit of information. It assures me that BioWare at least cares about customer relations. I personally do not blame BioWare for this fiasco, as it wreaks of EA tampering. So, let me being this post by saying that I respect BioWare and I love your product. No matter what happens, I will continue to wait and I will play this game for a long time to come. However, you must know how this feels for your customers; and that is the point of this thread.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

First, Early Game Access and launch is not supposed to be a stress test. In our previous Beta Testing Weekends we got up to very large concurrent number of players and brought invites into the game at a very high rate. That was done to stress test every aspect of our systems and servers, and essentially to see if they broke. In some cases, they did, but that helped us improve for launch.


You are absolutely correct in saying that Launch is not about stress testing. Early Access is a launch event as the majority of people who will play this game on December 20th have pre-ordered. As such, I believe that it is important to understand that since this is a launch event, the servers should have been prepared appropriately for a larger number of concurrent users; enough to provide for the demand. The hesitation to open the servers up to more players is a clear indication of lack of confidence, and that makes me nervous as well.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

For us, launch isn't just about stuffing our servers with as many people as possible. As anyone who's been through a large MMO launch can tell you, that experience can be painful. Our aim with this launch was to ramp things up gradually, to spread our player population out amongst a variety of servers, to maintain all server types, and to keep queuing to a minimum (although we expect that to happen as we head towards December 20th). So far, all that has been successful for us on Day One.

Again, you are correct Stephen; launch is not about stuffing your servers with as many people as possible. It is about making your product available to ALL of your customers. I have been through 7 different AAA MMORPG releases since 1995. I understand the pains and frustrations associated with launching an MMORPG. However, I can say with confidence that this is by far the most tortuous MMORPG launch I have ever been through.


As of this moment, 40 of my guild mates are in the game. They are leveling up and accomplishing quests. They will take down the world boss in Coruscant tonight, or early tomorrow morning; and I will not be able to join them in this. More than likely, I never will have enough guild members to take down that boss from now until SW:TOR closes its doors to customers. This has cost me a significant amount of potential enjoyment with your product because I won't be able to do it with my friends.


I understand that you may want to reward your players with early access; and I think that this is a great idea. However, the method in which you are doing this is creating the feeling of entitlement - and entitlement based treatment. You are more than welcome to reward us for making a commitment to your game; and all of us have made an equal commitment. However, you want to reward us, reward all of us, or none of us at all. Otherwise, you are going alienate your customer base.



Originally Posted by StephenReid

The second thing to realize is scale. We invited more people to play Star Wars: The Old Republic today than many other MMO launches manage in their entire head-start process. As I mentioned earlier today, when we opened pre-orders we had a huge spike in numbers - far more than most MMOs capture at launch. That was the initial rush. After that, our pre-orders settled down.


Stephen, I don't care about other MMORPG launches. I care about SW:TOR's launch, and creating an appropriate opportunity for the game's customers to gain access to the product. You had a metric to base demand off of since July. There is is no excuse for not being ready. As such - this entire paragraph is nothing more than a lame excuse, and your customers see right through that.



Originally Posted by StephenReid

What this means is that tomorrow, you'll effectively start to see the pre-order timeline expand. You'll see people who have pre-ordered later than July getting invites. The day after that, more people will be invited. We're actually planning to invite more tomorrow than today, and invite the same number again on Thursday - at which point we'll be into the original 'five days of Early Game Access'.


Stephen, this doesn't reassure your customers in the slightest. Getting invited tomorrow, or Thursday doesn't fix this problem. In fact, that is exactly what the problem is. This entire process has been deplorable to say the least; and holding the carrot on the stick in front of us tortuous to people who have pre-ordered months in advance, including myself.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

Last thing. Why aren't we continuing to send waves over time? Two main reasons - one, because we need to see that the servers are maintaining stability over time; adding a lot of players in a short period (in other words, stress testing) can cause stability issues.


But wait a second, you said that launch and early access is NOT a stress test. Why is it that you are intentionally stress testing during a Launch event? You have had over five months to prepare, and appropriately develop your servers to accommodate the obvious massive demand for this game. Once again, this reads like a very lame excuse, and you contradict yourself from the second paragraph.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

Two, our plan is to continue to add servers - but carefully, and in response to demand. We need to monitor that demand and role out servers accordingly. A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.


Two points on this paragraph. This event is not helping you balance your server populations. Over 90% of those who pre-ordered aren't able to access the game, and your server lists read as, "Full." I understand that the population limits on each server are limited to encourage load balancing, but this is doing nothing more than limiting population when all players are able to connect. You can achieve the same results by queuing players who are actively able to play.


