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Final Wave Sent!


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Bioware obviously made mistake with this kind of release. They are rewarding ppl for nothing only bacause they bought preorder ealier for poor 5 bucks. They don't realize hundreds of thousands ppl who bought game later have the same rights. They should invite ppl by random and would be much less QQ.


They really should invite ppl by random roll.

The earlier you order a product the more service you are providing to a company because the easier it becomes to plan for upcoming needs. Number of servers, distribution logistics, etc. The amount you pay is the price of the game. Early access is part of the enticement to get people to order as early as possible so the earlier you order the more time you would expect to get if EA is staggered.

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He raises a valid point. They should give out invites by random rather than allocating them to those who pre-ordered in july first. At the end of the day, everyone pays the same price.


No he does not. You have not payed a dime to Bioware (or those nit-wits at EA)

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Personally one of the most important aspects of playing an MMO is to choose names for my characters and Role Play based on their names but instead of complain I have some options that would have made this Early Access MUCH better.


You know this game is going to be huge and day 1 is extremely important so instead of angering everyone that didn't get in the very first second possible you could


1. Do like Disney and offer a Priority Pass for a fee like $5 extra that ensures that this person has access to any 1st alpha beta or early access. So if they want to be first they need to pay extra for it.


2. Add a number in the pre-order code like 1astef 2astef 5astef that indicates what wave that person would be allowed to play. Since you have control over the pre orders keys you could construct it to have such a number as indicator... 1 gets access sooner than 9 This way at least you dump the rants from yourself to the retailers as people hunt down or trade access codes if they care so much.


3. Even giving out invites randomly would slightly be better than a first come first server method but its just as bad. My reason is that the ones who pre-orders early will have access to beta weekends and the ones who pre-ordered late wont so right there early already had more time to play than the later ones. I would still be angry at this method but not as much as having to way 3 days cause i got mine in mid november.


Now for the rant part. Your focus is on QUALITY and the reason for the waves is understandable, but you don’t understand the community's frustrations of how this method isn't providing quality for consumers... many people took the day off to stare at a "no active subscription" message instead of playing the game.

Edited by Gunblades
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The problem there is that waiting queues, crashes and bugs aren't 'unforseen', those are normal things that happen in an MMO launch. Those things, most people would be prepared for. This is something new altogether. Once again, not saying anyone on either side is 'right', but just saying that whining about people whining is just as unproductive as the whining itself and in this instance doesn't make sense given the small amount of info. Bioware has given us thus far.
It's unforeseen because they didn't KNOW it was going to happen. It's something to expect but that doesn't mean you're clairvoyant..just prepared.


They prepared by doing the EGA release in a completely different way. That seems like some pretty damn good planning and it also seems to be working. It's a very well thought out system and removes most of the major issues with a massive launch.

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Why is it so difficult for people to understand that if someone pre-ordered the game in july, they are obviously going to have early access way before the person who waited until november?


Because some people don't understand the concept of waiting in line for something without crying?

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Considering people in line are waiting to buy their ticket, I'm not sure what your point is.


his point is simple .. why should someone who waited in line for 2 hours be treated the same as someone who just arrived 2 minutes ago?


same thing with concert tickets .. when you get there first to buy tickets you have the best choice for seating.


same with this .. someone ordered early then they should have better privileges than someone who waited till the last minute .. why should slackers be rewarded?


we all knew exactly when pre orders would be available to purchase .. you should have gotten off your rump and did it instead of crying like a ****** here now



The only reason people are complaining is because they can't play yet .. in one week, none of this will matter anyway..

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He raises a valid point. They should give out invites by random rather than allocating them to those who pre-ordered in july first. At the end of the day, everyone pays the same price.


I just don't understand why people are getting mad about this? If some people are going to get in first why not first come first? I can guarantee 90% of the people saying it should be a random draw would be laying on the floor clutching their keyboards crying about how unfair the world is if it was random and they were one of the last groups in!

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Why is it so difficult for people to understand that if someone pre-ordered the game in july, they are obviously going to have early access way before the person who waited until november?



True, but I would think the way to fix that is to be transparent and just say


Orders from july to august > early game access as early as Dec 13

ORders from august to sept > early game access as early as Dec 14 and so on..


That way at least you would know... right?

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Why is it so difficult for people to understand that if someone pre-ordered the game in july, they are obviously going to have early access way before the person who waited until november?


Because much of the MMO player base are self entitled wotsits.

