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World Boss Runs


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Hello Ebonites,


My guild, the Galactic Fairy, has been running world boss hunts on Coruscant and Taris quietly since our conception. We've learned a few things:


1. No matter how well you describe what tactics you need to do, people don't listen. SidZero requires people who are tied together with lightning to disperse and back away from group. People just don't do it. The Taris boss causes poisonous gas that hurts worse than an at-level, or even well above level, can heal through. But people love to stand in the stupid.

2. One bad seed will ruin the crop. You know, that one guy who goes afk and causes Subject Alpha to attack because he was far too close to the route the boss walks. The guy who doesn't wait for SidZero to walk his path before trying to run to the other ramp. It happens far too often.

3. People are greedy. They need on gear they don't need but it seems silly to set master looter on a pickup group. We're a friendly bunch, we don't want to appear to be the bad guys.

4. Arfour is always dead. I'm not sure why but this guy always seems to be camped. We'd love to expand our guerilla concerts, I mean boss hunts, to Nar Shadaa but it seems like there's always some level 50 there soloing him. :(


And now a question:


As a server, do you prefer to kill a world boss in a group of near-planet level characters or with a specific higher level tank? Do you find that having a higher level lead the charge lessens the experience?


May Sheryl and Ranka smile upon you all.




Feli Stormtree

Producer of Galactic Fairy

Head of Assault Concert Operations

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As a server, do you prefer to kill a world boss in a group of near-planet level characters or with a specific higher level tank? Do you find that having a higher level lead the charge lessens the experience?


Well, a caveat, I'm an Imperial so I don't have the first clue what you're talking about with the Republic WB mechanics, but an answer to the question... Having tanked WB's near-level, I can honestly say it's a far more rewarding experience... As a tank. As dps, meh, I'm not special, the kill isn't special, I just want to get my weekly done same as anyone else. I'll do the same amount of damage with or without a high-level tank, so there's no real personal pride in having everyone near-level. The best we can say is, "Hey, we were a good PUG".


That said, it's not always easy getting the numbers to do it near-level, and God forbid you wipe and 90% of the group rage-quits. And chances are, even if you don't want a 50 helping, someone else in the group will, and there's not really any way to prevent that and not look like a jerk in the process.

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1. No matter how well you describe what tactics you need to do, people don't listen.


This is a huge problem because it will get us killed. I want to say in the middle of the boss fight when somebody gets killed because of the World Bosses' gimmick, "Now see what I was saying?" But, it doesn't do any good. People wont listen, people just don't care. They expect the healers to heal no matter what kind of stupid they get into.

One bad seed will ruin the crop.


One idiot to ruin them all, One idiot to find them,

One idiot to bring them all and in the darkness ruin the WB group.

Sorry for the LOTR reference. It still fits though.


People are greedy.

I saw somebody last night "need" for every single drop, and then other complain that they didn't get anything.

THAT'S BECAUSE SOMEONE WAS GREEDY. Don't get mad at the tank, or whoever seems to be the leader, or the person whom facilitated everybody to come to the world boss.

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