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Gear Tokens

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Quite a common problem with the cartel packs is the overwhelming number of duplicates you get whilst trying to get the 1 item you need.


It would be easier if for instance you received tokens which then could be traded in at varying prices for gear from that token set.




From boxes you receive 4 Revan's Lower robes, 2 Revan's chest plate, 0 Revan Masks (Quite annoying)


If instead you got, 6 Revan Gear Tokens and there was a cost of 1 token for legs, 2 for body and 3 for masks you could obtain the set by trading in your 6 tokens. The market would then be on the 'Token' items so everyone gets 'the same' price and people can save up for the item they need a bit at a time.


The incentive for players would still be to buy boxes as they could get the tokens to get the gear they want randomly. Eliminating the annoyance of multiple duplicates to some degree.



Note: Reposted from Suggestions forum as this is the correct forum for the idea.

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defeats the purpose of a super rare item if anyone can obtain it after buying 3 boxes.


The tokens would still be random so from 1 pack you may get 1 Phantom token and a speeder etc...


1 - 3 is just an example it would scale with the same algorithm that is currently used to assign item 'rareness' for instance if it was 100 tokens for the rare helm and you got 5 per box (random) compared to only 15 tokens for legs for example

Edited by Solar_Breeze
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still defeats the purpose by making it easier to obtain. ever play a collectable card game like Magic: The Gathering? Each pack contains a rare card. You don't know which card it is, but you are guaranteed a rare card in each pack. some packs will have a super rare card or even a reflective card. You could buy pack after pack or cards building up many duplicates of the same rares before you get that one rare you are looking for. would you suggest that Wizards of the Coast start inserting tokens that can be exchanged for the rare card you want so that they sell less packs? Edited by Cmdluke
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I've never played MTG but my views on a trading card game is that cards should be trade-able. You should be able to swap multiples of cards to gain the one card you want based on a market. Flooding the market with 500 unwanted lower robes does not help anyone achieve an up-sale (at the end of the day they are always going to be lower robes).


It wouldn't lessen the packs sold and would still work the same.


For instance someone may buy 5 packs and receive 5 x tokens and 10 y tokens and something else. What they want costs 30 x tokens. They can then sell the y tokens to fund the x tokens in much the same way.


Likewise they could still include the items in the pack - which can be traded back into tokens if the person didn't actually want that item.


I'm sure MTG players would look to places to buy a specific card rather than chancing it all the time through packs. What's the difference?

Edited by Solar_Breeze
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MTG players do buy individual cards from shops and on ebay.


same here. people buy revan's mask from other players and from the GTN.


what you are preposing is making super rare items way less rare because you can easily get these tokens and buy revan's mask.


honestly, you are just trying to avoid spending money in their store.

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I disagree. People would spend more money as they know that they have a better chance of working towards an item.


Everyone I know in game is no longer buying cartel packs because of how rubbish the system is.


Why do you think they have set this forum up? ... because they know there is a problem.


being able to work towards a big item compared to having a one off random chance is what will keep people purchasing.

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They set up the forum because they want to know what people want in the store, not how to 'fix' it.


The system is not rubbish. its the same system that everyone uses for collectible packs. You buy a pack knowing what could possibly be inside, but you don't know what exactly you are going to get. If you don't like taking your chances, buy what you want with credits off the GTN. Credits really aren't that hard to come by in this game.

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They set up the forum because they want to know what people want in the store, not how to 'fix' it.


The system is not rubbish. its the same system that everyone uses for collectible packs. You buy a pack knowing what could possibly be inside, but you don't know what exactly you are going to get. If you don't like taking your chances, buy what you want with credits off the GTN. Credits really aren't that hard to come by in this game.


Read my previous posts.


You wouldn't 'Know' what you are getting and are still taking a chance but there is at least some value to the duplicates rather than GTN trash that they currently are.

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I have read your posts.

Bottom line is, your idea makes super rare items much easier to obtain thus reducing their rarity and value.


Which is good. I think i bought three Cartel Packs so far and vowed to myself to never buy one again, for the sheer amount of crap they contain. If the cost (yes, you pay for them, you know) is 360, I want to at least have the option to trade stuff or gather things. Otherwise they can keep their stuff, thanks a lot, because it's most certainly overpriced.


Agree with the OP.

Edited by Lent_San
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Which is good. I think i bought three Cartel Packs so far and vowed to myself to never buy one again, for the sheer amount of crap they contain. If the cost (yes, you pay for them, you know) is 360, I want to at least have the option to trade stuff or gather things. Otherwise they can keep their stuff, thanks a lot, because it's most certainly overpriced.


Agree with the OP.


Exactly my point. Cartel boxes are not a trading card game players do not have a use for an item past maybe maximum 4 of the item (thats if you assume, main set, off set, pvp main set, pvp off set) why should the GTN be flooded with items no one needs where rare items would still be rare as players would need to gather large quantities of tokens to buy them.

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