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Hit issues


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This is something I just noticed last night.


My jugg is currently over the hit cap. I have 101.35 for melee and 111.35 for force attacks. Last night, while doing dailies and running HM TFB, I noticed alot of misses being flashed. On any mob from a normal level 50 to Boss levels in TFB.


I was wondering if anyone has seen this or if something has happened to increase the hit cap.

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I remember when the game first came out there was a lot of theory crafting about hit rates. Generally the "goal" for accuracy was about 110% for raiding. For normal content/palyers 100% is all you need and anything over that reduces the targets defenses (ie easier to hit). But raid bosses have a natural +10 so to speak so you wanted 110% against raid bosses. I don't know anyone with 110% accuracy so really not sure if that theory from early game was true or in line or what. Force attacks have a natural 100% hit rate hence why accuracy on a sorc or sage is a waste. Seems the "goal" is a min of 100% accuracy for melee and physical dmg range (snipers/gunslingers/mercs/commandos etc).


That said I can see even at 101.86% accuracy on my marauder that I still miss even against normal mobs occasionally. Run something like ACT that tracks misses and you will see a percentage of misses for main hand and even more for off hand (off hand only has 60% accuracy anyways). So really not sure how much or how little accuracy you really need. I know some tanks or melee that have no accuracy bonus at all and only have about 90% from buffs and natural and they tank and hold agro as well as a tank with 105% accuracy. Seen another mara with 90% accuracy put out comparable dps to myself just shy of 102%. So who really knows I guess. Theory nowadays seems to be you want to have 100% anything over is wasted but have seem some that go lower and don't seem to have any more or less issues with misses as someone that is 100% or higher.

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You should be somewhere in the neighborhood of 100% melee accuracy. The reason why some of your mainhand attacks miss is because your basic attack has less accuracy than your special melee attacks like annihilate. Some mobs also have tanking abilities that increase the amount of defense which results in more misses for melee attacks. Bosses don't have these skills. As a powertech, my accuracy is 99.9% and I have never seen a railshot miss, while my basic attack misses frequently. Anything over 100% is overkill and you are better off stacking surge once you get close to 100% melee accuracy. Edited by bbare
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