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his point is simple .. why should someone who waited in line for 2 hours be treated the same as someone who just arrived 2 minutes ago?


same thing with concert tickets .. when you get there first to buy tickets you have the best choice for seating.


same with this .. someone ordered early then they should have better privileges than someone who waited till the last minute .. why should slackers be rewarded?


we all knew exactly when pre orders would be available to purchase .. you should have gotten off your rump and did it instead of crying like a ****** here now



The only reason people are complaining is because they can't play yet .. in one week, none of this will matter anyway..




Either way, I pre-ordered 2 weeks ago, I can wait, still have Skyrim and Assassains Creed to mull through

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I just don't understand why people are getting mad about this? If some people are going to get in first why not first come first? I can guarantee 90% of the people saying it should be a random draw would be laying on the floor clutching their keyboards crying about how unfair the world is if it was random and they were one of the last groups in!


Well no because a random selection is exactly that, random. There is no advantages or disadvantages. Only a ****** would deem a random selection unfair.

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True, but I would think the way to fix that is to be transparent and just say


Orders from july to august > early game access as early as Dec 13

ORders from august to sept > early game access as early as Dec 14 and so on..


That way at least you would know... right?


Yes, but it's not that easy to calculate. Maybe we'll know more tommorrow, today is still a bit of an enigma until all the time zones go through their rush hours.


Also, imagine the QQ if Bioware said "august to sept on dec 14" and then they miscalculated and the servers went awol. That's why they're playing this slow and easy.

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Two words and a number. Guild Wars 2.

Only playing the first 30 days of the game because it was a present,after that it's the few months left of suspense for the REAL MMo to be released.

I have a feeling that game is not going to live up to the hype. It'll be like the first one..lots of fanboys and unbalanced but no real player base after release. But, who knows? It might surprise me. I just don't have any faith in the company nor in anything that's a sequel.
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This is what I think about the whole "early access" Wave situation we have going on here:


When it comes to all the anger and trolling:


Some people tend to be impulsive. Specially gamers. When games come out or an early launch is to be expected. Players either move into the troll camp of thought or the "I hate the trolls" camp of thought and comment to one another with no end planned in sight. Either people are Pro Bioware's decision or against it. I admit I was reading the entire thread all day (the early access thread). I was bored really, wanted to kill some time since my University exam period started. I have to admit that thread was the fastest growing thread I've seen.. EVER. As I read the posts it felt as if the world had come to an end. It was a chaotic thread to say the least. For every page I read, 3-5 more threads popped up when I refreshed the page.


I think Bioware's approach is a smart move, to prevent server mergers and overestimating the amount of servers they need. So let them do this in waves. Some people don't like how it's being done but we have no power over that. We can crawl to our little corners and play victimized child or we can agree with their approach and wait our turn. They have their reasons for doing it this way and our words don't have much weight to them.


There is some logic to the latter statement:


1. They could have had us all wait for the 20th to play this game instead of giving us the POSSIBILITY of playing it earlier if you pre-ordered the game. So they are being nice to us by giving us this opportunity. Most of us if not all of us will be playing SWTOR before the official release if you pre-ordered.


2. Most of us did not cooperate in any way to help out with this MMO. We did not add content to the game or help develop it. For most of us (myself included) all we did was live our lives and wait for this game to be released. So trolling or being upset is not warranted by these people.


Note: Number 2 does not include beta testers that actually played the beta weekends to find bugs, graphical glitches, game breaking bugs, exploits and who were active on the forums to help the devs out. The same goes with people who wanted to be part of the beta-testing to help the devs out on those weekends but never got an invite. In fact I think that those beta-testers should be rewarded with early access regardless of the time they pre-ordered because they actually helped out and did extra work to help polish the game up. Not the beta-testers who got an invite for a "free ride" into the world of SWTOR.


My two cents. I think the community here is excellent. Early access tends to bring the ugly out of people. Once the 20th rolls around everyone will be calm again - unless the servers explode with a huge population demand!



Edited by Makuren
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I just don't understand why people are getting mad about this? If some people are going to get in first why not first come first? I can guarantee 90% of the people saying it should be a random draw would be laying on the floor clutching their keyboards crying about how unfair the world is if it was random and they were one of the last groups in!


That's actually a really good point. Lol.. mental picture.

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That's right people RAGE and RAGE about BW!!! I am feeding off your rage and anger now and growing more powerful so that when I get my invite tomorrow, I will be at level cap at no time and pwn you all in pvp!


Seriously people stop trolling, whining, gaping, whatever you want to call it. It is a game for goodness sake, not a life or death struggle like getting the right cancer treating drug. Life is short so please enjoy the ride and take things in stride.

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