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The Clone Wars: Which side would you choose?


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If you were a person in the Star Wars galaxy during the Clone Wars, which side would you choose?


Would you support the Galactic Republic, the Confederacy of Independent Systems or would you remain neutral?


Personally I wouldn't be surprised to see myself siding with the CIS if I were not in a position to know that both sides were controlled by the Sith, the Republic started as a purely economical and mutual protection union, and the Confederacy is closer to those ideals. The years leading up to the Clone Wars had seen a rise in corruption and manipulation by powerful interest groups as regulation and social justice policies increased. One government can't govern the entire galaxy fairly,, and the call for more power to each member makes more sense for me. Not to mention the Galactic Republic was the aggressor in the conflict.

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I would side with the Republic. They may have become corrupt but the irony is the alternative which claimed to be rallying against the Republic's corruption was even more corrupt. For example the the Separatist Council was made of a bunch of self-serving, greedy businessmen and corrupt politicians. At least if the Republic won the war they might learn and try and attempt change, not to mention the fact the corrupt elements of the Republic would have been purged with the defeat of the Separatists. And the Separatists where never going to win, I'd rather be on the winning side. :p


However for this scenario to work you'd have to eliminate Sidious and Dooku as leaders of each faction. Cause that's a whole different story...


EDIT: Then again reading over your post you make some good points... now I think about it all the 'corrupt practices' were carried out by the Republic, or if they were carried out by the Separatists it was within the sphere of the Republic and generally with the intention to undermine them. Still the Sepratists did some pretty despicable things during the war, and I would have no doubt they would not be hesitant to use military force to keep their citizens in line. Seems like a breeding ground for a totalitarian state.

Edited by Beniboybling
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I also thought about all the despicable things the CIS did during the war, but the Republic as well have no clean hands
It's actually very difficult to call, I think in both the prequels and TCW Lucas is blurring the lines between 'right and wrong' and 'good and evil'. One thing I can say though is a Republic of any other era would always be my choice over the Separatists.
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The Confederacy of Independent Systems. Throughout the prequels the Republic has been dogged by corruption and power-grabbing. It was no wonder that Palpatine took the reins! Looking at it as a Spacer on a neutral space station, the CIS would be in the right. Whilst both sides are essentially the same, the facade of the Separatists (a representation of what the Republic could and should be) is too good to pass up.


I still remember that one scene from the CIS Parliament on Raxus where the gathering considered opening peace negotiations. In something like a minute the decision was reached. Compared to the Republic's endless bickering and backroom politics, this would look truly wonderful to the untrained eye. Hell, the CIS actually become the rebels from the original trilogy.

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The Confederacy of Independent Systems. Throughout the prequels the Republic has been dogged by corruption and power-grabbing. It was no wonder that Palpatine took the reins! Looking at it as a Spacer on a neutral space station, the CIS would be in the right. Whilst both sides are essentially the same, the facade of the Separatists (a representation of what the Republic could and should be) is too good to pass up.


I still remember that one scene from the CIS Parliament on Raxus where the gathering considered opening peace negotiations. In something like a minute the decision was reached. Compared to the Republic's endless bickering and backroom politics, this would look truly wonderful to the untrained eye. Hell, the CIS actually become the rebels from the original trilogy.

Ah yes I remember that episode, I'd have to agree with you there. But I still wouldn't be comfortable knowing that the executive branch is made up of self serving, greedy scum...


Then again from a moral standpoint the CIS might be the better option, they use droid armies while the Republic manufacture humans born to fight and die - that, at least in our society would raise a lot of moral questions.


However if you side with the CIS, that means your against the Jedi - the guardians of peace and justice in the old Republic!

Edited by Beniboybling
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However if you side with the CIS, that means your against the Jedi - the guardians of peace and justice in the old Republic!


As I perceive it the general notion in the Star Wars universe is that the Jedi is no longer guardians of peace, but rather guardians of a corrupt system, it's the same opinion that made it plausible for Palpatine to accuse the Jedi of trying to take over, it's not true of course, but it's not hard to imagine why people start to mistrust the jedi when defending a system as corrupt as the Galactic Republic

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I'd be a Sith lord if at all possible. But I don't want to side with the republic or CiS. I'd prefer to work with the deathwatch or become a freelance assassin hunting valuable targets for credits. Once I eliminate the leaders on both sides I can take control.
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