This system has created an artificial queue, one that is not based on log in attempt time, but based on pre-order date. Instead of going through the frustration of waiting through a 1 - 2 hour queue, we must go through the frustration of going through a 1 - 3 day freeze on any and all access to the server. We are still in a queue, the largest and most deplorable queuing system ever deployed by any game in history. This isn't an exaggeration, its the truth.



Originally Posted by StephenReid

Our aim is for Star Wars: The Old Republic to be around for a long time to come. Today's just the first step in that - an early step, too - and we'll be running smoothly, with a stable population, before too long.


Stephen, at what cost is coming from this expense? To be honest, you are hurting your customers more with this scheme than a traditional MMORPG launch could ever hurt them. I believe that more people will quit because of this, than what would have happened if you decided to take a more traditional approach. You have taught your customers to distrust you, and to be nervous about server stability.


Your customers expect some hiccups during a massive launch. Your customers expect queues, and would prefer them to what we have now. With queues we have the hope of playing after waiting for 1 - 2 hours. Now, we have absolutely no hope whatsoever of getting into the game for at least another 16 hours.


This success that you mention may be nice for the players who are in now. But, for the majority of your customers, this success came at too great of a cost. Please reconsider your invitation process and make this right.

I cant believe you locked this great thread and redirected us all to this thread full of whining.

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So a company that has all these financial power, how come the servers can not handle all the players at once? with all these money maybe a better server system could be developed?
They can handle it and they have great servers. But no matter how much power you put into a system, you need a way to manage it without causing a bottleneck or other issues. It doesn't matter how large or powerful your hardware is if you just open the floodgates without any sort of planning. It's better to not let people in and have them ***** about it than to have to kick them out or rebalance a server because populations spiked on the first day. Trickle-in with tweaks and adjustments throughout the period is the best possible solution for a stable release.


I've been in dozens of releases and I can tell you this was a much better idea than the other places. People always give Rift as an example..but Rift had far less people pre-ordering and even then they had serious launch issues. WoW launched and had so many crash and lockdown issues mainly due to overloads. You really cannot buy enough hardware with any sort of money to handle a flat out hammer down of millions of people. It just won't happen..it can't happen. Hardware is finite..you can't just keep stacking more hardware on top of it. Pipelines are finite..you can't just go lay down new cross-ocean pipelines or put up some more satellites and magically increase your bandwidth. You're talking billions of dollars. It's ludicrous.

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Queues, it worked for Rift. I waited 2 hours but I got in first day.


Comparing this launch to Rift shows that you have no idea what you are talking about. Rift had an open beta and all this marketing as the "better wow" and "you are not in azeroth anymore" and the game is still lame. So i can see how it is easy to get in a game that has absolutely nothing to offer.

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We need a response to this please !!!!




Originally Posted by StephenReid

Hey everyone.


Hello Stephen Reid!




Originally Posted by StephenReid

We absolutely understand you want to get in and play the game early. It's one of the reasons we expanded our Early Game Access from a maximum of five days to a maximum of seven days. However, there are a couple of important points to realize about today's opening salvo of invites, and the procedure in general for Early Game Access and launch.


Thank you very much for this bit of information. It assures me that BioWare at least cares about customer relations. I personally do not blame BioWare for this fiasco, as it wreaks of EA tampering. So, let me being this post by saying that I respect BioWare and I love your product. No matter what happens, I will continue to wait and I will play this game for a long time to come. However, you must know how this feels for your customers; and that is the point of this thread.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

First, Early Game Access and launch is not supposed to be a stress test. In our previous Beta Testing Weekends we got up to very large concurrent number of players and brought invites into the game at a very high rate. That was done to stress test every aspect of our systems and servers, and essentially to see if they broke. In some cases, they did, but that helped us improve for launch.


You are absolutely correct in saying that Launch is not about stress testing. Early Access is a launch event as the majority of people who will play this game on December 20th have pre-ordered. As such, I believe that it is important to understand that since this is a launch event, the servers should have been prepared appropriately for a larger number of concurrent users; enough to provide for the demand. The hesitation to open the servers up to more players is a clear indication of lack of confidence, and that makes me nervous as well.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

For us, launch isn't just about stuffing our servers with as many people as possible. As anyone who's been through a large MMO launch can tell you, that experience can be painful. Our aim with this launch was to ramp things up gradually, to spread our player population out amongst a variety of servers, to maintain all server types, and to keep queuing to a minimum (although we expect that to happen as we head towards December 20th). So far, all that has been successful for us on Day One.


Again, you are correct Stephen; launch is not about stuffing your servers with as many people as possible. It is about making your product available to ALL of your customers. I have been through 7 different AAA MMORPG releases since 1995. I understand the pains and frustrations associated with launching an MMORPG. However, I can say with confidence that this is by far the most tortuous MMORPG launch I have ever been through.


As of this moment, 40 of my guild mates are in the game. They are leveling up and accomplishing quests. They will take down the world boss in Coruscant tonight, or early tomorrow morning; and I will not be able to join them in this. More than likely, I never will have enough guild members to take down that boss from now until SW:TOR closes its doors to customers. This has cost me a significant amount of potential enjoyment with your product because I won't be able to do it with my friends.


I understand that you may want to reward your players with early access; and I think that this is a great idea. However, the method in which you are doing this is creating the feeling of entitlement - and entitlement based treatment. You are more than welcome to reward us for making a commitment to your game; and all of us have made an equal commitment. However, you want to reward us, reward all of us, or none of us at all. Otherwise, you are going alienate your customer base.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

The second thing to realize is scale. We invited more people to play Star Wars: The Old Republic today than many other MMO launches manage in their entire head-start process. As I mentioned earlier today, when we opened pre-orders we had a huge spike in numbers - far more than most MMOs capture at launch. That was the initial rush. After that, our pre-orders settled down.


Stephen, I don't care about other MMORPG launches. I care about SW:TOR's launch, and creating an appropriate opportunity for the game's customers to gain access to the product. You had a metric to base demand off of since July. There is is no excuse for not being ready. As such - this entire paragraph is nothing more than a lame excuse, and your customers see right through that.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

What this means is that tomorrow, you'll effectively start to see the pre-order timeline expand. You'll see people who have pre-ordered later than July getting invites. The day after that, more people will be invited. We're actually planning to invite more tomorrow than today, and invite the same number again on Thursday - at which point we'll be into the original 'five days of Early Game Access'.


Stephen, this doesn't reassure your customers in the slightest. Getting invited tomorrow, or Thursday doesn't fix this problem. In fact, that is exactly what the problem is. This entire process has been deplorable to say the least; and holding the carrot on the stick in front of us tortuous to people who have pre-ordered months in advance, including myself.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

Last thing. Why aren't we continuing to send waves over time? Two main reasons - one, because we need to see that the servers are maintaining stability over time; adding a lot of players in a short period (in other words, stress testing) can cause stability issues.


But wait a second, you said that launch and early access is NOT a stress test. Why is it that you are intentionally stress testing during a Launch event? You have had over five months to prepare, and appropriately develop your servers to accommodate the obvious massive demand for this game. Once again, this reads like a very lame excuse, and you contradict yourself from the second paragraph.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

Two, our plan is to continue to add servers - but carefully, and in response to demand. We need to monitor that demand and role out servers accordingly. A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.


Two points on this paragraph. This event is not helping you balance your server populations. Over 90% of those who pre-ordered aren't able to access the game, and your server lists read as, "Full." I understand that the population limits on each server are limited to encourage load balancing, but this is doing nothing more than limiting population when all players are able to connect. You can achieve the same results by queuing players who are actively able to play.


This system has created an artificial queue, one that is not based on log in attempt time, but based on pre-order date. Instead of going through the frustration of waiting through a 1 - 2 hour queue, we must go through the frustration of going through a 1 - 3 day freeze on any and all access to the server. We are still in a queue, the largest and most deplorable queuing system ever deployed by any game in history. This isn't an exaggeration, its the truth.




Originally Posted by StephenReid

Our aim is for Star Wars: The Old Republic to be around for a long time to come. Today's just the first step in that - an early step, too - and we'll be running smoothly, with a stable population, before too long.


Stephen, at what cost is coming from this expense? To be honest, you are hurting your customers more with this scheme than a traditional MMORPG launch could ever hurt them. I believe that more people will quit because of this, than what would have happened if you decided to take a more traditional approach. You have taught your customers to distrust you, and to be nervous about server stability.


Your customers expect some hiccups during a massive launch. Your customers expect queues, and would prefer them to what we have now. With queues we have the hope of playing after waiting for 1 - 2 hours. Now, we have absolutely no hope whatsoever of getting into the game for at least another 16 hours.


This success that you mention may be nice for the players who are in now. But, for the majority of your customers, this success came at too great of a cost. Please reconsider your invitation process and make this right.



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I am both sad that I can't play yet, but also happy that so many people are fighting because of how BW arranged the launch.


Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you two fearsome, battle hardened and unforgiving fighters both on the cusp of making it into...nowhere!


In your right corner wearing the red shorts we have: THE FIERY EYED DEFEND EVERYTHING FANBOIS!

In your left corner wearing the green shorts we have: NEGATIVE NANCY OVER DRAMATIZING EVERYTHING HATERS!


Some victims of rationality and logic are lost within the fight on both sides, but they are scarce in number and an acceptable sacrifice!

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I cant believe you locked this great thread and redirected us all to this thread full of whining.


All this thread is doing is whining and complaining, official game lauch is not until the 20th, so stop whining about not playing, if you wanted it that bad, should have ordered earlier. You people are just mad you did not think about doing something 300K people did think of.

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